#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: July 2019 Check-In
“I like myself most of the time
This ain’t a crime, this ain’t a crime
I like myself most of the time
Is that a crime? Is that a crime?”
Quick Stats
Total steps: 335.996
Average daily steps: 10,838
Highest daily steps: 21,013
Lowest daily steps: 3,958
Total miles walked/ran/hiked: 81.15
Total miles hiked: 9.33 (back on the wagon, thankfully)
Sleep stats: 4 days over 7 hours, 4 days between 6-7, and 23 days under 6 hours
Average daily sleep: 5 hours 18 minutes
Outside Experience with one of the best!
The Good
Joined the gym, through my insurance for next to nothing and NO contract
Total activity is greater than June, daily activity average is higher as well
Back into the hiking mode! I missed it and it was an instant high.
I’ve increased my workouts and added lunch time routines as well - more physical activity feels SO GOOD.
I did not kayak, but I did bike! Oh yeah, I bought a bike! It’s nothing expensive or special but it serves the purpose of biking around on paved paths or gravel stuff. I’m not ready for the real trails….yet.
I am working out twice a day at least 5 days per week
I’m down 12 lbs since January, it’s been up and down. July was a good month, 6 lbs down overall.
Made more food at home
I pushed through my bad weekends
My meals were 61% vegetarian in nature. It’s so easy, and delicious.
The Not-So-Good
I didn’t find time to kayak, which is more sad than bad
I did not really increase my sleep. I plan to make a real effort in August
Had some bender weekends for food/drinking - speed bumps
Dined out too much, but mostly on trips
I still have days when I give up or eat too much, but tracking it makes me aware
An excerpt from The Awakening
Mental Health
Work was mentally draining the entire month of July
Have not been writing as much as I would like, but I have plans for August
My phone is a constant source of anxiety and so use of my phone is continuously being reduced
I am in a good place, overall, but there’s always work to be done.
A night of swimming at Lake Granbury w/ friends and family. Good for physical and mental wellness.
Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions
I am on track. Slow and steady wins the race. Realizing excess happens is a big step and exercising no matter what is important.
I am tracking my food. It helps, but it isn’t perfect.
My coworkers are working out and trying too. Having some support, even if it isn’t for the same goals. It’s nice to have friends on the Apple Watch or to go to the gym with at lunch time.
Epiphany of the month: If I’m trying, working on it, and making strides to be better in all aspects of life then I’m fine. Even if I’m not doing my best some days, I’m still moving forward and still trying overall. I feel better, mentally and physically, and that’s what I’m after.
Goals for August
More hiking, please!
Read/Listen to at least 3 books
(A constant goal is 8, I’m always coming up short… so I’m making it more realistic)Working on drinking less booze, and more water. I have a lot of cabin time and weekends away, so it will be a real challenge.
Take 4-7 days off from social media (I’m heading to the cabin for 5 nights, which is off the grid—-can’t wait!)
More jogging (I will continue to strive to do a 5k run, still working on a single mile)
Working on increasing my daily average for activity It feels good, both mentally and physically.
More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind.
(This is loaded because I’m headed to the Pacific Northwest and Minnesota)Continued daily mindful breaks and reading The Awakening (at least 2 reflective hikes)
There’s no reason I can’t hit 100 miles for August. (Daily walks and jogs + hikes = c’mon man)
I am continuing 50%+ vegetarian. For the planet, for my body, I’m reducing overall meat intake. I’m not going vegan or cutting all meats out, just less overall. It’s been quite easy so far, and cheaper.
And more meetups with friends, please.