#MondayMotivation - Be specific.
I recently took a pointed approach to accomplishing a task and the task got done in record time. I have a hard time, sometimes, focusing on tasks and getting things done quickly or early. So, I took a pointed and specific approach to this task to try something new. I laid out what needed to be done, didn’t try to do any other work, and removed distractions by going in on a day off and I got that damn task done!
I need to approach all tasks - in work and life - like this more often. It’s hard to shut out the noise to get stuff done, but it really does make it so much easier. I tried taking this approach with my meal prep, and it mostly worked, but I did end up getting overwhelmed and distracted which extended the overall time it took to get everything done.
I’ve noticed when I’m pointed, or just more specific, with my motivation or intentions, things happen more smoothly for me. I think this ties in nicely with a more mindful life overall, and that’s been the ultimate goal for me.
What helps you accomplish tasks or projects? I’m always open to ideas.
#MondayMotivation - Adjust and go on.
Good morning, afternoon, or whatever it is when you read this. Thanks for reading it, and thanks for existing. Sometimes we have to just push through. Adjust, keep going, and keep pushing through. Not everything goes to plan, and some days you just don’t have the energy to deal with it so you’ll deal with it another day. I leave room for these feelings when I resolve to do something, and am getting better at adjusting when I just need to put my head down and push through. I used to have a hard time adjusting, and now, I just don’t have a choice most of the time. Life happens with or without you.
I don’t have much else to say, so enjoy a photo of my neighborhood from Saturday night when I left to get my groceries. I’m writing this on Sunday and I’m exhausted and NOT ready for the week ahead, but here we are. Keep pushing, keep going, and keep trying. You are loved.
#MondayMotivation - New Year, New You.
Tis the season for resolutions. If you’re making them, good for you. If you’re not, also good for you. I have a few plans that I’ve been working to implement the past few months that I’ll call partial resolutions, but mostly I’m just getting my shit together and carrying it over into 2025. Here are the things I’ve been working on that I will carry over into the new year:
Walking with Chewy daily - we always did little walks, but we’re pushing for more mileage. In 2025, I will make sure we hit a mile daily, weather be damned. A mile may not seem like much, but Chewy is older now and it’s about all he’s interested in doing. For me, I will go further.
52 Hikes With Mike is BACK! I will be hiking 52, or more, times in 2025. I have been organizing trails nearby, figuring out plans, and working on new places to see in the process.
Losing 100 lbs - this may not happen in 2025, but I have been on a plan for the past 40 days and it’s at least prevented me from gaining any additional weight since my November doctor visit. I’d like to continue on a downward trend and improve my blood pressure, mental health, and overall feeling about my health.
At-home strength training - I worked hard to be stronger before, and have felt some of that slip away so I want to ensure I maintain strength as I shed fat/pounds/whatever. Health! I don’t have time for a gym the way I used to with my commute, working in-office again, and my dog being at home. So, I’ll work to introduce body weight exercises and maybe eventually find a way to carve out time for a gym if I get work from home days or feel like giving up the few hours I’m awake and not at work.
The Year Of Less! I will be spending less money by buying less useless shit, random amazon orders (I canceled Prime), or eating out at terrible places for convenience. My eating out will be purposeful, my adventures will be thoughtful, and my spending will be mindful. It’s all about paying off debt, saving money, and being happy with what I have.
If you’re making goals, make sure they really fit what you want if you actually want to achieve them. Personally, I have a habit of making lofty goals and never hitting them because they don’t have a build-up or starting point. I expect myself to dive in and succeed, and I know that isn’t how it works for me most times. I’m making a conscious effort to take little steps to hit those marks I’ve set and then holding space for adjustments if necessary. I hope you have a great New Year’s Eve and Day. I am hopeful for a hike, some snacks, and champagne on my Wednesday off. See ya in 2025!
#MondayMotivation - Happy Holidays!
I was going to write some little blurb that was all happy and full of shit but you know me, I can’t do that.
The holiday doesn’t matter, it’s the people with whom you spend the day that matter. Years of retail and living states away from the majority of family have taught me that the day in which you get together doesn’t matter at all. We would get together in the summer to celebrate - even if it was just grilling and drinking. We’d celebrate Christmas in January. It does not matter.
This year, with a new job, I didn’t really want to take the week off and probably couldn’t this late in the game. By the sounds of it, I will have to petition for the week off very early as everyone and their brother doesn’t take enough vacation and waits until December. Rude, but okay. This week I will work my normal days, with the 24/25th off. That’s fine. I will see my family when I see them, and it’ll be okay. Next year, I’m hopeful everyone will come here in November so we can celebrate together.
This part is more me, telling myself, that everything is okay.
I’ve struggled, for years, with the idea that I’m an imposition to people. I was invited somewhere, with people who are like family, for Xmas Eve/Day. I was watching in real time, an out of body experience, as I tried to keep coming up with excuses as to why I shouldn’t go and that I didn’t want to impose. I was invited, more than once, and it is not an imposition. For years and years I’ve felt this way with anyone inviting me out to do things - it’s a pity invite or a second thought. I would assume the worst, instead of just accepting I was wanted. It has been a wild ride to unlearn this bullshit way of thinking, but I’m pushing through with only minor self-sabotage moments on occasion.
If you were invited, it is more than likely that you were wanted there. Period. Full stop. Enjoy the holiday season. Happy Solstice and Happy New Year!
#MondayMotivation - Plan that trip
As I plan for a “year of less,” I am still planning trips. Just because I’m spending less money and getting rid of stuff that doesn’t hold any value to me doesn’t mean I will not be adventuring. The focus of this exercise is to be more conscious about purchases whether that be for material goods or experiences on a trip.
I have never been to Yosemite, Great Sand Dunes, or Yellowstone. I will try to visit at least ONE of these in 2025 and save the other two for the next year.
I will focus on local travel that is inexpensive and often just a tank of gas and a campsite. This is both a challenge to enjoy the new world around me, but also to appreciate what I’ve been missing out on the east coast.
I will be asking friends in different places if I can crash on their couch or guest room and also ensure that they know they are welcome in my home anytime.
I have no shame - I will be advertising my Venmo and Apple Pay probably on every trip I take for people who can’t join me but want to buy me a coffee or a snack. It never hurts to ask!
I will be tracking flight and hotel prices to see what the average is and I will have alerts for low prices on places I want to visit.
I will be packing my cooler(s) with drinks and food for my local trips to reduce overall costs.
I will not be doing anything I do not like as a means to an end because that is both a cost in time and money.
I will meet up with friends on their adventures if they are doing something I enjoy and it fits within my 2025 budget.
My trips are likely going to be around the east coast and Great Lakes. I want to see so many of the things I never did when I lived in the Midwest. I’m so close, affordably, to so many cool places. I’m getting hyped up about these places, in part, because I’m trying to make peace with my move OUT OF the Pacific Northwest dreamland that I love so much. Dreamy, but damn expensive. If you’re within a day drive of Columbus, OH, and want to adventure, I’m all ears! Have a good week!
#MondayMotivation - Tried and true
Sometimes, just sometimes, the old stuff will work best. I’ve been going through items I have from my Gramma and this old stuff just works. I have her KitchenAid stand mixer from 1993 and that thing is a champ. I have the pots and pans from then, too, and they’re a little worn but still cooking like crazy. My grandparents invested in good stuff and it lasted. It has endured, and now I’m using it regularly and that’s amazing.
The nostalgia I feel when using a dish or piece of Le Creuset from their house is intensely warm and fuzzy. I’ve been clinging to these happy memories and the items I do have associated with them more now because it’s that time of year when many of the memories were made. I’ll eat off of similar plates and make things that warm my belly and my brain and be transported back to the good ole days.
I think I get why people say “they just don’t make them like they used to” when they refer to goods or cars. Stuff just isn’t the same, and it’s not always better just because it’s newer. I would say this goes beyond stuff and can also apply to other things I may have scoffed at in the past. I love an efficient method, but sometimes that means spending more time at first so you don’t have to spend more time later on whatever it is to be done.
Some people don’t remember the dishes they had dinner on or the pots and pans that dinner was cooked in, and that’s okay. I remember those things and want to create my own home and style for them, but scatter in pieces of the past that work. As I build my home, settle in, and hopefully end this nomadic period of life, I hope to be the one providing memories and passing stuff down and over to other family and friends.
I’m thinking so much about this right now because I bought a new coffee maker. For years, probably five plus, I had a grind-and-brew situation going on. I’d program it at night, and fill it with water and beans, then wake up to grinding noises and fresh coffee. Since the end of 2021, I haven’t had this machine. It was replaced when I moved in with someone and their idea of what was good for coffee. That method (A Nespresso machine) is no longer working for me, so I’ve moved back to something that did work for me and I have a new version of my old grind-and-brew. It’s funny how the old stuff just works the way we want.
#MondayMotivation - Chaos, organized.
I have been working in therapy to relinquish control of the things beyond my circle of concern. Can I control the thing? Can I control how I react to the thing? What is the benefit of worrying about that thing? When things get chaotic, I have to stop and think about what I can control and what reactions are necessary. When things are chaotic, I do a lot better now.
This week is going to be a little bit much, but the payoff will be worth it in the end. It will start with a busy work day, after a long weekend of work issues, and move into a work trip and then a personal trip. I have to drive to northern North Carolina Tuesday afternoon and then to Louisville on Wednesday night and then Nashville on Thursday. My reward is that I get to park my car on Thursday at our Airbnb for my birthday weekend celebration. This chaos stressed me out for 15 minutes, max. I organized my thoughts, made some plans and backup plans, and now I can’t wait for it all to unfold.
When they say controlled chaos, this is what I think it means. Pick and choose what’s important and prioritize the actual issues instead of the ones you have no control over. Deep breaths, this will be okay. I hope you have a good week and can reduce your stressors if you have any.
#MondayMotivation - Drink your water!
In case no one has checked in on you, how are you doing? Did you drink your water? Did you find something to eat today? Is there anything on your mind you want to share with someone? How’s your dog?
Check on your friends, even the ones who appear to be doing well. It may be serious, it may not be serious, but being checked on will always feel good. We are all going through random shit and sometimes it’s a lot in a moment for some.
Everything could be fine, but hearing from someone always makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Check on that friend today!
That’s it, that’s all… if you need to chat, get in touch with me. Hugs and please keep going.
#MondayMotivation - New Light
I’m sure i’ve spoke to this topic before, but seeing something in a new light can change the perspective one has about that situation, person, place, etc. I was driving yesterday and I had just wrapped up listening to Ina Garten’s memoir which is relevant because it was challenging me to think more critically about what I want and who I want around me as a grow old. The sun was streaming through the remaining leaves in the forest and the light was just magical. I had just made it back to Ohio and found myself on a familiar route - the route I take each day for work. At first, I didn’t really recognize the road other than seeing the sign and knowing where I was and it was because I rarely drive during the light of day down this route.
I didn’t feel any sort of negative way about the road or the commute, but seeing it in a different light made me appreciate it a bit differently. After living in the city and the PNW, I appreciate the quiet of semi-rural and the Midwest. The light changes and so does the perspective. As we’ve transitioned from summer into fall, the physical light has changed and even the way I see the world is changing every day.
My advice: try to see the situation, place, person, or idea in a new light if you are struggling with it right now. Maybe you will gain a new perspective, or maybe it will just confirm what you already know.
#MondayMotivation - Keep it.
I once let someone’s opinion convince me to follow suit on something even though it was not the right choice for my life. I once (or twice or more) let my desire to keep the peace or desire to fit a certain ideal affect how I went forward. This is not to say compromise is the devil, but I do not recommend abandoning your desires or plans (or giving up entire collections of things that you spent years putting together) just to mesh with someone you barely know.
Hold on to you and find what motivates you. Find ways to compromise if you must combine your likes, desires, dreams, hopes, goals, etc. with someone else. There are plenty of amazing people out there and plenty of different ways to coexist - whether you are lovers, friends, or just roommates. Communicate your thoughts, dreams, desires, and things you’re not willing to budge so easily on. It is okay to stick to something you love or hold on to THINGS you love if they mean something to you.
I’m rebuilding my life and it’s not what I expected, but not in a terrible way. I miss things I’ve given up (and kick myself for doing so sometimes) and I miss old parts of me I thought were dormant. Don’t rule anything out, but don’t settle just because you’re afraid of not settling. Happy Monday and keep going! You’re not alone-alone, you may be alone but not like alooooone. <3
#MondayMotivation - Everyone's got something
You’re unique, but not alone… everyone’s got some shit they worry about or feel judged for, even if they’re not really being judged. Your anxiety and feelings are valid, I promise, but can often be your brain playing tricks on you and not actually based in reality. I was tricked for years, and still am, by my own damn brain and it’s just not fair but know you’re not alone. It’s okay to analyze and find the truth, though. Believe the good things, too, and it’ll help.
I have to remind myself that I’m not the center of the universe, despite what I want to believe. This notion has helped me realize that while I’m significant, I’m probably not the target of whatever bad thing I think is coming my way. I wasn’t singled out to have this particular bad experience by some higher power and it probably just happened and that’s okay.
Maybe it’s the new location, maybe it’s the space to breathe, or maybe it’s some combination of those plus being close to things I am both familiar with and have no idea about but my anxiety has mostly disappeared and my outlook for the generality of life is a bit brighter. Personally, I’ll be happy once this election cycle and transfer of power is complete and in the past.
I’m welcoming the fall here in Ohio. I’m welcoming the season of things dying and resting in preparation for the big sleep. It is time to put things to rest and embrace the slowdown. I hope y’all have a good week ahead!
the sunset in my neighborhood
#MondayMotivation - Try anyway
I haven’t been as active as I need or want to be and thus I have become a little slower and out of shape. I was convinced (by my own brain) that I shouldn’t waste my time driving to trails until I did a little more cardio or whatever to get prepared. All of these thoughts went out the window yesterday when I met up with my dear, nonjudgmental friend in town from Texas. She’s been on a mission to see as much as she can while in WA and yesterday was no exception. We hiked to two waterfalls that I’ve wanted to see since moving up here in 2022, that happened to be on her list, and it was glorious. Was I a little slow and sweaty? Absolutely. DId it matter? NOPE. Go do the thing or go try the other thing, but don’t do what I did and wait or sit convinced it can’t happen. Enjoy a few photos of the adventure and get out there.
You can do it, and if you can’t, you tried and you’ll keep trying.
Panther Creek Falls
The drive between trailhead parking lots
Falls Creek Falls
MondayMotivation - Distract Yourself
Sometimes, just sometimes, you can’t seem to overcome the BS. You can’t get past the event or activity that has you messed up. When you can’t move past that thing, go somewhere distracting!
Yesterday started off in a gut wrenching, terrible-to-me way with my car being broken into. I cleaned up the mess, did all the reporting and claiming but it still left me angry and violated. After a morning of unexpected cleaning and my usual chores, I reluctantly set out with the some friends to the coast. The glorious Oregon Coast offered the distraction I needed from the events of the morning. I saw waves, wildlife, and the sunset all while laughing and smiling.
I’m back to reality today - working, waiting on the glass people to call, and hoping nothing else tragic happens. Deal with the crap, do something to be happy again, and keep going! You’ve got this!

What a mess, but, it is dealt with and life goes on. I’ll get a detail after the new moonroof is installed.
#MondayMotivation - Find something new
What do you do when things don’t feel right? I change something. I think this has been a theme of previous Mondays, but it’s a good one to keep revisiting. I keep feeling these pulls to the darkness and I have to keep adjusting and changing to make sure I’m not insanely doing the same things and expecting new results. For my weekends, I’m looking for cool things I want to see around Oregon. I need to embrace and immerse myself to feel at home and I haven’t been doing it enough while I’m here.
I’m changing what’s going on in my body, changing what goes in my body, and hopefully sleeping more so I can reconcile some negative feelings I have about myself and the way I look. I can’t expect to feel better about myself without making some changes to the way I am or the way I see myself.
I hope you find your way through the week with some positive energy and changes if necessary.
#MondayMotivation - Short Work Weeks
This week’s motivation is brought to you by a short working week for me. I have Thursday and Friday off because my friends are coming in from New Mexico. I’m so pumped to have visitors again and pumped to have a short work week. It’s these little things that keep me pushing forward. Making plans and having visitors keeps me moving. I’ve got visitors coming in August and I’m headed to the Great Lakes in September!
I find joy in planning and hosting, what brings you joy? What keeps you going? Find that thing and run with it. Have a good week!
#MondayMotivation - Shake it Off
Sometimes you have to shake it off. Sometimes, things just don’t work out the way you want them to work out. Sometimes, you do a bad job even if you thought you did a good job. Some people are just not going to be easy to deal with and some people just won’t like you. It’s okay. Not everything is for you, and that’s also okay.
Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do, and that can suck. Sometimes, we think we’re doing well, and we aren’t. It’ll all be okay, just keep going.
#MondayMotivation - Shorter Days Ahead!
Today is the first Monday I’m home after 35 days away for work. I thought it was going to be a bit rough getting back into my regularly scheduled routine, but the central time zone changed my body clock and I’m quite enjoying my new sleep schedule. I’m in bed by 10-11 pm and I’m up by 5 am. I love the quiet mornings and I’ve been enjoying even being up at 4 to catch first light. All this to say, I was worried it was going to be difficult to jump back in and it wasn’t at all.
I normally hate summer, but I’m excited to take advantage of the rest of it here in the Pacific Northwest. I’d like the days to be 75 degrees instead of 100, so we’ll see how this all shakes out. I have visitors towards the end of the month and in August, so I’m hopeful we can find some fun adventures that aren’t involving Texas style heat. There’s always the coast!
My motivation this fine Monday is coming from wanting to cram as much as I can in because it feels like I already missed a month of the good weather. I’m not sure if that is healthy or not, but it is what it is. I’m on a new, great, sleep schedule and I’ll be able to take advantage of every day sunrise to sunset until fall. So here’s to enjoying the days as much as I(we) can and hopefully the temps going back to normal for a bit.
Shaved my head and I’m ready for summer!
#MondayMotivation - Mondays?
Without Monday, Tuesday would just feel like Monday. Those weeks with Monday off for a holiday always make Tuesday feel like Monday. If we don’t power through the Mondays of life, we’ll be tainting the Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The lesson I’m taking away from this is to just kind of push through the bullshit and get to the good stuff. Look, if we can rebrand a Thursday to basically Friday Eve, we can push through Monday and make the rest of the week feel like Thursday through Saturday.
Also, make 4-day work weeks a things. Thanks. Have a good week folks.
#MondayMotivation - Change Something
If you want a different life, make a change. Small changes can lead to big results. I love to complain like anyone else, but I’ve learned I had to actually take charge and make changes if I really wanted things to be different. I know, there are certain things we just like to complain about or can’t change, but there are plenty that can be adjusted with small changes.
I’m talking to myself as much as I’m offering any sort of wisdom to anyone else. I’ve complained about my body or my living situation or any other number of things in this life. What did I do? Small steps that I’ve taken to improve my life include taking a walk in nature, playing Super Mario Bros, cleaning my kitchen regularly, finding a new brewery or restaurant, or rewatching something I really enjoyed once before. I’m always looking for little ways to make life better that do not cost a lot (or anything) and are easy to implement.
Small steps can have a big impact. Changing one meal you eat, skipping that one outing and using the money for something else, putting your phone in do not disturb, or taking a walk at lunch can really add up. Sometimes, just because of life, big changes are required. It can be scary to make big changes, but often times the discomfort will be worth the peace and joy in the end.
I recently had the privilege of watching a friend get their Master’s Degree. The whole experience inspired me and made me realize we can all do hard things. Watching those graduates walk was a little spark that ignited an internal motivation to do the hard things.
Whatever you’re going through and whatever you need to do, I hope you find the courage to do so! I’m here to help, if you ever need an ear or help making a change. I wish you all a good week!
#MondayMotivation - Delusional?
A little delusion goes a long way. Not feeling up to the day? Pretend you are! Not sure about what’s next in life, pretend you do!**
I am partially joking, of course, but also a little delusion is good. I’m not talking being completely unreasonable and detached from reality, but maybe just giving yourself a little more credit or having a little more faith in a situation. I’m not saying to ignore the red flags or obvious problems you have to deal with, either, but maybe give yourself (or the situation) a little delusional blind faith.
Over the past few years, I’ve really started to psych myself up a little more by being slightly delusional about some things. You always have to put in the work, but a little dreaming never hurt either.
You’ve got it this week! Power through! Think you can; know you can! I believe in you!
**Take all of this with a little laugh, I’m not at all downplaying depression or other struggles.