Finding A Way

If I could find a way

To fix all of the mistakes I’ve made

To redirect my life

To feel alive again

To pay off the debts I owe

To learn the things I want to know

To love me even more

I would.

If I could find a way, I’d be less of a zombie

If I could find the strength, I’d be more alive

If I could find a way, I’d be more me.

But I haven’t found a way

And I can’t figure it out

And I feel helpless, hopeless, and completely lost

And I’m not ready for life to suck so it can be better

I’m not ready to be stuck at home

Or without freedom

Because work already does that for 9 hours a day or more

And I need to escape

And I want to show him the world

And I want to see the world too.

I wish I could find the strength

I wish I could find my motivation

I wish I wasn’t so bad at life

I wish I wasn’t so self-destructive

I wish I wish I wish.

If I liked my job

I’d be okay not needing escape

And If I liked my work

I’d like my job

If I had accepted that job for less money

Would I be happier?

Would I be on a career path I’m proud of?

What if?

No one ever really knows.


Minnesota - One of My Happy Places


#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike: August 2019 Check-In