Tuesday Truths - December Edition
Hot takes for the best month… Just as Lake Superior is the superior Great Lake:
December is the best month, without question
Winter is the best season
If you’re a meat eater, ham is better than turkey
Cranberry is the superior berry (though, through some research I’ve learned it’s not an actual berry so I’m going with Blueberry or the similar ones as the superior)
Twinkly lights are better than overhead lights or lamps
New Years is the superior fourth quarter holiday but…
My birthday is superior to all other holidays
Snow is THE superior form of precipitation
Spruce trees are the sturdiest real trees you’ll get for decorating
Happy Holidays is a superior greeting and I’ll fight you on that
#MondayMotivation - Keep it.
I once let someone’s opinion convince me to follow suit on something even though it was not the right choice for my life. I once (or twice or more) let my desire to keep the peace or desire to fit a certain ideal affect how I went forward. This is not to say compromise is the devil, but I do not recommend abandoning your desires or plans (or giving up entire collections of things that you spent years putting together) just to mesh with someone you barely know.
Hold on to you and find what motivates you. Find ways to compromise if you must combine your likes, desires, dreams, hopes, goals, etc. with someone else. There are plenty of amazing people out there and plenty of different ways to coexist - whether you are lovers, friends, or just roommates. Communicate your thoughts, dreams, desires, and things you’re not willing to budge so easily on. It is okay to stick to something you love or hold on to THINGS you love if they mean something to you.
I’m rebuilding my life and it’s not what I expected, but not in a terrible way. I miss things I’ve given up (and kick myself for doing so sometimes) and I miss old parts of me I thought were dormant. Don’t rule anything out, but don’t settle just because you’re afraid of not settling. Happy Monday and keep going! You’re not alone-alone, you may be alone but not like alooooone. <3
Thursday Thoughts - I'm Moving On
I started to write this post many times and my feelings vacillated between teary eyed and completely pumped. I have such mixed and complicated feelings around the topic of home, so it’s not surprising to have all of these emotions. “Home is where your rump rests” —Pumbaa
I’m trying to tell myself this wasn’t a waste of money, because it took a lot of money to be here. I’m trying to tell myself that it’s okay to not want something you thought you wanted for over 15 years. I don’t know where I’d be if I had been able to stay in Olympia longer, but that didn’t happen and this is the way the cookie has crumbled. Life kept going, no matter the circumstances, and it’s led me to this moment.
I tried new things. I tried to love Portland and the people of Portland. I tried new versions of myself. I tried alternate timelines and wild-to-me things. I tried. All of the trying made me feel weird and invalid. All of these mishaps brought me back to who I am - the outdoorsy, generally unaware, golden retriever that I am. I have no regrets because I tried things I knew I would have never tried before. I have no regrets because I learned from every experience and relationship I’ve had while being in the Pacific Northwest. I’ve made some genuinely wonderful friends and I’m glad to have them yet sad to leave them.
“I’m not sure my brand of outdoorsy is right for the area” is a thought I’ve had many times living here. I’m not super ambitious these days - more of a lazy outdoors person. I saw myself going out every weekend and exploring as often as possible. Well, reality always hits and it’s not always that simple. Depression, anxiety, burnout, time, costs, friends, other plans, crowds, and distance have all been factors in my lack of doing certain things I thought I wanted. I could sit here and make the excuses, but I’ll just admit that it wasn’t as easy as I thought to just go somewhere and do the damn thing.
I’ve wanted to live in the Pacific Northwest since 2008 when I first visited with my pals on our second big spring break road trip. I’ve wanted to live in Portland since 2013, and seriously considered it in 2014. I applied for jobs all over Oregon from 2009 onward and had several interviews, but nothing ever worked out. When I moved in to my apartment in January, in the middle of a blizzard (I’ve done that before, btw), I thought it was great. As I settled in, and the temperatures warmed, I noticed things that started to slowly drive me batshit crazy and I couldn’t wait to finish my lease and get out to the suburbs or rural area. The city is really not for me, and I learned that lesson living in a super busy area with thousands of people concentrated around me. I don’t like driving, parking, or dodging people with crazy dogs. I don’t like hearing my dumpster being emptied at 3:00 AM. I don’t enjoy not having an outdoor space of my own or paying an exorbitant amount for parking.
As the year crept forward and my general disdain for the city grew, I also realized I wasn’t saving as much or paying debt off fast enough and I needed a change. I started with a plan to move to Vancouver, WA with a roommate to save more money and have more space. That plan seemed perfect, until I realized I still wouldn’t be saving enough. After a chat with my dear friends, I made a new plan to move to Michigan to stay with them and get life back on track to where I thought I needed to be. As it turned out, life had other plans for me. I was contacted about a job in Ohio doing something that intrigued me, so I applied and interviewed. Fast forward a few weeks to accepting the job and packing my life for a move back to the Midwest in a different way than I had originally planned. I’m excited to be closer to my people, near the Great Lakes, and to be in an area that is a little more quiet and rural. I will genuinely miss those who made Portland and the Pacific Northwest feel like home to me.
I have no idea what Ohio will bring for me, but I do know I’m ready to start the journey and see what happens. I will always visit the PNW, as I have for all the years before but now I’ll have people to see and stay with when I visit. I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue this life and try something new. If you’re in the Midwest and want to get outside or hangout, you know how to reach me! Happy trails.
Way Back Wednesday - Arkansas 2024
I recently spent 35 days in and around Arkansas for work. I was on location for M-F, but I took full advantage of my weekends. I visited local breweries, made some new friends, and visited my friends/family back in Texas. Heat and humidity aside, the area wasn’t so bad. I experienced some thunderstorms while there and remembered how much I missed those. There were rolling hills, trees, and lush green fields all over and fun back roads through them all. Here’s a few highlights from the trip:
Thursday Thoughts
I have to make my own happiness. This doesn’t mean I can’t have help from others, or rely on them sometimes, but I need to work within to bring my own natural joy out first and foremost.
I’ve been kind of letting the negative in life take me out. The chores, the absurd cost of living, and various doom around the globe have infiltrated my joy. So, I am working to compartmentalize and to have a duality - I can be frustrated about things but still enjoy other things. I can hate the way people are destroying one another in various ways, but I’m still allowed to enjoy the sunrise or various cultural events.
I have recently started walking to the Tillikum Crossing bridge in the morning. I’m trying my damndest to see the sunrise as often as possible, and it’s paying off. Having an objective that brings me joy adds a level of contentment to my whole day. Seeing that bridge with cotton candy clouds gives me a physical reaction I can’t hide - a big smile. I get giddy with a sunrise, and I want to feel that way about more things.
Seek things that make you feel good, even if things are on fire around you. Secure your own oxygen mask first, and then help others with theirs. It’s not selfish to do things to make yourself feel good, despite what we were made to believe.
#MondayMotivation - Change Something
If you want a different life, make a change. Small changes can lead to big results. I love to complain like anyone else, but I’ve learned I had to actually take charge and make changes if I really wanted things to be different. I know, there are certain things we just like to complain about or can’t change, but there are plenty that can be adjusted with small changes.
I’m talking to myself as much as I’m offering any sort of wisdom to anyone else. I’ve complained about my body or my living situation or any other number of things in this life. What did I do? Small steps that I’ve taken to improve my life include taking a walk in nature, playing Super Mario Bros, cleaning my kitchen regularly, finding a new brewery or restaurant, or rewatching something I really enjoyed once before. I’m always looking for little ways to make life better that do not cost a lot (or anything) and are easy to implement.
Small steps can have a big impact. Changing one meal you eat, skipping that one outing and using the money for something else, putting your phone in do not disturb, or taking a walk at lunch can really add up. Sometimes, just because of life, big changes are required. It can be scary to make big changes, but often times the discomfort will be worth the peace and joy in the end.
I recently had the privilege of watching a friend get their Master’s Degree. The whole experience inspired me and made me realize we can all do hard things. Watching those graduates walk was a little spark that ignited an internal motivation to do the hard things.
Whatever you’re going through and whatever you need to do, I hope you find the courage to do so! I’m here to help, if you ever need an ear or help making a change. I wish you all a good week!
Tuesday Truths
Here are some more of my “truths” or opinions or whatever you want to call them. You didn’t ask for them, but I’m providing them anyway.
Being cold is better than being hot. Always. I’d rather have to add layers than be miserable and sweaty.
Freshly ground coffee is better than any other form of coffee.
I love the sound of a vinyl being played, but the whole concept is just pretentious and snobby now.
Mornings along a river in Montana are superior.
Earl Grey is the superior caffeinated tea.
iPhones are no longer innovative and are now just a money grab. (and that’s coming from ME “mr. new phone every year”)
Being overly cautious seems as dangerous as not being overly cautious - you just have more anxiety.
Children do not belong at breweries, distilleries, or bars. I was raised in a bar, I would know.
The outdoor places are overrun by snobby assholes who can’t say “on your left” when biking past you. Prove me wrong, I dare you!
At home, now.
The move, physically, is complete. Everything I own is in Oregon, now. I have a huge storage unit for my camping gear, kayaks, and overstock items that don’t seem to fit in my new, streamlined one-bedroom. Moving from a three-bedroom townhome with a huge garage to a large, one-bedroom apartment is a magic trick gone wrong. I am letting go of some things while storing other things until figure out what I want to do with them. I’m so grateful for Josh, Stanley, and Sam for helping me move and clean. Absolute Dreamboats.
Downsizing can be a big adjustment, and it is overwhelming, but I’m coming out of it with a more positive outlook on life. I managed to find a home for my grandmother’s China and other dishes I have, so that made me the happiest. The rest, whatever, it was given away or put into storage.
People in Portland have been welcoming, and that has me optimistic as well. I have some established friends here such as my childhood bestie and my sunrise hiking buddy which is exciting. I have several other friends around Oregon, and it’s been great to be closer to them as well. I’m making new friends, and working to create a network of people who want to hang out and adventure with me semi-regularly.
It was a rough start to 2024, but it’s turning around. I’ve made friends I never (in a million years) expected to make, I feel liberated as a human again, and am getting used to the sounds of the city once more. I’m taking lessons learned and hardships experienced as a means to grow and develop while looking at the year ahead with an open mind and an adventurous spirit.
There’s trivia nights, public transit to breweries, plenty of good coffee, so many bridges to walk across, and an amazing path along the river that I know Chewy will love. I’m also pumped to be in a city that has so many hiking trails nearby which makes me excited to put some of my guidebooks to use. 52 Hikes With Me, Mike, will be back in action! I’m going to kayak at Trillium Lake, and many other lakes and rivers, and I’m going to see all the sights. Time to do the damn thing - happy trails.
Thursday Thoughts
I’m back and the website is back up and running. Sure, I should be packing my house up, but I had to take a break and welcome February into my life. Some life updates include:
I’ve accepted a new job in Portland, OR
I’ve been slowly moving into my new apartment, in Portland, and I’ll be doing a big push this coming weekend thanks to some friends
I’m downsizing from a huge townhome to a small apartment with a storage unit, it’s stressful but also helping me figure out what’s really important
My dog has been with his other dad in Texas since Thanksgiving and will be coming home in March!
I’m uploading a “Photo A Day” and a “Daily Selfi” so I can look back at the year. Find them here!
I’m hoping to get caught up on my hikes for 2024 and hoping to dive deep into exploring Oregon. Olympia was a great location, and I’ll still explore all over the PNW, but I’m excited to be a bit further south so I can get down to the Redwoods a bit easier and out to some of my favorite spots on the coast.
I look forward to being closer to some friends of mine in Portland and building a new network of people. My new office has views of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens and that makes the days I have to go in less terrible.
I hope February brings you great things. See you on the trails!
#MondayMotivation - Meet People Where They Are
I had been letting feelings get in the way of enjoying life and building relationships. Letting resentment build, letting bitterness win has taken me nowhere. When it’s all said and done, what’s the point of holding on to those feelings? So, with a little encouragement from someone I trust, I pushed through. I started meeting people where they were, forgetting and forgiving any ill feelings I had. Life got better in that I am no longer stressed about the situations.
Maybe someone can’t be what you need them to be, but they’re probably trying. Meet them where they are, make the most of it if you can. I know, that’s not going to apply or work for every situation but if it does, I promise it’ll be worth it.
#MondayMotivation - Anticipation
Waiting for something like an event, a meeting, or a call can be stressful. I’m working to take the stress from the unknown and convert it to excited anticipation. Life is good and stress is bad — it really is that simple. I’ve applied for many jobs and had one interview. I’m being phased out of my current role and I’m working to find that next big job. I’m managing my stress by continuing to submit applications, going for walks, and turning the anticipation into excitement.
Letting excitement build and allowing yourself to live for the moment can be such a positive experience. Life is good, even if it’s in transition. Good things are happening behind the scenes, and I’m excited to see where everything goes. Also, I made a new kitty friend. I hope the week is good to y’all.
#MondayMotivation - Fear is an illusion
Experiences in our lives shape who we are, or who we become. Some of these experiences lead us to create a mask or facade. If you’re constantly questioning life due to some circumstances that made it feel normal, you may take that mindset into new experiences unknowingly. This could be jobs, relationships, friendships, etc. The fear that creates the facade is an illusion and doesn’t have to be permanent.
I fear rejection because I’ve been rejected. Does that mean I will stop trying? Does it mean I wont apply for that job or go on that date? Absolutely not.
I fear being thought of as being “too much” because I’ve been called “too much” before. Does that mean I need to apologize for being who I am or adding a disclaimer to my feelings? It shouldn’t, but I have. I’m learning that I’m not “too much” and my thoughts, feelings, and ideas are valid.
I’ve spent the past few months coming back to myself, losing the fear of being too much, not enough, or the fear of losing something that really wasn’t meant to be mine anyway. I had a conversation this weekend that helped spark this whole idea that the true me is still there, behind some fear. Allowing life to happen and working to make good things part of that new path is pushing through the fears.
I’m confident, outgoing, fun, friendly, dramatic, kind, and generous. I’m all of those things. It’s enough and never truly too much. Remembering me, adapting to life in current, and continuing to grow is pushing fear out of the way and thriving instead of surviving.
I hope you find ways to thrive this week. Doing the best you can is thriving, not just surviving.
#MondayMotivation - Find the Beauty
If you are struggling, as I was recently, find something beautiful to motivate you. I took off after work and headed to Crater Lake National Park on Friday. Well, I went to a nearby town to stay in a cabin, but still…
When I can’t just take off after work for a 6.5 hour drive, I find it locally. I’ll go look at the art all over Olympia, visit one of the many local city parks, or drive a little bit out of town to a forest or a lookout and take it in. When I can’t leave the house, for whatever reason, I play around on Google Maps to find new places to “eventually” adventure to someday.
You don’t have to spend a lot of (or any) money or time to find something beautiful to give you motivation. Crater Lake had been on my radar for years, and I wasn’t going to live here and NOT visit that place. But for weeks before, I’d just sit on Google Maps updating my “want to visit” tab. Seize the day - in whatever way you can! Have a great week ahead.
Tuesday Truths
It’s Tuesday, so you get some more info you didn’t ask for! Well, one of you keeps asking for it, so I guess that’s all I need for motivation. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can. This is quickly devolving into just Tuesday Thoughts and I’m not mad at that.
Green is my favorite color. Not just “green” but the varying shades of green for the most part. I will gravitate towards green followed closely by purple and orange.
I think if more people read these, I’d have a lot less bullshit in my life. (LOL)
Halloween may not be my favorite holiday, but I love the original two movies and the newer three movies.
I don’t necessarily hate the Beatles, but I definitely don’t seek them out when playing music
Taffy is a terrible type of candy - along with other super chewy things like it
Sleeping bags make me feel so confined, so I prefer to layer an unzipped sleeping bag and/or other quilts instead while camping.
Tree identification is a passion of mine and I will learn the trees of a region so I can then impress my friends (who usually don’t care haha)
Lilacs and wild irises are my favorite kinds of flowersl
Tuesday Truths (Thoughts?)
On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can. This is quickly devolving into just Tuesday Thoughts and I’m not mad at that.
I can be an out and proud gay man without attending certain gay events. Full stop.
Concerts in bars, small venues, or outside venues are my favorite kind of concerts to attend. I’ll go to a stadium show, but smaller venues are way better in my opinion.
Beyonce is talented, but I don’t gravitate towards her music like I do other big voices like Kelly Clarkson or Kylie Minogue.
I must live close to water. New Mexico was kind of rough, but there was a man made lake I guess.
The older I get, the less I like grapes unless they’re wine. I always buy them with good intentions, but ya know…
I’m more likely to save for and invest in something of higher quality (such as a certain laptop or article of clothing or boots) instead of replacing them more frequently.
Vegas is only fun for about 3 days
Standard bathtubs are shit. Give me a shower stall any day of the week. (a shower stall and giant tub would be ideal, but I ain’t rich)
#MondayMotivation - Regain that Control
I feel like I’m out of control. When I say this, I mean I’m just eating whatever I want and not really exercising. I feel like my chores get pushed to the “next available” day and my list of things to do grows longer. I’m trying to take control. I’m going to make some food to help me feel good about what I’m eating and I’m going to walk on the trail nearby during my lunch. I’m going to get back to my gym routine, gradually. COVID really knocked the wind out of me, but I’m trying to stretch these lungs back out.
Additional good things - I have a few doctor appointments this week and some fun weekend plans ahead. Weekend plans ahead means I need to gradually get my shit done this week. I’ve got a plan, with realistic goals, and I am going to push through!
I’m starting this Monday with a clean kitchen, fresh laundry, and some ambition. Good luck to all of you out there. Remember, make your goals achievable for your efforts. If your best means not doing anything, that’s okay some days. Keep finding little bits of joy and make the most of the day.
#MondayMotivation - Keep trying
Over the weekend, I hiked for the first time in ages. A real hike. A hike with elevation. A hike with thin air. It was my first hike post recent COVID and it was hard to breathe. I was struggling. BUT, I did it. I was with a group of friends who struggled a little too, but we were struggling together.
I felt pretty good after, accomplished and ready to keep going. By Sunday afternoon, I wasn’t even that sore. The struggle for me really was catching my breath and pushing forward. I’m hoping with continued activity, and a little chat with my doc next wee, I’ll be breathing normally again soon.
If you don’t think you can, try. If you don’t want to, just try. If you go and do the thing, but don’t succeed, you tried. Did I hike as well as I would have liked, no. Did I move quickly? Also, no. Did I do the damn thing, despite being worried about breathing? Yes. Did I take measures to accommodate my issues? You bet your ass I did. This goes back to last week - adjust and go forward with a new plan.
Enjoy some photos from the hike that made me feel alive again. (Mount Rainier National Park - Skyline & Golden Gate Trails)
Tuesday Truths
I’m usually late. I know, it can feel disrespectful, but I mean no harm. I’m bad at time-management and most of the time I think there is more than enough minutes to get there.
I despise corn on the cob. SORRY NOT SORRY. Fresh corn, if it’s off the cob, is just fine.
I’ll never choose traditional chicken wings - give me adult chicken nuggets or nothing
Night drives will always hold a special place in my heart. They were therapy, they were a means to an end, and they got me through truly boring stretches of road much easier and seemingly faster.
I always knew, even despite wanting to be in the PNW so badly, that I’d end up back in the Great Lakes region eventually. Eventually is sooner than I could have imagined.
Olympic National Park will forever be my favorite and that belief has only been reinforced living an hour or so from many parts of it.
I don’t love deep water. I will swim in water over my head, but sometimes it freaks me out and I need a floatation device.
Chili should have beans and that’s final.
I will drink about 10x as much water if I have a container with a straw. It’s just science.
Great Lakes get ready, there will be a big boy in a speedo next summer gracing your beaches.
Tuesday Truths
On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can.
If I’m getting coffee, it’s more than likely going to be iced. The time of year and outdoor temperature rarely matter in this choice. I am impatient and do not like waiting for scalding hot coffee to cool down.
Halloween is fine, but I’m more of a “fall guy” than a “Halloween guy” but I love watching scary movies. Winter/Xmas is more my jam and I’ll Griswold the shit out of my house, too.
I’m a morning person - I like to get up early and get going on stuff for the day. I get more work done, more writing, and more household tasks done before noon.
Sunrises are superior for me. I’ll say yes to a sunset, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll be more excited about a sunrise.
Saying yes more than no doesn’t mean I’m a yes man - I’m still making informed decisions out here. I want to experience more things and meet more people, so saying yes opens those doors. Is it always a great choice? NO. Do I learn from the questionable choices? ALSO NO. (kidding, of course I do)
If it’s between a road trip and a flight, I’ll probably drive. Now, there are exceptions to the rule, but I find driving more convenient most of the time. Stopping along the way or taking a scenic route isn’t an option when flying, so I do enjoy car travel more.
Revisiting somewhere I love is my travel guilty pleasure. Many of my visits are brief, so I enjoy going back and taking more in a second, third, or fourth time. Along with this, if I can take someone to a magical place for the first time and I’ve already been there, I’m so in.
My job is not who I am. I am not one of those people who IS their job or their job IS them. It is simply something I do every weekday to make money and survive. I like it, I like my coworkers, I like the subject matter, and I am lucky.
If I’m the driver, I like to stop to take pictures in front of signs or I crane my neck to look at the sights. I love to see what’s going on and I’m always looking out the window on a road trip - safely, most of the time.
#MondayMotivation - Renewed.
It’s been a hard couple of weeks for me. This past week was probably the worst in years. Anxiety, depression, and anger filled my brain. I slept more during the day than I have through all the nights. I avoided anything I could and ate my weight in feelings. I don’t know why, all of the sudden, I was sad about everything. I started thinking about my Gramma, about my life, where I am, etc. I was getting sad to leave this place but sad I wasn’t already further east. It’s a wild ride of bullshit, I tell ya. “Everything in time” and “what’s right will happen” and all that happy horseshit floated around from people or the internet. It’s all fine and dandy, until you’re not wanting to get out of bed and those sayings are just bullshit.
Fast forward to this past weekend. I started to feel better. I managed to get out, go to the Farmer’s Market, meet up with new friends, and enjoy the day in many ways. My biggest turning point, and the one thing that took the most effort and convincing, was just to go for a simple walk in the woods. I hadn’t been doing much between working at my desk, eating, sleeping, or the occasional short walk with Chewy. My back was hurting, my body was sore, and every time I tried to work out or go for a longer walk/hike, I said fuck it and didn’t do the things I needed to do until Sunday.
Sunday’s walk in the woods was uplifting and awakened me on many levels. I smelled the forest, touched the plants, let the sun stream over me, and started to feel a physical and mental shift in my being. It’s wild to think about how much a little mile and a half loop through some trees affected me, but here we are. The walk in the woods invigorated me, and my day only went up from there.
I was inspired by my friend who also had to do something they didn’t want to do. We both did the thing, achieved our mini-goals and all was well.
Here’s to a good week ahead and staying on this upward swing.