#ForestFriday - ARBOR DAY! Forest Friday Apr 26 Written By Michael Nowak Today is Arbor Day here in the USA and I’m going to share some of my favorite trees from all over the place in honor of the forest and trees in general. ENJOY. Go plant a tree, or at least hug one. ForestFridayForesthikingtreesspringArbor Day Michael Nowak https://52hikeswithmike.com
#ForestFriday - ARBOR DAY! Forest Friday Apr 26 Written By Michael Nowak Today is Arbor Day here in the USA and I’m going to share some of my favorite trees from all over the place in honor of the forest and trees in general. ENJOY. Go plant a tree, or at least hug one. ForestFridayForesthikingtreesspringArbor Day Michael Nowak https://52hikeswithmike.com