#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: September-December 2019
“Here come my tears
Like a dancer on a stage
I got nothing to fear
Just a hurricane of feeling
Baby, come here
Show me how to shake
I wanna move like the air
A pirouette of pain”
Quick Stats
Total steps: Sep: 242,452 / Oct: 292,547 / Nov: 313,324 / Dec: 382,398
Average daily steps: Sep: 8,082 / Oct: 9,438 / Nov: 10,444 / Dec: 12,335
Highest daily steps: Sep: 22,014 / Oct: 14,353 / Nov: 15,185 / Dec: 16,481
Lowest daily steps: Sep: 3,956 / Oct: 2,536 / Nov: 3,421 / Dec: 8,582
Total miles walked/ran/hiked: Sep: 21.95 / Oct: 62.66 / Nov: 54.76 / Dec: 85.7
Total miles hiked: Sep: 11.88 / Oct: 0 / Nov: 8.92 / Dec: 2.72
Sleep stats: Sep: 5:24 / Oct: 5:13 / Nov 5:03 / Dec: 5:38
Days of Activity: Sep: 9 / Oct: 23 / Nov: 26 / Dec: 31
Fall temps and colors hanging on in Texas!
The Good
Finished the year by starting a workout routine in the gym 5 days per week
Enjoyed a few good hikes with great intentions for 2020 (as always)
Spent a little more time on trails in November and December, which was a welcomed change
The weather is cooler and the holiday lights are uplifting - especially on evening dog walks
I increased my activity and steps as the year ended - helping me reach goals and set the stage for 2020
Really started to reign in the poor eating and drinking habits in November with a big shift to saving money, eating in, and eating food better for my body
Experimenting with food to see what is helping me gain the muscle I’m training for while losing the excess fat
My aunt and I had a nice little hike in the Lincoln National Forest over in BEAUTIFUL New Mexico. The trees smelled so good and it was a nice little change of pace.
Had the most amazing hike in North Cascades National Park - challenged my fitness, cleared my head, and brought me right back to the moment. I honestly haven’t felt as good as I did on that hike in a while. (September)
The Not-So-Good
I haven’t been as committed to vegetarian meals
Despite an increased effort, I haven’t been able to sleep more
Did not hike NEARLY as much as I’d have liked (this quarter and the previous two months)
I did not lose 35 lbs by 35 years old - but it’s not for a lack of trying
I did not kayak really at all the final quarter of the year - SO SAD.
Barely rode my bike. I wonder if part of it is how I think I look on my bike and the other part of it is having to fold my seats down to take it anywhere but the nearby neighborhood because crossing all of these main roads scares the shit out of me? **update: bike was stolen from porch so in the process of a new one
After one leg day in November, my knee was fucked. It had swollen to a very large size and remained in pain for a few days. It has been better, but I’m still afraid to do lunges. I did still do other leg day activities and squats seemed to be OK, even with added weight
The Holidays really jolted my habits and I’m ready to get back to normal.
Walks with my love and the best dog
Mental Health
Work was absolutely draining and the main contributor to my depressive episodes over the past four months
Did not read my daily motivation or write daily, which needs to happen in 2020
Did not get to disconnect as often as I’d like, but have scaled back my social media
Weightlifting has been helping my overall mental health be more positive
I’ve been writing poems or little blurbs that make no sense but make me feel better
Focusing on things I can control and can change has made a huge difference in my overall outlook on life
Realizing that I’m making progress in other areas of my life makes me less hard on myself for my older poor life choices
A glorious hike at North Cascades National Park - Cascade Pass trail
Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions
I am currently on track. I have found my way again - in a balanced sense. I know what I need to do, I’m doing it, and I’m working harder than before. I’m adding weight as I gain knowledge and skill, walking daily, and eating more intelligently.
I am tracking my food. I’ve signed up to use NOOM until August, 2020. I’m working on changing my habits and their monitoring and database is pretty good for weird things. They are kind of like Weight Watchers where they focus on types of calories.
My coworkers are working out and trying too. Having some support, is helpful and I’m so lucky to have some people to go to the gym with over lunch break
2019 Was a huge success overall. I had many great months and plenty of excellent memories. I have been more active than 2018 and learned so many skills to take into 2020. I finished the year with a 325% increase in steps and activity, numerically speaking. I walked more, though I hiked less, and added weightlifting. I have goals, public and secret, that are pushing me on towards the finish line in 2020.
Goals for January 2020 & Beyond
Flashy shoes make everything better
More weight, please!
Read/Listen to at least 1 book per month
I have failed at larger numbers, so we’ll start with a bare minimum of 1 book per month with hopes it’ll be more. I have a huge stack to get through in 2020Working on drinking less booze, and more water. Currently, drinking less alcohol is really easy as it aligns with my plans to get stronger and leaner. Water, well, that can be a challenge when swamped at work or on the road.
Take 2 days off from social media My plan is to take a weekend off in January and every month thereafter
More jogging I’m beginning my training for a 10K in September. I have 9 months and January seems like an appropriate starting point. I will also include more leg work and actual trail runs. More hiking will also help. The 10K I’m doing is up 2000ft in 3 miles. I’m exploring the option of delaying my workday until 9AM if it means I can try to get to a trail beforehand - we’ll see how that goes.
Working on increasing my daily average for activity I consistently increased activity and movement through December and don’t plan to backslide. In January, I hope to hit a 12K steps per day average and run at least 1 trail per week (or attempt to run) Hoping to walk the dog at least 3 miles per day through January, which is a real challenge because the 2 mile route is easier and faster when I have a shitload of things to do every evening.
More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind.
I have high hopes for a few big trips - and trail runs will count as hikes in 2020. I will re-attempt the Adventure Series of the 52 Hike Challenge again in hopes of actually completing the list.Continued daily mindful breaks and reading The Awakening Daily reading and journal logging is going to be a requirement for January and beyond. Points of reference would be helpful with my spreadsheets of data on health/fitness. There was a huge dip in August and September and if I had taken better notes along the way I may know exactly what caused it. Added bonus - notes help release thoughts which can lessen the darkness….
There’s no reason I can’t hit 100 miles for January. More walks, hikes, jogs, and bike rides.
I am aiming for 50%+ vegetarian. I’m going to use this as a target, but may have to adjust and add sustainable seafood. I just can’t eat that many beans and lentils. Most soy stuff, not even super protein rich, is irritating to my system.