Keep Living.

Keep Living

I’m not a competitive person.

But, I’m in competition with myself.

You reaching your goals motivates me.

But, you reaching your goals is your achievement.

You reaching your goals doesn’t make me want to reach your goals.

I love myself.

I love my body.

I love what I can do.

I love what I’m capable of.

I love being lazy.

I love being active.

Some days, I just can’t.

Some days, I just can’t try.

Some days, I just don’t want to.

Some days, I do.

Some days, I’m motivated.

Some days I fucking crush it.

I want to run.

I want to hike.

I want to ride.

I want it to be fall.

I want to be fit.

I want, I want, I want.

I need to try.

I need to be fit.

I need to try to be fit.

I need to try to be more fit.

I need to be good to myself.

I need to stop being self-destructive.

I need to keep living.

I need to live.

I need to live well.


#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: August 2019 Check-In


#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: July 2019 Check-In