#MondayMotivation - Be specific.

I recently took a pointed approach to accomplishing a task and the task got done in record time. I have a hard time, sometimes, focusing on tasks and getting things done quickly or early. So, I took a pointed and specific approach to this task to try something new. I laid out what needed to be done, didn’t try to do any other work, and removed distractions by going in on a day off and I got that damn task done!

I need to approach all tasks - in work and life - like this more often. It’s hard to shut out the noise to get stuff done, but it really does make it so much easier. I tried taking this approach with my meal prep, and it mostly worked, but I did end up getting overwhelmed and distracted which extended the overall time it took to get everything done.

I’ve noticed when I’m pointed, or just more specific, with my motivation or intentions, things happen more smoothly for me. I think this ties in nicely with a more mindful life overall, and that’s been the ultimate goal for me.

What helps you accomplish tasks or projects? I’m always open to ideas.


January Health Updates


Tuesday Truths - New Year, No way.