Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

January Health Updates

The Stats

  • 17.93 miles walked, only 18 days had walks - goal is every day (though, I was sick a few days)

  • 203,780 steps​ (about 6500 per day - goal is 10,000 again)

  • 95,​377 calories consumed (just over 3000 per day with the daily goal around 2800)

  • 183.5 hours of sleep (just shy of 6 hours per day average, again some of this was a couple weeks of being sick)

  • 3,773 ounces of water consumed​ (just about 122 ounces per day, which is just about the goal)

  • Blood Pressure month average was 151/92, which is LOW for me. (A work in progress, with meds and this plan to lose weight and reduce salt while increasing activity)

Key takeaways:

  • Alcohol adds a lot of calories, and being in a calorie deficit is important for losing pounds, so I drank way less alcohol

  • I still had pretty much any food I wanted, just not all the time like I used ot

  • I’ve tracked my food intake for 75 days now and it’s not so hard

  • Chewy can’t go more than around the block, so I have to walk myself

  • I’m adjusting my work schedule so I can fit more “me time” in my week

Looking Forward

  • The “everything in moderation” mindset is kind of working, but still proving to be a challenge some days

  • I still ran to food to soothe my emotional moments (and all it did was make me poop)

  • Exercise and being in nature are the only things that really help me feel more alive when I’m feeling super shitty

  • Walking daily is truly the best, so I will strive for every day in Feb

  • I’m “behind” on my hikes, so I’m also looking at ways to increase those

  • I’m nervous to trek across the lake and up the hill to the cabin at the end of the month - I feel SO out of shape

Jan 1 to Jan 31 - not a huge, difference but I am down anywhere from 10-15 pounds overall.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths - New Year, No way.

Here are my hot takes for the first Tuesday Truths of 2025! Watch the video for full explanations, haha! What are your truths this week?

  • Sleeping in is a waste of time.

  • Snow covered ground is superior lighting to sunny, summer days.

  • Nespresso is overrated.

  • Minimalism is not the only way to live.

  • Consumerism is a disease and we all suffer from it to some degree.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

#SundayScaries - What’s in and out for 2025?

I did a little video for the things I’m call in “in” and “out” for 2025. Here’s the list, but you should watch the video because I’m so cute. Thanks.


  • Patreon

  • Excuses

  • Putting away Christmas trees

  • Talking on the phone while driving

  • Immediate responses

  • Nespresso


  • More outdoor time

  • Grind and brew coffee

  • Daily journaling

  • Daily blood pressure readings

  • Saving money

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Sunday Scaries - Random thoughts for your week

  • Sleep patterns - I’ve started to become one of those people who go to bed when they’re tired, groundbreaking I know. Some nights, I’m tried as early as 7:30 PM and I’m no longer upset about it at all. At first, going to bed early felt like the worst thing in the world. My favorite time of day was night. It was quiet, I could do what I wanted, and I often stayed up very late for no apparent reason. What exactly was I doing? NOTHING. There is a time and place for doing nothing, but forgoing sleep to do nothing seemed really dumb. Since getting my CPAP, I’ve felt more refreshed and I’m sleeping longer than before. I am still an early riser, because of work, hitting the trail early, and my body’s natural rhythm, so I needed to go to bed earlier than ever before to ensure I was getting enough rest. I’m up between 4:30-5:00 AM every day, sometimes 5-7:00 AM on days off. I love the morning, and I’d rather have my quiet “nothing” time during that time of day than not getting enough sleep. Going to bed early means my west coast friends and I don’t text or call as often, in fact they are sometimes still awake when I get up at 4:30 and we chat then. It means most people who want to chat after 7-8:00 PM eastern time are shit out of luck. I say that with love, but honestly, I’m working hard to be mindful of sleep and my phone does go into “do not disturb” so I can drift away from reality and into a dreamland.

  • Being less available - When it comes to work, I’m available during my workday anytime. Need help? Sure thing. When I’m home, I’m usually caught up in chores or doing whatever around the house and it can take me a minute. I’m not a surgeon or out here saving lives, so an immediate response is not necessary. I took this model and moved it to people. Not everyone gets an immediate response. I may read your message, but I may want to think a little on how I’ll respond. Maybe, just maybe, I’m not in the mood to talk or text, please don’t take offense. Before cell phones, we were tethered to landlines when we wanted to use the phone. Those calls often felt a little more purposeful and I’d like to balance the urgency mixed with the ways of the past for better balance. Sometimes, I’m in the mood for nonsense and rapid fire texts and meme sharing. Other times, I don’t even want to look at my phone. Both are valid.

  • Surrendering to things to overcome them - You know those sayings like “ugh, I’m turning into my father” or “I’ve become one of those people” right? Well, I’m just giving in to those things. I’m starting to acknowledge my traits that came from the people who raised me, good or bad, and I’m starting to realize the type of “person” I’m becoming. I’m a “falls asleep on the couch at 7:30 PM and just says I’m resting my eyes” person now and that’s okay. I’m a “do a puzzle all weekend” kind of person now or a “build a LEGO set instead of interacting with people” person. I’m a disappear for the weekend person. I’m surrendering to going to bed earlier and enjoying my mornings. I’m giving in to my desire to be alone, and being okay with doing things alone if that’s how it’s going to go.

  • Using my phone less and being okay with it - Going to bed earlier has led to using my phone less. Commuting means I’m using my phone less for things other than media, which is kind of nice. I don’t mind the occasional phone call while I’m driving, but I usually just like to unwind in the car these days. My job is actually very busy, which is great, because the time passes quickly and I don’t use my phone that much. I used to take my phone everywhere with me, but now it stays on my desk and rarely leaves unless I’m out doing inspections and need it just in case. I’m utilizing “focus” and “do not disturb” modes to help keep me in check. I get caught up in socials or reading things on my phone or having conversations. Social media is almost grating on my eyes now due to all of the advertisements, so my usage is down quite a bit and is different than it used to be. I know that I can be addicted to my phone, so these steps are good for my brain and necessary to use it less. When I take a call or respond to texts, I want it to mean something. I want to be excited to talk to you.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths - December Edition

Hot takes for the best month… Just as Lake Superior is the superior Great Lake:

  • December is the best month, without question

  • Winter is the best season

  • If you’re a meat eater, ham is better than turkey

  • Cranberry is the superior berry (though, through some research I’ve learned it’s not an actual berry so I’m going with Blueberry or the similar ones as the superior)

  • Twinkly lights are better than overhead lights or lamps

  • New Years is the superior fourth quarter holiday but…

  • My birthday is superior to all other holidays

  • Snow is THE superior form of precipitation

  • Spruce trees are the sturdiest real trees you’ll get for decorating

  • Happy Holidays is a superior greeting and I’ll fight you on that

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Sunday Scaries - December First

Things I’m excited about this week:

  • Solo road trips - I love listening to podcasts and books and my car is a dream for road trips. (The seats could be a little comfier, but overall a dream) I’m pumped to listen to a new book in the 20+ hours of driving I have this week! I’ll have my snacks, my tunes and entertainment, and plenty of new roads to see!

  • Mammoth Caves National Park - This one time in 2021, I got an email from Mammoth Caves and Allegiant airlines because some other Michael Nowak entered his info incorrectly. He was going to Mammoth Caves. Now, I’m going there. Cool story, I know. I’m excited to go do the tour, because I don’t think I’ve explored any bit of Kentucky since I was a kid.

  • Having lunch with Megan - I’m going to be passing within an hour or so of my chosen little sister and we just have meet for lunch! We’ve picked out a place, and if time allows, it’s going to happen. Being within 6-8 hours of her will be much better than a whole country.

  • Seeing my friends - Spending a long weekend in Nashville with my friends will be a hoot! Turning 40 means I’m looking forward to lots of snacks, board games, and some going-out but too much.

  • Exploring Nashville - I’ve only ever passed through on the freeway or been to the airport. I’m excited to go see all the music related sights, look at rich people’s holiday lights, and hopefully find some cute local businesses (breweries, distilleries, coffee shops, stationary places, etc.) to support.

  • Jell-O shots - I may be turning 40, but I’m still making Jell-O shots for the occasion. Not to toot my own horn, but toot-toot bitch. My best friend and I used to make them in college and we were pioneers in flavors and alcohol levels people actually wanted. Sure, they were not made with bottom barrel vodka that was a high proof, but they tasted good and were a good accent to other things.

Welcome to December, the best month of the year. More on that, to come. What are some things you’re looking forward to this week?

This was after seeing White Christmas in Georgetown, TX back in 2018 on December 1st.

This was December 1st back in 2016 when I went back to Michigan and it snowed!

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 30

Today I’m grateful for this month to be over and for my favorite one to start tomorrow. December is clearly the best month because I was born and it’s the end of the year. It is the month of twinkly lights, sometimes snow, and the end of the calendar year.

December marks the beginning of winter which feels like the transition into the resting season and another symbol for the change we all begin to feel as a new year starts. Winter ushers in snowy trips to my best friend’s cabin, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. With winter comes darkness and that makes those twinkly lights and warm blankets even more special.

My birthday is just before winter, though I’d say winter is definitely my season. I love the winter adventures and finding cool things to do outside. When I lived in Texas, we’d often be seen on the pontoon in winter or I’d be hiking with my aunt at Dinosaur Valley because the weather was PERFECTLY mild. I’m excited to see what winter is like here in Ohio.

I’m thankful for everything December has to offer, what are you thankful for today?

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 29

Today I’m thankful for the cheesy holiday movies. I’m not talking the Hallmark stuff, though they have their place, but definitely the 90s classics like Home Alone, Christmas Vacation, and Santa Clause along with newer ones like Elf and Bad Santa. These movies are so fun and silly that they make me laugh over and over. There’s a whole bunch of them that get rotated through a few times during the holidays - and I’m not ashamed to admit I watch Home Alone all year!

There are also some more serious movies, that are still funny, that I love to rotate through like Love, Simon and Happiest Season. I love all holiday movies ranging from Jingle All The Way to Love the Coopers. Some of my favorite TV episodes were the Christmas lights related ones on Home Improvement every year. This is all over because the movies I love are always all over… what are some of your faves?

What are you thankful for today?

Watching Christmas Vacation from bed (before I decorated the bedroom tree)

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Thursday Thoughts - the PNW, briefly

I’m working hard to shift my thought process from “what a waste of money” to “what an extraordinary experience” in regards to my short time in the Pacific Northwest. I moved up there almost exactly two years ago on a whim, only to leave a few short months ago. i can’t think about the cost - both financially and emotionally - because I’ll just break all the way down. Arriving to Olympia in 2022 was a dream come true. The townhouse was nice, the area was even nicer, and the scenery was legitimately the best. The place had plenty of space and storage and there was a trail through the trees nearby. It was heaven, as far as location and space was concerned. Life and relations were on the brink of extinction - in fact it wouldn’t be long until everything blew up.

I lived here… I was so excited to be this close to big trees, dirt roads, and all of the things I longed to be near for the past 14 years.

The relationship I was in was ending, which was good, but my gramma died and that was bad. My mental health took a dive into the dark, deep end. I spent a few weeks in Michigan as we divided up our life and then I made it back to finalize it. The townhome was all mine, I had a new car, and I was about to have a new life all on my own in the Pacific Northwest. What a dreamy place to get back to good.

On a break from cleaning out my gramma’s house, I stopped at the place we’d take the dog or just ourselves to walk or cross-country ski.

I had been in the PNW for about 3-4 months and hadn’t done much as far as exploring. I took off and started visiting my favorite spots, new spots, and everything in between. I hiked in the rain, cried in the rain, watched spring emerge, and welcomed a slew of visitors. Over the years of visiting the PNW, I developed a list of places I loved and would show each guest or set of guest these places. We’d add to it, find new coffee or beer, and of course shoot for something they really wanted to do or see. Having visitors helped me get outside and see all the things, for a whole range of seasons.

I started walking around the lake in Olympia

I started to learn that I loved living alone and that there was so much to do and see that I would be set forever up there. Eventually, as fate would have it, my job ended and I needed to find a new one quickly. The job that would hire me, and pay me similarly, would be down in Portland and would require a relocation. This was fine, except it was expensive to relocate and I would miss my tiny group of wonderful humans in Olympia. I did it, though, and was close to another tiny group of humans in my circle. I later learned that I could have stayed in Olympia and commuted to Tacoma if I needed to go in, which would have been good to know prior to spending a few grand to move. All in all, it doesn’t really matter too much on how things played out anyway.

I was excited to get to walk Chewy along the river in South Portland - right outside of our new apartment.

While in Portland I visited so many places in Oregon that I’ve always wanted to see and made it a mission to run to the coast as often as I could. Again, I had plenty of visitors and the months flew by. By May, I was feeling the groove and stepping out of my comfort zone socially. Of course, as things were getting good, I’d be shipped away to bumfuck nowhere for a month for work. I landed in Arkansas on an assignment for the month of June. It was good to make a few new friends and see my family, but it sure was awful leaving my dog and my Portland life behind for that long. I feel I fell out of the loops and lost any momentum I had for loving the place fully. While in Arkansas, I did meet some nice people and did get to enjoy my time there when I wasn’t at the plant working. Also while in Arkansas, I received a message encouraging me to apply to this job in Ohio. With nothing to lose and my brain scattered in seventy directions, I did a phone screening and then made my way back to Portland to carry on, not knowing what was next.

I would go on hikes with a gay hiking group on occasion - felt good to be part of a group!

I went through July trying to get my footing and find my way, with initial plans to move to Vancouver to save money and live a little outside of the hustle and bustle of downtown Portland. The city noise and chaos had me on edge most of every waking hour of my life. I had a couple of interviews through July/August for the Ohio job, but carried on with my life as if it didn’t exist. I wanted the job, but I didn’t want to seem too eager about it. I couldn’t reconcile giving up the PNW beauty for Ohio. I’d later learn, that Ohio can be beautiful and is very close to other beautiful places with mountains, forests, rivers, and more.

I was escaping to the river trail quite a few times (I even played hooky once)

It was mid-August when I was told I’d be getting an offer. They didn’t know when, but soon. This went on for a couple of weeks and I started to prepare for the idea of leaving my beloved PNW and moving back to my beloved Midwest. Despite having so many wonderful friends out west, much of my heart was back in Michigan and being within driving distance of friends and family was exciting for the first time in 12+ years. I was so sold on the idea now, that if the job offer didn’t’ work out I’d take my job at the time and switch home offices to one in Michigan and move in with friends for a while. No matter what happened, I was going back to the Midwest.

Moving was a chore, that’s for sure.

I’ve been in Ohio a few short months, but have already saved hundreds of things to explore on my maps. The beauty of this country is being able to find things to do and enjoy anywhere you go. YES, even when I was in Texas I found so many places to explore and things to enjoy. This job and this place kind of feel like my “last stop” until retirement. I am hopeful to maintain this job until I am able to retire because it feels like the place where that happens if that makes any sense at all.

Found some fall color and a lake to enjoy!

I write this because I’ve been struggling. I’ve been missing Washington and Oregon every single day. I’ve cried out to no one “why!?” and looked at flights for return visits. I miss the coasts, the woods, the big trees, the waterfalls, and of course my friends. I miss the more liberal feel of Portland, and even Olympia. I miss my proximity to my favorite National Park - Olympic. I will miss winter, rainy hikes through big trees and snowy visits to Cannon Beach. I have a few Alaska miles, and a job, so I’ll be back occasionally to take it all in again. I’m grateful to be here, in Ohio, near people who will help make the time here worthwhile. There will be many trips to the Great Lakes, Appalachian Mountains, and other wonders here in the east. Life can always be good, even if it’s not exactly what you wanted. Make the most of where you are, and if you need help reach out - I’m always a message away.

it’s official now!

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30 Days of Thanks - Day 28

When I was asked to go in on Thanksgiving, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Today I’m grateful for the flexibility that comes from years of retail work and working in 24/7 operations like energy. I come from a family of shift workers, and sometimes we moved holidays to totally different days so we could celebrate together. Move Thanksgiving dinner to Friday? No big deal. (Now, if I am asked to go in Friday, I may be a little pissy). Thanksgiving is something I try to live all the time - daily gratitude, seeing and appreciating people more often than once per year, and enjoying good food more than once per year. I’m flexible with this because I don’t have a choice and there is no use fighting something you can’t really control.

Related to yesterday’s “thankful for therapy” post, I have been learning to control what I can and can not worry about. I have had a big issue with plans changing or shifts in decisions - which are normal - and learning to let go of things I can’t control and just learning to adjust how I react and adapt has been groundbreaking for me.

So, on this Thanksgiving (with many others) I’ll be at work for a while and it’ll be okay. Now, I do have plans to food prep all day after I get home, so the work thing better not be all day! What are you thankful for today? (I’m also thankful this month is almost over)

Thanksgiving some years ago - 2007 (17 years now!?)

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 27

Today I’m thankful for therapy. I have a great therapist here in Ohio and a great psychiatrist. Together, we’re all managing my mental health. I’ve worked through so much since starting therapy regularly in early 2023 and I’m so grateful to have a third party sounding board that can respond. Therapy isn’t all about assigning blame or tearing everything down, it’s about understanding and learning how to recognize your own behaviors and thoughts. It’s learning how to and when to react and sharing ideas without judgment. I’m grateful to have good insurance to cover it and that I’ve found some professionals so quickly here. I’m happy to report that I’m doing what’s best for me and taking charge of my mental health and I highly recommend doing the same for yourself.

You don’t have to be any certain level of “whatever” to go to therapy, it’s literally for anyone who wants to talk things out and better understand themselves and their thought processes.

What are you thankful for today?

Chewy and I out on a walk for a mental health lol

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 26

Today is my “I’m thankful for friends and family near and far” post. I wasn’t going to include this because it should be implied, but I am truly grateful for the connections and family I have on this Earth. I have family all over, but I’m so grateful that I’ve always lived somewhere close to them, sans the time I spent in the Pacific Northwest. I was always a quick drive or walk away from my aunt, uncle, and cousin in Texas and that was super fun. I have a ton of good memories, despite it being Texas. I’m back, close to the Great Lakes, and I’m so excited to be near my family again up here. I’m also close to besties spanning from Minnesota to Maryland. I’ve already hung out with friends I hadn’t seen in months or years more than once. I’m glad to be closer to Maine and the great DC area as well as only a hop-skip-and-a-jump to North Carolina.

I know that some relationships are the types that no time passes while others fade away and sometimes come back. I know that there are people I probably don’t want to see anymore and I know there are people I am so excited to see for the first time in years. All in all, I’m so thankful for the connections with everyone - no matter how long, short, or stable it’s been.

I’ve been looking through photos a lot lately as I piece together pieces I’m writing or just reminiscing and I am hopeful that some connections can be strengthened again. If not, maybe they’re just meant to be good memories. Either way, I’m so lucky.

What are you thankful for today?

A few of my first visitors in Ohio

My Aunt already came, too!

Some more besties who visited me!

I’ve now seen my brother twice in two months… more than I had before my gram’s funeral

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 25

Today I’m grateful for my gramma’s ornaments which are now on my tree. When we were cleaning out her house, I took several of them and now have a whole tree devoted to them. As a kid she used to have the best trees, and since they’d get a real tree, we’d often do it right around my birthday weekend. The trees ranged from BIG to HUGE then to a little smaller as they aged and didn’t want to do so much.

This year I have the space for a whole tree filled with the ornaments from her, and I think it’s quite lovely. I’m thankful for that and other things to help keep the memories alive. Here are some photos from years past and my current tree.

What are you thankful for today?

My tree this year!

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 24

I’m thankful to have space for guests. I have a dedicated guest room here in Ohio, with a queen bed and plenty of space. I have a second room with an air mattress, and a sofa that sucks you in. I’m so grateful to have space to house people and have them stay over if they want.

I’ve always had plenty of guests - and space for them - but not a dedicated room with a proper bed and privacy. Get on it and plan a damn visit already, I’ll be waiting! Having people come visit and getting to explore new things together is one of my favorite things in the world. I love making breakfast and cocktails and whatever else having guests entails. There’s lots to see in Ohio, I promise.

What are you thankful for today?

The guest room - humble, but comfy. The overhead lighting is killing me, the lamps are way better.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 23

Today’s is simple - I’m thankful for coffee. I was going to say that I’m thankful for my Nespresso, but I think coffee in general is just a better idea. Nespresso is kind of expensive and wearing me down, so we’ll see how much longer that lasts.

I’m not one of those “not before my coffee” people in any way, but I do (as mentioned a couple of days ago) enjoy my morning, quiet time with a coffee. I don’t even drink coffee every day, but I do enjoy the flavor enough to want it everyday. I did decaf for a while, which was fine, but I do enjoy a little caffeine boost.

I used to have a grind and brew coffeemaker and I loved it. My Cuisinart had a built-in burr grinder and a thermal carafe. The cost to operate was much less than Nespresso, so it’s something I’ve contemplated again. The fresh ground and brewed coffee was just unbeatable. I do enjoy going out to get coffee, but not so much these days.

What are you thankful for today?

If anyone wants to get me a gift, this would be it: Cuisinart Automatic Grind and Brew

The other morning, during my quiet time

A little slideshow of morning coffee during the pandemic when I was taking calls down at the lake in Wisconsin - I miss those days.

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30 Days of Thanks - Day 22

Today I’m thankful for clear, starry night skies. In Olympia, I had an okay view and Portland was a little rough because of the city. Here in Ohio, I have a really good view and a pretty dark neighborhood. Wherever I have lived, regardless of the city lights, I would find a way to see the big dipper and other key constellations. One of my favorite memories is laying on the beach of Lake Huron at night in August looking up at the meteor shower and stars. Some of the best skies were up in Mt. Rainier National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, out in the middle of nowhere Nevada, the deserts of New Mexico, and up near the Boundary Waters in Minnesota.

When I was in Hawaii last year, we were able to have a guided star tour with super cool telescope! Here are some of those photos.

What are you thankful for today?

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 21

Today I’m thankful for quiet, early mornings. One of my favorite things is to wake up early, turn on the holiday lights, and brew a fresh cup of coffee. I was looking back at Facebook and I am thankful for this every time I do this 30 day summary. I love an early morning. I love watching movies in the early morning or even baking something tasty. Alone time, when it’s quiet and calm, is so important to me. I am not sure I was always an early morning person, but since about 2011 I’ve been one and nothing has changed. I can’t stand sleeping in too late nor do I enjoy just laying in bed doing nothing in the morning. If I’m going to lay in bed, and do nothing, it’ll be for an afternoon nap when the day is annoying and busy and everyone else in the world is awake.

I like quiet things, alone time, and mornings a lot more as I age. What are you thankful for today?

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

30 Days of Thanks - Day 20

I’m thankful for artists like Kacey Musgraves and bands like Lord Huron. Furthermore, I’m grateful that they’ll be coming together on my 40th birthday in Nashville where I’ll be in the audience with two of my favorite people.

The music they put out makes me feel things. I’ve had an ear for Kacey since I heard her on a Josh Abbott song from way back in the day when I lived in Texas. Her voice was the most magical part of the song, and she is still that way when she duets with any guys. Golden Hour could quite possibly be one of the most perfect albums in the history of music, in my opinion, and I listen to it quite often.

Lord Huron have a haunting yet folksy quality about them and it can be very calming. I enjoy all of their music, but it’s actually the more trippy album Vide Noir that really speaks to me. They always get me with the lyrics and nothing will beat “lost in time and space…”

I am so thankful I get to see them both play live, together, to ring in 40 years on this planet. I’m grateful for the people going with me, who continuously change my life for the better. Cheers to good music that makes you feel something. What are you thankful for today?

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30 Days of Thanks - Day 19

I’m thankful for having a yard and nice neighborhood again for Chewy the dog. In Portland, we had no space, but could walk to the park. In Olympia, we had a tiny yard and nice neighborhood, and Chewy was thriving there. Here, we have a big yard, a ton of streets to mark up and it’s quiet and friendly. Chewy loves his neighborhood walks, loves to make sure everyone knows he’s the top dog, and loves to nap immediately after.

The new job, the new commute, and the new expenses all seem worth it for peace of mind and the feeling that I’m home. Chewy loves having three big beds throughout the house for his rests and he loves standing on the deck staring off at the neighbors.

Here’s to decent rentals with plenty of space for Chewy the dog. What are you thankful for today?

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30 Days of Thanks - Day 18

I’m thankful to have a separate line for work and a completely different phone, that’s not an iPhone, too. I have all calls, work emails, work texts, and the like routed to my old Texas number on a Google Pixel 9 Pro XL. I love being able to have things separate so they can be silenced when necessary or to have alerts on during the day to remind me when I’m not sitting at my computer without interfering with my own personal things. I’m grateful to have a second phone to play around with and to compare the Apple and Google worlds.

I have always intermingled work and personal, but I’ve learned that they need to be separate. You need to be able to shut work off when you can and also be able to respond but not accidentally to the wrong contact or using the wrong email.

What are you thankful for today?

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