A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: September-December 2019

Here come my tears
Like a dancer on a stage
I got nothing to fear
Just a hurricane of feeling
Baby, come here
Show me how to shake
I wanna move like the air
A pirouette of pain
— Mother Mother "I Must Cry Out Loud"

Quick Stats

Total steps: Sep: 242,452 / Oct: 292,547 / Nov: 313,324 / Dec: 382,398

Average daily steps: Sep: 8,082 / Oct: 9,438 / Nov: 10,444 / Dec: 12,335

Highest daily steps: Sep: 22,014 / Oct: 14,353 / Nov: 15,185 / Dec: 16,481

Lowest daily steps: Sep: 3,956 / Oct: 2,536 / Nov: 3,421 / Dec: 8,582

Total miles walked/ran/hiked: Sep: 21.95 / Oct: 62.66 / Nov: 54.76 / Dec: 85.7

Total miles hiked: Sep: 11.88 / Oct: 0 / Nov: 8.92 / Dec: 2.72

Sleep stats: Sep: 5:24 / Oct: 5:13 / Nov 5:03 / Dec: 5:38

Days of Activity: Sep: 9 / Oct: 23 / Nov: 26 / Dec: 31

Fall temps and colors hanging on in Texas!

The Good

  • Finished the year by starting a workout routine in the gym 5 days per week

  • Enjoyed a few good hikes with great intentions for 2020 (as always)

  • Spent a little more time on trails in November and December, which was a welcomed change

  • The weather is cooler and the holiday lights are uplifting - especially on evening dog walks

  • I increased my activity and steps as the year ended - helping me reach goals and set the stage for 2020

  • Really started to reign in the poor eating and drinking habits in November with a big shift to saving money, eating in, and eating food better for my body

  • Experimenting with food to see what is helping me gain the muscle I’m training for while losing the excess fat

  • My aunt and I had a nice little hike in the Lincoln National Forest over in BEAUTIFUL New Mexico. The trees smelled so good and it was a nice little change of pace.

  • Had the most amazing hike in North Cascades National Park - challenged my fitness, cleared my head, and brought me right back to the moment. I honestly haven’t felt as good as I did on that hike in a while. (September)

The Not-So-Good

  • I haven’t been as committed to vegetarian meals

  • Despite an increased effort, I haven’t been able to sleep more

  • Did not hike NEARLY as much as I’d have liked (this quarter and the previous two months)

  • I did not lose 35 lbs by 35 years old - but it’s not for a lack of trying

  • I did not kayak really at all the final quarter of the year - SO SAD.

  • Barely rode my bike. I wonder if part of it is how I think I look on my bike and the other part of it is having to fold my seats down to take it anywhere but the nearby neighborhood because crossing all of these main roads scares the shit out of me? **update: bike was stolen from porch so in the process of a new one

  • After one leg day in November, my knee was fucked. It had swollen to a very large size and remained in pain for a few days. It has been better, but I’m still afraid to do lunges. I did still do other leg day activities and squats seemed to be OK, even with added weight

  • The Holidays really jolted my habits and I’m ready to get back to normal.

Walks with my love and the best dog

Walks with my love and the best dog

Mental Health

  • Work was absolutely draining and the main contributor to my depressive episodes over the past four months

  • Did not read my daily motivation or write daily, which needs to happen in 2020

  • Did not get to disconnect as often as I’d like, but have scaled back my social media

  • Weightlifting has been helping my overall mental health be more positive

  • I’ve been writing poems or little blurbs that make no sense but make me feel better

  • Focusing on things I can control and can change has made a huge difference in my overall outlook on life

  • Realizing that I’m making progress in other areas of my life makes me less hard on myself for my older poor life choices

A glorious hike at North Cascades National Park - Cascade Pass trail

A glorious hike at North Cascades National Park - Cascade Pass trail

Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions

  • I am currently on track. I have found my way again - in a balanced sense. I know what I need to do, I’m doing it, and I’m working harder than before. I’m adding weight as I gain knowledge and skill, walking daily, and eating more intelligently.

  • I am tracking my food. I’ve signed up to use NOOM until August, 2020. I’m working on changing my habits and their monitoring and database is pretty good for weird things. They are kind of like Weight Watchers where they focus on types of calories.

  • My coworkers are working out and trying too. Having some support, is helpful and I’m so lucky to have some people to go to the gym with over lunch break

  • 2019 Was a huge success overall. I had many great months and plenty of excellent memories. I have been more active than 2018 and learned so many skills to take into 2020. I finished the year with a 325% increase in steps and activity, numerically speaking. I walked more, though I hiked less, and added weightlifting. I have goals, public and secret, that are pushing me on towards the finish line in 2020.

Goals for January 2020 & Beyond

Flashy shoes make everything better

Flashy shoes make everything better

More weight, please!

More weight, please!

  • Read/Listen to at least 1 book per month
    I have failed at larger numbers, so we’ll start with a bare minimum of 1 book per month with hopes it’ll be more. I have a huge stack to get through in 2020

  • Working on drinking less booze, and more water. Currently, drinking less alcohol is really easy as it aligns with my plans to get stronger and leaner. Water, well, that can be a challenge when swamped at work or on the road.

  • Take 2 days off from social media My plan is to take a weekend off in January and every month thereafter

  • More jogging I’m beginning my training for a 10K in September. I have 9 months and January seems like an appropriate starting point. I will also include more leg work and actual trail runs. More hiking will also help. The 10K I’m doing is up 2000ft in 3 miles. I’m exploring the option of delaying my workday until 9AM if it means I can try to get to a trail beforehand - we’ll see how that goes.

  • Working on increasing my daily average for activity I consistently increased activity and movement through December and don’t plan to backslide. In January, I hope to hit a 12K steps per day average and run at least 1 trail per week (or attempt to run) Hoping to walk the dog at least 3 miles per day through January, which is a real challenge because the 2 mile route is easier and faster when I have a shitload of things to do every evening.

  • More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind.
    I have high hopes for a few big trips - and trail runs will count as hikes in 2020. I will re-attempt the Adventure Series of the 52 Hike Challenge again in hopes of actually completing the list.

  • Continued daily mindful breaks and reading The Awakening Daily reading and journal logging is going to be a requirement for January and beyond. Points of reference would be helpful with my spreadsheets of data on health/fitness. There was a huge dip in August and September and if I had taken better notes along the way I may know exactly what caused it. Added bonus - notes help release thoughts which can lessen the darkness….

  • There’s no reason I can’t hit 100 miles for January. More walks, hikes, jogs, and bike rides.

  • I am aiming for 50%+ vegetarian. I’m going to use this as a target, but may have to adjust and add sustainable seafood. I just can’t eat that many beans and lentils. Most soy stuff, not even super protein rich, is irritating to my system.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Minnesota - One of My Happy Places


I typically get to Minnesota every year at least once. You know those friends who become family? Well, I’m fortunate to have those in Duluth, MN. My best bud, who went on all of the road trips with me, has family and a cabin up there which allows for awesome escapes.

Enjoy a little recap of 2019 in Minnesota.

Early February

This trip required a flight into the tundra known as Minneapolis The flight was delayed and so was our arrival to the Land of 10,000 lakes. We rented a Chevy Silverado, because we needed 4-wheel drive anyway, and headed up to Duluth. We didn’t get in until late, didn’t get up to Duluth til very late, and probably had more of a nap than a sleep. After coffee and packing up, we headed up to McFarland. We always stop at the Gun Flint Tavern in Grand Marais, MN. If you don’t stop there, does a trip to the cabin even count? They have great brews on tap and excellent food and are busy all year, so plan ahead if you stop by. From the tavern, it’s a short walk to the municipal liquor store and co-op if you need supplies.

Once to the lake, winter trips to the cabin require snowshoeing across then up the hill to the cabin. This year was eventful, to say the least. To start, there was a lot of snow and it was very cold - all good things for going across a frozen lake in the winter. Apparently, though, there was some slush under the upper crust of snowy ice creating a slushy lake on top of the actual ice, which was very thick. My snowshoe went through the upper crust, into the slushy lake on a lake, and slipped off my boat and floated away. I was worried I was going through the actual ice and entering a true emergency situation, but when my knee slammed down on the ice, I knew figured I was pretty safe. I worked to get out of the situation, but it was not easy as I broke through in every direction. Eventually, with a little help from Kevin, I got to the surface and freed myself from my lonely snowshoe. The snow on top of the lake wasn’t too bad, so a pair of snowshoes was only an added convenience. Bitter cold, wet, and frustrated, I made my way to the forested lakeside and up to the cabin.


A fire was built, frozen clothes stripped away, and dry clothes put on. Consumption of beer was immediate but warming of the cabin took what felt like centuries. Eventually dinner was had, more drinks were had, and laughter ensued about the incident earlier in the day. We made it before darkness, which was pretty early, and that’s all that mattered.

After a couple of days secluded from the world, we had to head back to reality. The trek back across the lake was only mildly annoying and there were no more issues. Back in Duluth, we had an evening to rest before driving back to Minneapolis to catch a plane. Of course we needed a good dinner and some beer, so we ran to Wisconsin to get the lowest legal beer prices around. It’s the little things - snow, seclusion, friends who became family, and low legal beer prices.


Late August


There is nothing quite like a whole week off the grid. My job became overly stressful and I was looking forward to five days without notifications, emails, or contact of any kind. Kevin and I decided we were going to drive up to Duluth, then the cabin, for this visit. We wanted to bring Chewy to the cabin to experience true freedom, so driving was the only way!


It started off in a typical fashion of hanging out with the family and stocking up in Wisconsin with the lowest legal beer prices. We made our way up the North Shore with our usual stop in Grand Marais at the Gun Flint Tavern, Municipal Liquor, and grocery store. It was a sunny day with blue skies, mild temps, and plenty of fresh air. The road to the lake was dusty, as usual, and we had to stop at the usual overlook for a quick break. We arrived at the boat launch, unloaded the boat, loaded the boat with supplies, and began our journey across the lake. As we approached the dock at the cabin property, we noticed it looked a little funny. Upon closer inspection, it appears part of the dock was washed away making transferring supplies a little more difficult than usual. I misjudged the balance of the dock without decking and tipped the whole damn thing and landed in the water. Brisk is one word to describe the water when one is used to Texas temperatures.

We made a classic mistake by drinking too much beer the first night. It was a pretty quiet couple of days in the beginning as we nursed hangovers in our 30s and laid low for a while. I explored the woods around the cabin a little and eventually we made it over to the Border Route Trail to do some hiking. The weather was mostly good, cool, sunny. A major project we had to do while up was to reinstall the composting toilet and it was accomplished in a day. Nights were spent by the fire, making food and having beers while Chewy the dog begged/listened to the woods. At one point, we swear we heard a moose trudging through trees in the distance, but it can’t be confirmed with a visual.

Eventually, we had leave the cabin and all of the beauty of living off the grid. We packed out the trash and closed everything up and made our way across the lake. We spent one last evening in Duluth, with a little outing to Canal Park Brewing Company. It was a cool, windy evening on Lake Superior, but the beers and food were great. Since we drove this time, we could take it a little easier as we headed south so we made a stop for lunch at Bent Paddle Brewing Co in one of my favorite parts of Duluth. There was a pizza food truck and plenty of beers to choose from, so it was what some would call an extended lunch. We met a fun bartender, who actually lived in Michigan before, which just added to my instant love for the brewery and brewpub atmosphere. It’s always hard leaving Duluth for me because it’s somewhere I feel home and could see myself living out the rest of my life. It was Saturday afternoon and we made it back by Sunday morning which gave me a quick turnaround for work on Monday.

What a trip this was, living off the grid and reconnecting with Minnesota. So many great sunrises, sunsets, and moments in between. I look forward to 2020 visits to Minnesota, sprinkled between other adventures along the way.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Finding A Way

If I could find a way

To fix all of the mistakes I’ve made

To redirect my life

To feel alive again

To pay off the debts I owe

To learn the things I want to know

To love me even more

I would.

If I could find a way, I’d be less of a zombie

If I could find the strength, I’d be more alive

If I could find a way, I’d be more me.

But I haven’t found a way

And I can’t figure it out

And I feel helpless, hopeless, and completely lost

And I’m not ready for life to suck so it can be better

I’m not ready to be stuck at home

Or without freedom

Because work already does that for 9 hours a day or more

And I need to escape

And I want to show him the world

And I want to see the world too.

I wish I could find the strength

I wish I could find my motivation

I wish I wasn’t so bad at life

I wish I wasn’t so self-destructive

I wish I wish I wish.

If I liked my job

I’d be okay not needing escape

And If I liked my work

I’d like my job

If I had accepted that job for less money

Would I be happier?

Would I be on a career path I’m proud of?

What if?

No one ever really knows.

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A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: August 2019 Check-In

Another falling wave
Upon this crumbling beach
How many more
Until we meet?
— Geographer "Summer of My Discontentment"

Quick Stats

Total steps: 351,954

Average daily steps: 11,353

Highest daily steps: 36,077

Lowest daily steps: 4,201

Total miles walked/ran/hiked: 63.61

Total miles hiked: 21.09

Sleep stats: 1 day over 7hrs, 12 days in between 6-7hrs, and 18 days under 6hrs

Average daily sleep: 5 hours 19 minutes

Little Backyard Adventure trail race”
Olympia, WA

The Good

  • Plenty of good behaviors developed over the month

  • More activity than July

  • Spent more time on the trails

  • It’s almost fall?

  • Ran a trail race and didn’t come in dead fucking last. Lots of work ahead on that front.

  • Hiked some good hikes in excellent places and with good friends

The Not-So-Good

  • Only 30% of my meals were vegetarian

  • Sleep did not improve but 1 minute

  • Need to fully evaluate my relationship with alcohol and health

  • Ate a bunch of shitty foods on repeat

  • Had some vacations with shitty days related to food and fitness goals

  • Gave up after those trips and on those trips, thus making it hard to start September

  • I am not on course to lose 35 by 35

  • I did not kayak, was too busy

  • Barely rode my bike, too busy

Off the grid in Northern Minnesota

Off the grid in Northern Minnesota

Mental Health

  • Work was mentally draining the entire month of August

  • Stopped reading my Daily Awakening and it shows

  • Disconnected for 5 days and it was GLORIOUS - wrote a lot on that trip too

  • I am a sad boy at the end of August, hoping that exercising more will help again

A glorious hike at Mount Saint Helens Volcanic National Monument

A glorious hike at Mount Saint Helens Volcanic National Monument

Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions

  • I am currently NOT on track. I gave up and need to find my strength and motivation again.

  • I am tracking my food. I am working on doing this with more care.

  • My coworkers are working out and trying too. Having some support, is helpful.

Goals for September

More big trees, please!

More big trees, please!

  • Read/Listen to at least 3 books
    (I read one in August)

  • Working on drinking less booze, and more water. I need to adhere to this.

  • Take 4-7 days off from social media (I will do another weekend off the grid)

  • More jogging (I will continue to strive to do a 5k run, still working on a single mile)

  • Working on increasing my daily average for activity It feels good, both mentally and physically.

  • More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind.
    I’m headed to New Mexico and Washington with lots of potential

  • Continued daily mindful breaks and reading The Awakening (at least 2 reflective hikes)

  • There’s no reason I can’t hit 100 miles for September. (Daily walks and jogs + hikes = c’mon man - still trying for that hundo)

  • I am continuing 50%+ vegetarian. For the planet, for my body, I’m reducing overall meat intake. I’m not going vegan or cutting all meats out, just less overall. It’s been quite easy so far, and cheaper. (I’m trying, really)

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Keep Living.

Keep Living

I’m not a competitive person.

But, I’m in competition with myself.

You reaching your goals motivates me.

But, you reaching your goals is your achievement.

You reaching your goals doesn’t make me want to reach your goals.

I love myself.

I love my body.

I love what I can do.

I love what I’m capable of.

I love being lazy.

I love being active.

Some days, I just can’t.

Some days, I just can’t try.

Some days, I just don’t want to.

Some days, I do.

Some days, I’m motivated.

Some days I fucking crush it.

I want to run.

I want to hike.

I want to ride.

I want it to be fall.

I want to be fit.

I want, I want, I want.

I need to try.

I need to be fit.

I need to try to be fit.

I need to try to be more fit.

I need to be good to myself.

I need to stop being self-destructive.

I need to keep living.

I need to live.

I need to live well.

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A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: July 2019 Check-In

I like myself most of the time
This ain’t a crime, this ain’t a crime
I like myself most of the time
Is that a crime? Is that a crime?
— K. Flay "I Like Myself (Most Of The Time)"

Quick Stats

Total steps: 335.996

Average daily steps: 10,838

Highest daily steps: 21,013

Lowest daily steps: 3,958

Total miles walked/ran/hiked: 81.15

Total miles hiked: 9.33 (back on the wagon, thankfully)

Sleep stats: 4 days over 7 hours, 4 days between 6-7, and 23 days under 6 hours

Average daily sleep: 5 hours 18 minutes

Outside Experience with one of the best!

The Good

  • Joined the gym, through my insurance for next to nothing and NO contract

  • Total activity is greater than June, daily activity average is higher as well

  • Back into the hiking mode! I missed it and it was an instant high.

  • I’ve increased my workouts and added lunch time routines as well - more physical activity feels SO GOOD.

  • I did not kayak, but I did bike! Oh yeah, I bought a bike! It’s nothing expensive or special but it serves the purpose of biking around on paved paths or gravel stuff. I’m not ready for the real trails….yet.

  • I am working out twice a day at least 5 days per week

  • I’m down 12 lbs since January, it’s been up and down. July was a good month, 6 lbs down overall.

  • Made more food at home

  • I pushed through my bad weekends

  • My meals were 61% vegetarian in nature. It’s so easy, and delicious.

The Not-So-Good

  • I didn’t find time to kayak, which is more sad than bad

  • I did not really increase my sleep. I plan to make a real effort in August

  • Had some bender weekends for food/drinking - speed bumps

  • Dined out too much, but mostly on trips

  • I still have days when I give up or eat too much, but tracking it makes me aware

An excerpt from The Awakening

An excerpt from The Awakening

Mental Health

  • Work was mentally draining the entire month of July

  • Have not been writing as much as I would like, but I have plans for August

  • My phone is a constant source of anxiety and so use of my phone is continuously being reduced

  • I am in a good place, overall, but there’s always work to be done.

A night of swimming at Lake Granbury w/ friends and family. Good for physical and mental wellness.

A night of swimming at Lake Granbury w/ friends and family. Good for physical and mental wellness.

Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions

  • I am on track. Slow and steady wins the race. Realizing excess happens is a big step and exercising no matter what is important.

  • I am tracking my food. It helps, but it isn’t perfect.

  • My coworkers are working out and trying too. Having some support, even if it isn’t for the same goals. It’s nice to have friends on the Apple Watch or to go to the gym with at lunch time.

  • Epiphany of the month: If I’m trying, working on it, and making strides to be better in all aspects of life then I’m fine. Even if I’m not doing my best some days, I’m still moving forward and still trying overall. I feel better, mentally and physically, and that’s what I’m after.

Goals for August

More hiking, please!

More hiking, please!

  • Read/Listen to at least 3 books
    (A constant goal is 8, I’m always coming up short… so I’m making it more realistic)

  • Working on drinking less booze, and more water. I have a lot of cabin time and weekends away, so it will be a real challenge.

  • Take 4-7 days off from social media (I’m heading to the cabin for 5 nights, which is off the grid—-can’t wait!)

  • More jogging (I will continue to strive to do a 5k run, still working on a single mile)

  • Working on increasing my daily average for activity It feels good, both mentally and physically.

  • More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind.
    (This is loaded because I’m headed to the Pacific Northwest and Minnesota)

  • Continued daily mindful breaks and reading The Awakening (at least 2 reflective hikes)

  • There’s no reason I can’t hit 100 miles for August. (Daily walks and jogs + hikes = c’mon man)

  • I am continuing 50%+ vegetarian. For the planet, for my body, I’m reducing overall meat intake. I’m not going vegan or cutting all meats out, just less overall. It’s been quite easy so far, and cheaper.

And more meetups with friends, please.

And more meetups with friends, please.

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

A little Minnesota for this #ForestFriday

I’ve got Minnesota on my brain. I have a lot of things on my brain, but Minnesota is sticking out. I’m returning to the land in the Great North mi- August to go to the cabin off the grid and check out of society for a while. My friend’s cabin is one of my favorite places to be because it makes me slow down and take in every minute of daylight. There’s always some work to do, always a trip to the Boundary Waters, and usually a lot of beer and cards by lantern into the night. Northern Minnesota is truly dark at night, silent in terms of the modern world for the most part, and completely refreshing.

Here are some photos from over the past 15 years of visits to the cabin for your viewing pleasure.

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A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: June 2019 Check-In

There’s something in the air
I sense it
Like the wind, change direction
I can hear the storm is rumbling
Sounds like a freight train coming
— The National Parks "I Can Feel It"

Quick Stats

Total steps: 309,712

Average daily steps: 10,324

Highest daily steps: 15,096 (June 22)

Lowest daily steps: 5,347 (June 15)

Total miles walked/ran/hiked: 72.35

Total miles hiked: 0 (holy shit, not cool)

Sleep stats: 1 day at 7+ hours, 7 at 6-7 hours, and the rest below 6

Average daily sleep: 5 hours 19 minutes

Visiting fantastic places was a highlight of June.
Tahquamenon Falls

The Good

  • Had a great spurt of activity when in Michigan with gorgeous daily walks and kayak paddles

  • Total activity was 16.2% greater than June 2018

  • I closed my Apple Watch rings 21/30 days

  • I kayaked often for two weeks

  • I increased total activity

  • I’ve been increasing my speed to increase heart rate

  • I have new Texas State Park & NPS quests to help keep me motivated

  • I signed up for a year of membership at the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge for kayaks and hikes - access was $5/entry and it would add up and it’s just the nicest place to kayak within the metro.

The Not-So-Good

  • I was straight up lazy when it came to hiking - as I’m trying to keep it fresh and non-repetitive and that’s requiring a bit more work with distance from home

  • I did not sleep well in June - road trips did not help

  • Absolute flop for hiking

  • As a household, we dined out too often

  • I stopped trying for any real results at the first sign of failure

One of the many sunsets over Grand Lake in Presque Isle, Michigan

One of the many sunsets over Grand Lake in Presque Isle, Michigan

Mental Health

  • Work was mentally draining the last three weeks of June

  • Had a lot of time in the car and a lot of time with my thoughts - finding a lot of clarity

  • I’ve stepped back from phone use quite a bit and I’ve noticed a difference

  • I don’t believe there was a single day I didn’t want to get out of bed.

Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions

  • I needed an end goal. Big goals are great, but this month proved they don’t matter. I’m working on smaller, more attainable goals with steps towards the big goal. Common sense, right?

  • I signed up for support. I overeat. I can’t hold myself accountable. I literally lied or omitted things on MyFitnessPal because I was embarrassed. No more.

  • July is going to be my month. I hope.

Goals for July

More kayaking, please!

More kayaking, please!

  • Read/Listen to at least 3 books
    (A constant goal is 8, I’m always coming up short… so I’m making it more realistic)

  • Working on drinking less booze, and more water. Balancing out the booze is key - it got a little much throughout June. Everything in moderation.

  • Take a weekend off of social media (I’ve been taking an hour a day of no phone, which is cool, but I will take a whole weekend - hopefully in the mountains)

  • Add more jogging and more trails (I will continue to strive to do a 5k run, still working on a single mile)

  • Working on increasing my daily average for activity It feels good, both mentally and physically.

  • More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind.
    (My state park quest should help)

  • Continued daily mindful breaks and reading The Awakening (also, maybe yoga or some reflective hikes)

  • There’s no reason I can’t hit 100 miles for July. (Daily walks and jogs + hikes = c’mon man)

  • I signed up for support related to diet and exercise to help keep me on track. I’m now on a plan to shift my life to healthier eating and increased ACTUAL activity. It is not an expensive ordeal, but more than I’d like to spend so that’s motivation alone.

  • I am going 50%+ vegetarian. For the planet, for my body, I’m reducing overall meat intake. I’m not going vegan or cutting all meats out, just less overall. It’s been quite easy so far, and cheaper.

And more treats with friends please.

And more treats with friends please.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

My Hiatus from Texas

On June 14 I started my drive to Michigan after work and a nap. I had the opportunity to work remotely, from my family’s house, way up north. The whole experience was set up so I could visit my grandmother and other family as much as possible for two weeks during a pleasant time of year in Michigan.

As the two week window came to a close, I learned that working remotely is quite possibly the best thing ever. I managed to stay busy and spend so much time with my family all in the same day, what a dream. I was able to exercise before and after work daily, kayak often, have lunch with best friends, and take long walks on the weekends. It is safe to say that I am not enjoying my home atmosphere nearly as much as the Michigan one. I am back to the grind - commuting, avoiding the outdoors due to heat and concrete, and wishing I was somewhere cooler.

Currently, it is a “real feel” temperature near 100 and too hot to ethically walk my dog on the expansive concrete around us. I’m looking through the photos from my time up north and thought I’d share some highlights to keep the spirit alive. I’ll be back for a visit, Michigan, sometime this year again.

Some sunrises…

And, some sunsets…

But, also, these…

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A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: May 2019 Check-In

I wanted everything I never had
Like the love that comes with light
I wore envy and I hated that
But I survived
I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go
Where the wind don’t change
And nothing in the ground can ever grow
No hope, just lies
And you’re taught to cry into your pillow
But I survived
— SIA "Alive"

Quick Stats

Total steps: 343,004

Average daily steps: 11,065

Highest daily steps: 27,649 (May 11)

Lowest daily steps: 4,366 (May 18)

Total miles walked/ran/hiked: 70.14

Total miles hiked: ~13.5

Sleep stats: 2 days of 7+ hours, 3 days of 6-7 hours, 26 days under 6 hours

Average daily sleep: 5 hours 18 minutes

Hiking in the Tonto National Forest - Superstition Wilderness area w/ Scott Jones.

The Good

  • Stayed active all but four days

  • Total activity was higher than May 2018

  • I closed my Apple Watch rings 27/31 days

  • I kayaked for the first time and fell instantly in love with the activity

  • I hiked in a different state (Arizona)

  • I’ve been adding in more running to my daily exercises

  • I bought a kayak so I’ll be doing more of that on weekend mornings before it gets gross outside

  • I signed up for the Little Backyard Adventure trail run in Olympia, WA on August 10. I can’t wait to see how it goes - my only goal is to avoid being dead fucking last.

The Not-So-Good

  • I got a bad sinus infection that took me down for 3-4 days. I tried, but it just sucked. Eventually, I pushed through the snot and got back out there.

  • I did not sleep for shit in May

  • While I may have a few extra miles on April, it was still a flop for hiking

  • It’s getting hot and the dog is even slower, so I will just have to increase everything by adding a second exercise to the day

  • I ate fast food WAY too often

  • I bored eat WAY too much

Full moon pontoon cruise!

Full moon pontoon cruise!

Mental Health

  • I probably had 91% good days in May

  • Overcame big obstacles in the “I can’t do that” mindset - and I fucking did the thing.

  • I’ve stepped back from phone use quite a bit and I’ve noticed a difference

  • I don’t believe there was a single day I didn’t want to get out of bed - probably because I didn’t sleep much anyway.

  • I’ve stopped the daily tracking of everything except my fitness and it’s helped greatly. My desire for statistics and order had been causing me anxiety. I have developed a better way for me to handle daily and weekly goals.

Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions

  • When I stay busy, I don’t bored eat. Duh, right? Well, I guess I don’t stay busy enough so I plan to start attending local environmental meetings, exercising more, and kayaking as often as possible.

  • The majority of why I’m lazy AF is that I don’t want to drive through this metro area to do things. Once on the road, I’m fine, but it’s the getting through that internal battle that takes the most energy.

  • Summer is just the worst in Texas. Here’s to hoping my new State Park and NPS Quests keep pushing me to see new things and beat the heat.

  • I’m going to exercise more in June. No doubt about it.

  • I want to continue to get better, stronger, more experienced. It has always been my goal, and I know I’m better than I was a year ago or even more than that. I may not have lost the fat, but my legs are stronger than before and my endurance and will to keep trying are higher too.

Goals for June

Photo Credit: Adam Nutting

Photo Credit: Adam Nutting

  • Read/Listen to at least 2 books
    (A constant goal is 8, I’m always coming up short… so I’m making it more realistic. I think I had 1.5 in May?)

  • Working on eating better food, drinking less booze, and more water. (I really just need to eat less, and stop the eating out)

  • Take a weekend off of social media (I’ve been taking an hour a day of no phone, which is cool)

  • Add more jogging and more trails (like, actually hitting a trail on my way home from work or something)

  • Working on a 5+ mile daily average for activity (May was under 3, which is less than April which is annoying)

  • More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind.
    (My state park quest and two weeks in Michigan should help)

  • Continued daily mindful breaks and reading The Awakening (also, maybe yoga?)

  • Read and write daily. (Focus on working shit out)

  • Dog walks daily, and a second walk just for me that includes jogging. (No more blaming the dog and his slow ass pace for my lack of running)

  • There’s no reason I can’t hit 100+ miles for June. (Daily walks and jogs + hikes = c’mon man)

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Trail Run?

I’m not a runner, not really.

I haven’t ever run more than a mile at once, and I haven’t done that since high school. I have done the Couch 2 5K for about 4 weeks, before petering out. I’m not a runner, but I’m trying it on for size now.


So… I signed up for the LBA - Little Backyard Adventure trail race sponsored and hosted by The Outdoor Society in Olympia, Washington. It is Saturday, August 10 and I’m going to train until then in hopes of coming in better than last place. It’s a simple motivation today - try harder, work for it, and don’t come in last place in August. I’ve already started incorporating little spurts of jogging into my daily dog walks and I don’t hate it.


  • My dog maxes out at about 16 minute miles - if we REALLY hustle. He’s more comfortable around 17-20 minute miles. He’s kind of holding me back, but I love him so I’ll have to train separately or just drag him.

  • I am to the where walking fast is more annoying than just running slowly. Yeah, I run slowly, but I am still in the motion and it’s still running.

  • My self-centered notion that people are judging my running ability is just silly. EVEN if they are, who the fuck cares? Not me, from this moment forward anyway.

  • Running on a treadmill is absolute horse shit. I hate it. I was like, why do I hate running? It’s because I did Couch 2 5K on a treadmill and that was the dumbest thing. I mean, not THE dumbest thing, but dumb enough for me. Running outside, though probably slower, is just so much better feeling in my body. I will save the treadmill as a last resort, when it is storming or I am unable to go before triple digit temps for the day.

  • I sweat a lot. I sweat walking through an air conditioned building, but running really soaks me. I’m also coming to terms with the fact that this doesn’t matter either. Re-hydrate and move on, Mike.

As someone WHO never did ANY sport or any fun running, this is kind of cool. I know, so many of you ran in high school or run for health. I just never did, and it is kind of exciting for me. I have a goal, a real motivator, and I’m ready to commit.

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Arizona

In honor of being in Arizona this weekend…

I haven’t been to many places within Arizona, but I do recall the trees lining the Grand Canyon and think of them as a highlight for my trips there. Here are a few photos from those trips, either in Grand Canyon National Park or Kaibab National Forest. I’m not sure, nor does it matter because the trees are all beautiful. Happy Forest Friday — go find a tree!

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WayBackWednesday - Backpacking

I keep saying that Friday I’m embarking on my first backpacking trip… that’s not ENTIRELY true. Back in 2010, my best bud Kevin and I did a “backpacking” trip (click here to see that post) at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. It wasn’t too far in, about a mile, and we took only regular sized gear as well as beer. It was a nice change of pace from state park camping, and afforded us a quick hike to the beach. All in all, I’d say it was a great intro to overnighting with a backpack. Each time we go to Kevin’s family cabin in Northern Minnesota, we also sort of “backpack” in. We are miles from phone service or actual utilities and we have to take everything by canoe/boat or sled, then on our backs, to the cabin. I was letting the anxiety related to the idea of backpacking get to me, mostly underestimating my own ability to persevere through situations. I am no quitter, I do push through, and once started, I don’t give up. I can’t wait to get to it and hike a few miles (4-5) to a campsite and explore the wilderness in Arizona this weekend.

Enjoy a few photos of previous “backpacking” trips, and know I’m going to call this upcoming weekend my first time because it will be with new people and more than a mile from the car or boat dock.

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A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike, Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: April 2019 Check-In

Northern lights in our skies
Plants that grow and open your mind
Things that swim with a neon glow
How we all got here, nobody knows
These are real things
These are real things
Oh, what a world, don’t wanna leave
All kinds of magic all around us, it’s hard to believe
— Kacey Musgraves "Oh, What A World"

Quick Stats

Total steps: 363,053

Average daily steps: 12,102

Highest daily steps: 22,851 (April 19)

Lowest daily steps: 7,302 (April 20)

Total miles walked/ran/hiked: 91.22

Total miles hiked: 10.75

Sleep stats: 6 days over 7hrs, 5 days between 6-7hrs, the rest closer to 4hrs

Average daily sleep: 5 hours 9 minutes

Trash Cleanup w/ my friend Jen from Illinois Park Project/Jennythetrailhead.com

The Good

  • Increased total mileage for walks/hikes/jogs from March

  • Daily step average is much higher

  • I exercised EVERY day this month

  • I closed the Apple Watch rings EVERY day this month

  • Hiking mileage is low, but overall mileage is up so I’m okay with this.

  • I managed to exceed April 2018 totals too

The Not-So-Good

  • I didn’t track food for most of the month

  • I likely gained weight

  • I did not sleep well or choose to sleep well at all

  • I haven’t hiked as much as I wanted to

  • I did not commit to jogging or running as much as I wanted to in April

  • Eating out is out of control - budget and body are not happy with my choices

In my happy place on a trail, by a waterfall, in the sunshine.

In my happy place on a trail, by a waterfall, in the sunshine.

Mental Health

  • Improved mental health overall - more happy days than not

  • Still quite insecure about everything

  • I want to take more time to relieve stress

  • I want to sleep more, which will help everything

  • The hikes I did this month, though not many, really helped me love life even more and restored my faith that there are wonderful people and places out there

  • I did not write as much as I could have, but it wasn’t because I avoided it or didn’t need it - I just got caught up in living life.

Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions

  • Pizza just needs to be off limits because I have ZERO self control (this hasn’t changed since February)

  • When I’m feeling drained, I still went for a walk at the very least and it really helped.

  • I need to give up the convenience of eating out and make it convenient to eat at home.

  • I’m going to exercise even more in May.

  • I plan to eat frugally and more healthy in May.

  • Daily mindfulness is great for really centering my stress. The time I set aside for my book really helps me realize it could be worse and it could be better but it doesn’t matter. I need to be here, let shit go, focus on current shit, and be present in life.

April Wins & Goals for May

Winter time at the cabin, off the grid, with my ass in the snow. Good views, good vibes, good beer, good times ahead. #annualtrip
  • Read/Listen to at least 8 books
    (Got 2 listened to, so still going to aim for this again in May)

  • Working on eating better food, drinking less booze, and more water.

  • Take a weekend off of social media
    (didn’t quite get this done, so I’ll aim for this in May)

  • Going to start running more often

  • I increased my days over 10,000 steps from 61% to 83% of the month and thus want to reach that 100% mark in May.

  • More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind out in west Texas
    (Still working on this, need to hike more in May)

  • I want to incorporate longer daily walks and lunch walks.

  • I need to take a mindful break daily with my “Daily Awakening”

  • Read and write daily - more than April

  • Daily walks at least 7 days a week - even if it’s just a mile

  • Hit 100+ miles for hiking, walking, and jogging

  • Jog outside at least twice (obviously the more the better, but the treadmill is fine too)

  • Sign up for the LBA and train for it

  • Eat at home over 50% of the time

  • Start before work walks, jogs, or workouts.

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Northern Sunshine

I recently flew up to Michigan to visit my family over a VERY quick weekend… we’re talking, I got in Saturday at 1AM and left Monday at 5AM. Crazy quick, but I did get some quality walks in that included being between some trees. The wind through the trees was a welcomed replacement for the CONSTANT traffic noise I live near here in Texas. Enjoy these beautiful, northern trees. Happy Forest Friday!

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - New pants!

April didn’t quite go as planned as far as leveling off my eating habits, but I did exercise more than March. Hiking was not the main form, but an important part nonetheless. The real winner, which will make hiking even better, is that I found some new pants that fit well and move with me. This is a link to the pants I bought, the Columbia Pilot Peak Pants at rei.com. (this is not a sponsored link or anything of that nature) I just wanted to go on and on about these pants.

  • I snagged them on clearance, which means I didn’t pay too much

  • They flex and bend with my body as I climb hills, bend over to pick up trash, or need to maneuver around trees/rocks/etc.

  • They are durable!

  • They are SO comfortable - almost like wearing a lounge pant.

I go on about these because it’s SO difficult to find pants that fit me well. I have plenty of pants and shorts that fit okay, but eventually they just feel annoying. I’m talking, halfway through the first mile of hiking, most pants/shorts feel terrible. These pants from Columbia are a game changer. I’m not the biggest dude, but I’m not athletic build either. I wear a 42-44 waist in most brands, and the length various based on how it fits around my behind. 32 inseam usually works, but sometimes I need a 34. XXL shorts work well, but even some of REI’s shorts and convertible pants fit awkwardly in that size and get uncomfortable as my mileage increases. It’s good to know that Columbia is making pants and shorts that cater to the various body types out there - not just the athletic, outdoorsy dude. I know, most companies go where their business currently is, but I’m thankful for Columbia branching out and encompassing all bodies.

I’m motivated to keep moving and now my body will move freely. I hope to get my hands on some of Columbia’s shorts in the future to test out for the summer months ahead.

Find your comfortable clothes, find your happy place, and get out there!

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Illinois Park Project

This past weekend I had the opportunity to join my friend Jen on a hike/cleanup with her passion project called the Illinois Park Project. She created this organization to help the parks of Illinois with their trash, trails, and whatever else they need. You can read all about their mission, ideas, plans, etc on the Illinois Park Project website. If you want to get in touch much faster with them, hit up their social media pages on Facebook and Instagram. If you’re in the Midwest and want to help make a difference, they’ll be doing more cleanups throughout Illinois.


I’m promoting and sharing and going on and on about this weekend, this group, the affiliate groups, etc because it was such a motivating and inspirational 48 hours for me. I arrived to low 40 degree weather with the chance of rain and very high winds. I arrived to a parking lot with damn near 10 people ready to make a difference. People came from all over Illinois and I came from Texas because we all believed in the same cause and I am a sucker for a road trip.

It’s easy to say you agree with someone’s idea, or join a virtual group, but when you cement it in person with hugs and actions, it elevates to a whole new level of something else. I’ve only had a handful of experiences that are so deep and motivational, but this one was easily the best.


I’m using this high point to motivate myself. I’ve already reached out to my friends about starting a cleanup here and I’m brainstorming. Now that I’ve seen one in action, know what to expect, and know what I want to get out of it, I’m ready. Let’s clean up Texas, y’all. You want in on cleaning up trails, parks, roadways, etc with me? Get in touch.

Side note, I’m going to add some links here of various websites from participants at the cleanup. Check them out if you want, they’re all good people just loving life outside. And, to everyone who was there, I genuinely enjoyed meeting you, connecting, and of course scheming for our next hang out.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Happy Birthday Nikki!

Happy Birthday, friend!

It’s my friend Nikki’s birthday today, so we’re going to celebrate her with some good memories! Nikki came into my life in 2012 and I’ve been better for knowing her ever since. Speaking from my view of our friendship, I’d say we connect on a pretty deep level. Beyond the daily happenings and surface shit, we can really get into some real topics. We can talk about the weather, but that’s boring. I like that we dive deep, to the core of everything and explore topics freely without judgment and criticism. Nikki is one of my favorite hiking buddies, road trip buddies, and overall hang out buddies. She is a lot of things - wife, mom, friend, daughter, etc - but she’s human and sees the value in other humans and treating one another with respect and dignity. I wish her a very happy birthday and cheers to many, many more.

Some of my FAVORITE memories (of all time)

This was my first trip to Big Bend. Eric and I drove out earlier in the day and Nikki got off work and hauled ass out there. We camped, we hiked, we drove every main road in that damn park - in one day. It was quite a day!

That time her, Eric, and I went on a Road trip through Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, Vegas, and then Zion. Something I can’t wait to do again someday!

Nikki’s bachelorette party took us to Austin and was also a birthday celebration for her. What a fun time. We hiked, we partied, and we went home. HA!

One of my favorite hiking buddies - we ford rivers together! (physically and metaphorically)

Thanks for doing fun 5K walks, hikes, and everything else. Keep on keepin’ on! Happy birthday! <3 Me

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