#MondayMotivation - Perfect, even when it's not
Things are perfect right now, even if they’re not. I have debts I wish I didn’t have, people are gone who I wish weren’t, and plenty of other stressors that matter only in a moment. I have great friends, a solid roof over my head, a cool city around me, a beautiful state out and beyond, and a job that will get better as I continue to acclimate.
I was driving along the coast (the Oregon Coast) on Sunday and I realized, this is a DREAM COME TRUE. I’ve wanted to live in Oregon since I first drove through in 2008. I remember one morning, on the 2008 road trip, waking up to the fresh smell of sea air and lush trees and thinking I want to be here someday. I applied for jobs in Oregon from that moment on, with nothing landing. Fast forward to 2024, and now I’m becoming a resident of the state and I live less than two hours from the splendor of the Pacific Ocean.
Things will work out, level off, and become kind of normal in the cycle. LIfe keeps moving, so it’s always perfect in that moment. I do believe that you can’t appreciate the good without a little perspective, not saying we all need tragedy or anything, but a little perspective goes a long way.
Driving through the snowy coastal range, having to take it slow and be patient (not my strong point), made getting to the coast even better. Despite the constant rain and snow, the experience reminded me of the times before. It felt fresh, smelled good, and sounded familiar.
Get through your shit however you do, but know there are good things out there for you. Trust the journey.
Come visit me in Oregon and I’ll take you to the coast and we’ll get a flight of ice cream from the Tillamook Creamery. Pairing the ice cream with the fresh sea air will solve everything.