Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Adjust and go on.

Good morning, afternoon, or whatever it is when you read this. Thanks for reading it, and thanks for existing. Sometimes we have to just push through. Adjust, keep going, and keep pushing through. Not everything goes to plan, and some days you just don’t have the energy to deal with it so you’ll deal with it another day. I leave room for these feelings when I resolve to do something, and am getting better at adjusting when I just need to put my head down and push through. I used to have a hard time adjusting, and now, I just don’t have a choice most of the time. Life happens with or without you.

I don’t have much else to say, so enjoy a photo of my neighborhood from Saturday night when I left to get my groceries. I’m writing this on Sunday and I’m exhausted and NOT ready for the week ahead, but here we are. Keep pushing, keep going, and keep trying. You are loved.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Tried and true

Sometimes, just sometimes, the old stuff will work best. I’ve been going through items I have from my Gramma and this old stuff just works. I have her KitchenAid stand mixer from 1993 and that thing is a champ. I have the pots and pans from then, too, and they’re a little worn but still cooking like crazy. My grandparents invested in good stuff and it lasted. It has endured, and now I’m using it regularly and that’s amazing.

The nostalgia I feel when using a dish or piece of Le Creuset from their house is intensely warm and fuzzy. I’ve been clinging to these happy memories and the items I do have associated with them more now because it’s that time of year when many of the memories were made. I’ll eat off of similar plates and make things that warm my belly and my brain and be transported back to the good ole days.

I think I get why people say “they just don’t make them like they used to” when they refer to goods or cars. Stuff just isn’t the same, and it’s not always better just because it’s newer. I would say this goes beyond stuff and can also apply to other things I may have scoffed at in the past. I love an efficient method, but sometimes that means spending more time at first so you don’t have to spend more time later on whatever it is to be done.

Some people don’t remember the dishes they had dinner on or the pots and pans that dinner was cooked in, and that’s okay. I remember those things and want to create my own home and style for them, but scatter in pieces of the past that work. As I build my home, settle in, and hopefully end this nomadic period of life, I hope to be the one providing memories and passing stuff down and over to other family and friends.

I’m thinking so much about this right now because I bought a new coffee maker. For years, probably five plus, I had a grind-and-brew situation going on. I’d program it at night, and fill it with water and beans, then wake up to grinding noises and fresh coffee. Since the end of 2021, I haven’t had this machine. It was replaced when I moved in with someone and their idea of what was good for coffee. That method (A Nespresso machine) is no longer working for me, so I’ve moved back to something that did work for me and I have a new version of my old grind-and-brew. It’s funny how the old stuff just works the way we want.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - New Light

I’m sure i’ve spoke to this topic before, but seeing something in a new light can change the perspective one has about that situation, person, place, etc. I was driving yesterday and I had just wrapped up listening to Ina Garten’s memoir which is relevant because it was challenging me to think more critically about what I want and who I want around me as a grow old. The sun was streaming through the remaining leaves in the forest and the light was just magical. I had just made it back to Ohio and found myself on a familiar route - the route I take each day for work. At first, I didn’t really recognize the road other than seeing the sign and knowing where I was and it was because I rarely drive during the light of day down this route.

I didn’t feel any sort of negative way about the road or the commute, but seeing it in a different light made me appreciate it a bit differently. After living in the city and the PNW, I appreciate the quiet of semi-rural and the Midwest. The light changes and so does the perspective. As we’ve transitioned from summer into fall, the physical light has changed and even the way I see the world is changing every day.

My advice: try to see the situation, place, person, or idea in a new light if you are struggling with it right now. Maybe you will gain a new perspective, or maybe it will just confirm what you already know.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Everyone's got something

You’re unique, but not alone… everyone’s got some shit they worry about or feel judged for, even if they’re not really being judged. Your anxiety and feelings are valid, I promise, but can often be your brain playing tricks on you and not actually based in reality. I was tricked for years, and still am, by my own damn brain and it’s just not fair but know you’re not alone. It’s okay to analyze and find the truth, though. Believe the good things, too, and it’ll help.

I have to remind myself that I’m not the center of the universe, despite what I want to believe. This notion has helped me realize that while I’m significant, I’m probably not the target of whatever bad thing I think is coming my way. I wasn’t singled out to have this particular bad experience by some higher power and it probably just happened and that’s okay.

Maybe it’s the new location, maybe it’s the space to breathe, or maybe it’s some combination of those plus being close to things I am both familiar with and have no idea about but my anxiety has mostly disappeared and my outlook for the generality of life is a bit brighter. Personally, I’ll be happy once this election cycle and transfer of power is complete and in the past.

I’m welcoming the fall here in Ohio. I’m welcoming the season of things dying and resting in preparation for the big sleep. It is time to put things to rest and embrace the slowdown. I hope y’all have a good week ahead!

the sunset in my neighborhood

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

MondayMotivation - Distract Yourself

Sometimes, just sometimes, you can’t seem to overcome the BS. You can’t get past the event or activity that has you messed up. When you can’t move past that thing, go somewhere distracting!

Yesterday started off in a gut wrenching, terrible-to-me way with my car being broken into. I cleaned up the mess, did all the reporting and claiming but it still left me angry and violated. After a morning of unexpected cleaning and my usual chores, I reluctantly set out with the some friends to the coast. The glorious Oregon Coast offered the distraction I needed from the events of the morning. I saw waves, wildlife, and the sunset all while laughing and smiling.

I’m back to reality today - working, waiting on the glass people to call, and hoping nothing else tragic happens. Deal with the crap, do something to be happy again, and keep going! You’ve got this!

What a mess, but, it is dealt with and life goes on. I’ll get a detail after the new moonroof is installed.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Short Work Weeks

This week’s motivation is brought to you by a short working week for me. I have Thursday and Friday off because my friends are coming in from New Mexico. I’m so pumped to have visitors again and pumped to have a short work week. It’s these little things that keep me pushing forward. Making plans and having visitors keeps me moving. I’ve got visitors coming in August and I’m headed to the Great Lakes in September!

I find joy in planning and hosting, what brings you joy? What keeps you going? Find that thing and run with it. Have a good week!

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Shake it Off

Sometimes you have to shake it off. Sometimes, things just don’t work out the way you want them to work out. Sometimes, you do a bad job even if you thought you did a good job. Some people are just not going to be easy to deal with and some people just won’t like you. It’s okay. Not everything is for you, and that’s also okay.

Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do, and that can suck. Sometimes, we think we’re doing well, and we aren’t. It’ll all be okay, just keep going.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Shorter Days Ahead!

Today is the first Monday I’m home after 35 days away for work. I thought it was going to be a bit rough getting back into my regularly scheduled routine, but the central time zone changed my body clock and I’m quite enjoying my new sleep schedule. I’m in bed by 10-11 pm and I’m up by 5 am. I love the quiet mornings and I’ve been enjoying even being up at 4 to catch first light. All this to say, I was worried it was going to be difficult to jump back in and it wasn’t at all.

I normally hate summer, but I’m excited to take advantage of the rest of it here in the Pacific Northwest. I’d like the days to be 75 degrees instead of 100, so we’ll see how this all shakes out. I have visitors towards the end of the month and in August, so I’m hopeful we can find some fun adventures that aren’t involving Texas style heat. There’s always the coast!

My motivation this fine Monday is coming from wanting to cram as much as I can in because it feels like I already missed a month of the good weather. I’m not sure if that is healthy or not, but it is what it is. I’m on a new, great, sleep schedule and I’ll be able to take advantage of every day sunrise to sunset until fall. So here’s to enjoying the days as much as I(we) can and hopefully the temps going back to normal for a bit.

Shaved my head and I’m ready for summer!

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Delusional?

A little delusion goes a long way. Not feeling up to the day? Pretend you are! Not sure about what’s next in life, pretend you do!**

I am partially joking, of course, but also a little delusion is good. I’m not talking being completely unreasonable and detached from reality, but maybe just giving yourself a little more credit or having a little more faith in a situation. I’m not saying to ignore the red flags or obvious problems you have to deal with, either, but maybe give yourself (or the situation) a little delusional blind faith.

Over the past few years, I’ve really started to psych myself up a little more by being slightly delusional about some things. You always have to put in the work, but a little dreaming never hurt either.

You’ve got it this week! Power through! Think you can; know you can! I believe in you!

**Take all of this with a little laugh, I’m not at all downplaying depression or other struggles.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Take Time

I love listening to the river flow on by

Reclaim that time for yourself. Take the week(end), or any other free days, and use it to re-energize yourself. Cancel the plans, don’t make new ones, and do the things you need to do to get your shit right. Yes, I am mostly just speaking about what I did over the weekend and what I’ll be doing this week. I’ve been neglecting my chores, ignoring the books I want to read, and spending money I should be saving for things that would be more fun down the road and it’s time to take a little break and just breathe.

This past weekend I spent time with someone I enjoy, in the woods, and away from the incessant city noise around my apartment. I had a good time walking through the trees and sitting by the river, remembering that those things are things that I love to do on a regular basis. There’s nothing like a river flowing by or wind through tall trees or grasses.

I’m using my experience, of feeling overwhelmed the past few weeks and finally relaxing, to tell you to do the same. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed to the point of shutting down and feeling completely fried. Take the time to sit with your thoughts, do something that helps you relax, or something else that otherwise helps you take care of yourself. You deserve to relax.

What’s the saying? You can’t pour from an empty cup?

Big trees, mountains in the distance, and sunshine filtering through

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Perfect, even when it's not

Things are perfect right now, even if they’re not. I have debts I wish I didn’t have, people are gone who I wish weren’t, and plenty of other stressors that matter only in a moment. I have great friends, a solid roof over my head, a cool city around me, a beautiful state out and beyond, and a job that will get better as I continue to acclimate.

I was driving along the coast (the Oregon Coast) on Sunday and I realized, this is a DREAM COME TRUE. I’ve wanted to live in Oregon since I first drove through in 2008. I remember one morning, on the 2008 road trip, waking up to the fresh smell of sea air and lush trees and thinking I want to be here someday. I applied for jobs in Oregon from that moment on, with nothing landing. Fast forward to 2024, and now I’m becoming a resident of the state and I live less than two hours from the splendor of the Pacific Ocean.

Things will work out, level off, and become kind of normal in the cycle. LIfe keeps moving, so it’s always perfect in that moment. I do believe that you can’t appreciate the good without a little perspective, not saying we all need tragedy or anything, but a little perspective goes a long way.

Driving through the snowy coastal range, having to take it slow and be patient (not my strong point), made getting to the coast even better. Despite the constant rain and snow, the experience reminded me of the times before. It felt fresh, smelled good, and sounded familiar.

Get through your shit however you do, but know there are good things out there for you. Trust the journey.

Come visit me in Oregon and I’ll take you to the coast and we’ll get a flight of ice cream from the Tillamook Creamery. Pairing the ice cream with the fresh sea air will solve everything.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Friends

This week, I’m fueled by friends. I have people coming over Saturday for dinner, so I need to get a bunch of shit done this week. Sometimes, the motivation is just that simple. I don’t want my friends to see my dining room in disarray and the dog hair that needs to be vacuumed, so I’m going to get my ass to work this evening.

Having a set date, with a finite amount of time, really helps me with goals and projects. In general, I do my best work on something when I have a set amount of time. Sometimes, because I hate myself, I will procrastinate and use the pressure of having only one night or something silly to motivate me even further. I do not recommend procrastinating until the last minute, that’s mental illness speaking so don’t listen.

Find your motivation for the week and GO. You’ve got this, or at least you can pretend you do. Happy trails.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Exhausted.

I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted. I’m so done. BUT, as the theme for these go, I need to keep going. You need to keep going. Keep finding the joy in life, find the moments that give you hope, and always think of the possibilities.

Things I’m telling myself:

  • Don’t feel defeated

  • Don’t give up

  • You can take care of yourself

  • Some distractions are okay

  • I don’t have to talk to anyone if I don’t have the capacity

  • It’s okay to be sad

  • Joy comes in many forms

  • You’ll be okay

  • Everything will be okay

  • It’s fine, this is fine, it’s all fine

Things bringing me joy

  • Windows down, sunroof open, music up, heated seat on, heat on the floor drives

  • 1989 (Taylor’s Version)

  • Rewatching TV shows and movies I have already watched

  • Popcorn

  • Brisk mornings

There’s a little humor in this, but also some truths. Stay the course, find your adventure, all that happy horse shit.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Going Back In Time

Ever have a moment or period in time you wish you could erase? Oh, how I wish I could go back and do a few things over and avoid a few other things.  But, here I am, unable to time travel more than a few hours.

Since I can’t go back, I am just moving forward.  The trend for a few of these Monday motivations have been a forward movement, as it’s all I can do.

The world is bigger than a moment or period of time.  The universe is infinite and I’m just one speck. I recently stared through a telescope on Oahu and it made me feel small and insignificant in the best way.  Nothing mattered, in a good way, and these stars burned light years away.  As much as I’d like to go back and redo something, the fact is that it doesn’t matter that much as life goes on.  New stars form, and we continue to spin madly on in the vastness and wonder that is existence.

This may seem a bit existential, but I’m only writing this to convince myself to abide by this mindset. I can keep trying, I can change my trajectory, and so can you if you want.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Keep trying

Over the weekend, I hiked for the first time in ages. A real hike. A hike with elevation. A hike with thin air. It was my first hike post recent COVID and it was hard to breathe. I was struggling. BUT, I did it. I was with a group of friends who struggled a little too, but we were struggling together.

I felt pretty good after, accomplished and ready to keep going. By Sunday afternoon, I wasn’t even that sore. The struggle for me really was catching my breath and pushing forward. I’m hoping with continued activity, and a little chat with my doc next wee, I’ll be breathing normally again soon.

If you don’t think you can, try. If you don’t want to, just try. If you go and do the thing, but don’t succeed, you tried. Did I hike as well as I would have liked, no. Did I move quickly? Also, no. Did I do the damn thing, despite being worried about breathing? Yes. Did I take measures to accommodate my issues? You bet your ass I did. This goes back to last week - adjust and go forward with a new plan.

Enjoy some photos from the hike that made me feel alive again. (Mount Rainier National Park - Skyline & Golden Gate Trails)

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A Healthier Mike Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike July 2020 Review

July was better than June, but still not on par with the first five months of the year. My weight is up, I’m bloated, my running is suffering, and my body is just blah. I am feeling the effects of being too lazy in the opposite way I felt after mashing my hip and knee from being too active. I have to find a balance in August.

Work is a continued stress ball, but I’m learning new ways to manage it overall. I’m slowly distancing from social media, negative bitches, and people who make me feel less than great. It’s not as easy as just saying “I’m going to avoid people” because saying and doing are vastly different.

Here’s to August, a month of goals.


The Good

  • I kayaked a few times - once being down a river!

  • I spent a week deep in thought, trying to find a way through everything

  • Food intake was moderate to good all month, despite my lack of logging in Noom

  • Had several nice hikes and visited new state parks

  • Had some breakthroughs with biking

  • Working toward being back on my regular track of better choices

  • I read a little bit, but man is it hard for me to sit down and read for some reason

  • I had quality time with family and friends

  • Had some nice long, healthy walks and jogs

  • Realized I can still run, albeit for not as long as I could back in May

  • I signed up to ride 100 miles to raise money for kids cancer treatment/research in September - so I’m going to work hard this month to get ready for that by riding more often.

  • We have a second kayak now, so together time kayaking can happen!

  • I did more activity, and more per day of activity, than June


The Not So Good

  • I had some real shitty days for activity - pure laziness and some days of just driving all day

  • I did not track my food for the last half of the month

  • My sleep schedule has shifted and I’m not happy with it

  • I’m falling short on my overall annual goal numbers

  • I did not meet my previous July activity level

  • I just didn’t care enough

Mental Health Check In

  • I took a week and just thought really hard about what it is I wanted, where I wanted to be, and what I needed to do going forward

  • I managed to regain my positive energy despite these shitty-on-paper numbers this month (again, but with more momentum)

  • I made plans, set attainable goals, and got back on the food logging wagon (today, 8/3)

  • Managing work stress is easier than ever, now

  • I’ve felt kind of lonely, despite not being alone (this is a continued feeling, though it’s fading - ebbs and flows)

  • Routines are still my best tool in staying happy, healthy, and optimistic (still true, still something I think about often)

Goals for August

  • 100+ miles of “on-foot” activity (hiking, walking, running)

  • 75+ miles of biking

  • Wake up before 7 am

  • Get to bed by 10:30 pm

  • Log all meals (failed to do so on Aug 1 & 2)

  • Log in to Noom and work through it

  • Write once a week

  • Eat less shit and less overall

  • Drink less alcohol during the week

  • Increase water intake

  • Yoga once a week, minimum 15 mins

  • Find a body weight workout to do once or twice per week

  • Read another book

  • Focus on staying clear


Conclusions - Going Forward

  • I’m more on track than June, but I really need to push myself

  • I need to get my shit together as far as meeting my annual goals. July and June were huge hits to my goals. I need to balance - not caring and care - a little better.

  • I will keep trying - there’s no reason to give up because of a few bad weeks

  • I can get fully back on track with a little focus

  • I like to give in to my desires too easily - beers, sweets, laziness… in reality, I don’t need those things and I know.

  • The worst thing is knowing you’re doing something wrong and not being able to stop yourself

Questions I’m asking myself

  • What’s really important in life?

  • Why don’t I do yoga more often?

  • Why am I so easily falling victim to my own laziness?

  • What are some gym alternatives?

  • Why don’t I swim more?

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A Healthier Mike Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike June 2020 Review

June started strong, but slowly went off the rails. My hip was hurting, I had trips for work and pleasure (safely, course), and I was just not super focused on my food. I didn’t lose momentum, I just lost the time and freedom of being at home in a routine and the effort dwindled away.

The Good

IMG_1714 (1).jpg
  • I did kayak a few days this month, worked out those kayaking muscles

  • I spent 4 days off the grid, away from the world

  • Food intake went a little crazy, but I didn’t lose my progress (except for a little bloat weight)

  • I did have one stellar hike (an excellent camping weekend)

  • I had some really great days with excellent workouts

  • There was a lot of clarity found

  • I read a book and started another one

  • I spent a few days with one of my best friends in the middle of nowhere Arkansas and it was rejuvenating

  • I spent a moment in a cave!


The Not So Good

  • There were several days with less than stellar movement

  • I did not track my food for the last half of the month

  • I slept about an hour less, on average, per night

  • I did not even come close to closing my rings on my watch every day

  • I was 10% behind 2019’s step totals/activity goals

  • I stopped doing anything (which can be attributed to working LONG days)

Mental Health Check In

  • As mentioned above, I found some clarity on many things including this whole quantification of myself and my activities

  • I managed to regain my positive energy despite these shitty-on-paper numbers this month

  • Off the grid for 4 days really helped with the stressors related to work

  • Work has wore me down

  • I’ve felt kind of lonely, despite not being alone

  • Routines are still my best tool in staying happy, healthy, and optimistic


Goals for July

  • Get back on track with daily activity

  • Ride my bike more often (honestly, just fucking do it)

  • I want to run (going to work my hip out and try to get back on it)

  • I’m upgrading to the Couch to 25K plan instead of just the 10K

  • I’m reducing my overall caloric intake

  • I will get my average monthly step goal back up to 12K and beat 2019

  • Finish another book or two

  • Get 150 miles of activity

Conclusions - Going Forward

  • I’m still on track - mentally and physically

  • My goals are still there and I’m a little easier on myself related to this numbers I keep

  • I will keep trying - there’s no reason to give up because of a few bad weeks

Questions I’m asking myself

  • What’s really important in life?

  • What should I be focused on with fitness?

  • Should I go back to the gym? Is it safe?

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Keep Living.

Keep Living

I’m not a competitive person.

But, I’m in competition with myself.

You reaching your goals motivates me.

But, you reaching your goals is your achievement.

You reaching your goals doesn’t make me want to reach your goals.

I love myself.

I love my body.

I love what I can do.

I love what I’m capable of.

I love being lazy.

I love being active.

Some days, I just can’t.

Some days, I just can’t try.

Some days, I just don’t want to.

Some days, I do.

Some days, I’m motivated.

Some days I fucking crush it.

I want to run.

I want to hike.

I want to ride.

I want it to be fall.

I want to be fit.

I want, I want, I want.

I need to try.

I need to be fit.

I need to try to be fit.

I need to try to be more fit.

I need to be good to myself.

I need to stop being self-destructive.

I need to keep living.

I need to live.

I need to live well.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Trail Run?

I’m not a runner, not really.

I haven’t ever run more than a mile at once, and I haven’t done that since high school. I have done the Couch 2 5K for about 4 weeks, before petering out. I’m not a runner, but I’m trying it on for size now.


So… I signed up for the LBA - Little Backyard Adventure trail race sponsored and hosted by The Outdoor Society in Olympia, Washington. It is Saturday, August 10 and I’m going to train until then in hopes of coming in better than last place. It’s a simple motivation today - try harder, work for it, and don’t come in last place in August. I’ve already started incorporating little spurts of jogging into my daily dog walks and I don’t hate it.


  • My dog maxes out at about 16 minute miles - if we REALLY hustle. He’s more comfortable around 17-20 minute miles. He’s kind of holding me back, but I love him so I’ll have to train separately or just drag him.

  • I am to the where walking fast is more annoying than just running slowly. Yeah, I run slowly, but I am still in the motion and it’s still running.

  • My self-centered notion that people are judging my running ability is just silly. EVEN if they are, who the fuck cares? Not me, from this moment forward anyway.

  • Running on a treadmill is absolute horse shit. I hate it. I was like, why do I hate running? It’s because I did Couch 2 5K on a treadmill and that was the dumbest thing. I mean, not THE dumbest thing, but dumb enough for me. Running outside, though probably slower, is just so much better feeling in my body. I will save the treadmill as a last resort, when it is storming or I am unable to go before triple digit temps for the day.

  • I sweat a lot. I sweat walking through an air conditioned building, but running really soaks me. I’m also coming to terms with the fact that this doesn’t matter either. Re-hydrate and move on, Mike.

As someone WHO never did ANY sport or any fun running, this is kind of cool. I know, so many of you ran in high school or run for health. I just never did, and it is kind of exciting for me. I have a goal, a real motivator, and I’m ready to commit.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - New pants!

April didn’t quite go as planned as far as leveling off my eating habits, but I did exercise more than March. Hiking was not the main form, but an important part nonetheless. The real winner, which will make hiking even better, is that I found some new pants that fit well and move with me. This is a link to the pants I bought, the Columbia Pilot Peak Pants at (this is not a sponsored link or anything of that nature) I just wanted to go on and on about these pants.

  • I snagged them on clearance, which means I didn’t pay too much

  • They flex and bend with my body as I climb hills, bend over to pick up trash, or need to maneuver around trees/rocks/etc.

  • They are durable!

  • They are SO comfortable - almost like wearing a lounge pant.

I go on about these because it’s SO difficult to find pants that fit me well. I have plenty of pants and shorts that fit okay, but eventually they just feel annoying. I’m talking, halfway through the first mile of hiking, most pants/shorts feel terrible. These pants from Columbia are a game changer. I’m not the biggest dude, but I’m not athletic build either. I wear a 42-44 waist in most brands, and the length various based on how it fits around my behind. 32 inseam usually works, but sometimes I need a 34. XXL shorts work well, but even some of REI’s shorts and convertible pants fit awkwardly in that size and get uncomfortable as my mileage increases. It’s good to know that Columbia is making pants and shorts that cater to the various body types out there - not just the athletic, outdoorsy dude. I know, most companies go where their business currently is, but I’m thankful for Columbia branching out and encompassing all bodies.

I’m motivated to keep moving and now my body will move freely. I hope to get my hands on some of Columbia’s shorts in the future to test out for the summer months ahead.

Find your comfortable clothes, find your happy place, and get out there!

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Previous Rambles