Thursday Thoughts

I have to make my own happiness. This doesn’t mean I can’t have help from others, or rely on them sometimes, but I need to work within to bring my own natural joy out first and foremost.

I’ve been kind of letting the negative in life take me out. The chores, the absurd cost of living, and various doom around the globe have infiltrated my joy. So, I am working to compartmentalize and to have a duality - I can be frustrated about things but still enjoy other things. I can hate the way people are destroying one another in various ways, but I’m still allowed to enjoy the sunrise or various cultural events.

I have recently started walking to the Tillikum Crossing bridge in the morning. I’m trying my damndest to see the sunrise as often as possible, and it’s paying off. Having an objective that brings me joy adds a level of contentment to my whole day. Seeing that bridge with cotton candy clouds gives me a physical reaction I can’t hide - a big smile. I get giddy with a sunrise, and I want to feel that way about more things.

Seek things that make you feel good, even if things are on fire around you. Secure your own oxygen mask first, and then help others with theirs. It’s not selfish to do things to make yourself feel good, despite what we were made to believe.


#ForestFriday - Deschutes National Forest


#WayBackWednesday Mount Rainier National Park