Tuesday Truths
On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can.
If I’m getting coffee, it’s more than likely going to be iced. The time of year and outdoor temperature rarely matter in this choice. I am impatient and do not like waiting for scalding hot coffee to cool down.
Halloween is fine, but I’m more of a “fall guy” than a “Halloween guy” but I love watching scary movies. Winter/Xmas is more my jam and I’ll Griswold the shit out of my house, too.
I’m a morning person - I like to get up early and get going on stuff for the day. I get more work done, more writing, and more household tasks done before noon.
Sunrises are superior for me. I’ll say yes to a sunset, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll be more excited about a sunrise.
Saying yes more than no doesn’t mean I’m a yes man - I’m still making informed decisions out here. I want to experience more things and meet more people, so saying yes opens those doors. Is it always a great choice? NO. Do I learn from the questionable choices? ALSO NO. (kidding, of course I do)
If it’s between a road trip and a flight, I’ll probably drive. Now, there are exceptions to the rule, but I find driving more convenient most of the time. Stopping along the way or taking a scenic route isn’t an option when flying, so I do enjoy car travel more.
Revisiting somewhere I love is my travel guilty pleasure. Many of my visits are brief, so I enjoy going back and taking more in a second, third, or fourth time. Along with this, if I can take someone to a magical place for the first time and I’ve already been there, I’m so in.
My job is not who I am. I am not one of those people who IS their job or their job IS them. It is simply something I do every weekday to make money and survive. I like it, I like my coworkers, I like the subject matter, and I am lucky.
If I’m the driver, I like to stop to take pictures in front of signs or I crane my neck to look at the sights. I love to see what’s going on and I’m always looking out the window on a road trip - safely, most of the time.