Thankful Thursday - Dec 19th

I’m thankful for the next two weeks being SHORT WORK WEEKS! I’m always grateful for the people in my life, unless otherwise stated. HA! Tell me, what are you thankful for this week?

  • Poetry books - I started going through my books and found a few nature poetry books to read. I want to write more, as I used to, and maybe even share some of them with the world? Who knows. Anyway, I’m grateful for peaceful words and relaxing thoughts from these books and the idea of these beautiful places.

  • People on vacation - work is challenging without people being here to show me the way, but I think them being gone will force a little self-reliance and I’m thankful for that. I’m trying really hard to leave the stress of this job at work, and I think it’s going well. The drive to and from really helps with my headspace. The 8pm emails on my phone, that’s another story…

  • Coffee - Freshly ground coffee will always be superior to any pre-ground or Nespresso bullshit in my mind and I’m grateful for freshly ground and brewed coffee every morning. I bring it up because I’m back to my grind and brew lifestyle as I phase out Nespresso.

  • King size bed - I’m thankful for this every week, but specifically this week as I am so sore and achy coming back from the stomach bug and not sleeping enough. I am starfishing and hogging the covers and I have plenty of space to do so.

  • Google home - Having my holiday lights and outside lights automated is so freakin’ cool and nice.

  • Alone time - With being sick and continuously settling into the house, I’m thankful to be alone. I’m grateful for the quiet moments, being able to blast music over the Google home speakers, and for allowing my crazy organization to happen which usually means everything’s a hot mess for a few days/weeks. I’ve really learned to love being alone.


#ForestFriday - Mammoth Cave National Park


#MondayMotivation - Plan that trip