Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Mondays?

Without Monday, Tuesday would just feel like Monday. Those weeks with Monday off for a holiday always make Tuesday feel like Monday. If we don’t power through the Mondays of life, we’ll be tainting the Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The lesson I’m taking away from this is to just kind of push through the bullshit and get to the good stuff. Look, if we can rebrand a Thursday to basically Friday Eve, we can push through Monday and make the rest of the week feel like Thursday through Saturday.

Also, make 4-day work weeks a things. Thanks. Have a good week folks.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - See Them All

Hello and welcome to another Monday Motivation. I personally hate Monday, but hey, I’m trying to make the best of it by starting work early so I can either take a long lunch or sign off early. I’m also scheming and planning for more adventures. Over the weekend, I visited a state park that felt otherworldly compared to many places I’ve been in Oregon. This little adventure inspired me to strive to see all of the state parks Oregon has to offer, as well as to finish my quest to see all of the National Park Service managed sites in the state.

I’ve compiled a spreadsheet with all of the state parks, natural areas, historic sites, and scenic waysides. When I plan to see a big thing, I’m going to make sure I can work in one of these smaller places too. I feel motivated to see what this state has to offer and to explore the diversity - as it’s not just coastal forests.

I may not have everything unpacked or figured out, but I’m going to start planning adventures because that’s what I do. Planning adventures motivates me to get the rest of my shit together.

I hope you all have a good week - remember, you’re never alone and we’re all floating on this rock together.

I’m going to use this book to help plan my adventures. (He’s one of my favorite Oregon advocates, check him out HERE)

White River Falls State Park - Oregon

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Perfect, even when it's not

Things are perfect right now, even if they’re not. I have debts I wish I didn’t have, people are gone who I wish weren’t, and plenty of other stressors that matter only in a moment. I have great friends, a solid roof over my head, a cool city around me, a beautiful state out and beyond, and a job that will get better as I continue to acclimate.

I was driving along the coast (the Oregon Coast) on Sunday and I realized, this is a DREAM COME TRUE. I’ve wanted to live in Oregon since I first drove through in 2008. I remember one morning, on the 2008 road trip, waking up to the fresh smell of sea air and lush trees and thinking I want to be here someday. I applied for jobs in Oregon from that moment on, with nothing landing. Fast forward to 2024, and now I’m becoming a resident of the state and I live less than two hours from the splendor of the Pacific Ocean.

Things will work out, level off, and become kind of normal in the cycle. LIfe keeps moving, so it’s always perfect in that moment. I do believe that you can’t appreciate the good without a little perspective, not saying we all need tragedy or anything, but a little perspective goes a long way.

Driving through the snowy coastal range, having to take it slow and be patient (not my strong point), made getting to the coast even better. Despite the constant rain and snow, the experience reminded me of the times before. It felt fresh, smelled good, and sounded familiar.

Get through your shit however you do, but know there are good things out there for you. Trust the journey.

Come visit me in Oregon and I’ll take you to the coast and we’ll get a flight of ice cream from the Tillamook Creamery. Pairing the ice cream with the fresh sea air will solve everything.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Friends

This week, I’m fueled by friends. I have people coming over Saturday for dinner, so I need to get a bunch of shit done this week. Sometimes, the motivation is just that simple. I don’t want my friends to see my dining room in disarray and the dog hair that needs to be vacuumed, so I’m going to get my ass to work this evening.

Having a set date, with a finite amount of time, really helps me with goals and projects. In general, I do my best work on something when I have a set amount of time. Sometimes, because I hate myself, I will procrastinate and use the pressure of having only one night or something silly to motivate me even further. I do not recommend procrastinating until the last minute, that’s mental illness speaking so don’t listen.

Find your motivation for the week and GO. You’ve got this, or at least you can pretend you do. Happy trails.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Find the Beauty

It’s cute until you have to take a cold shower…

If you are struggling, as I was recently, find something beautiful to motivate you. I took off after work and headed to Crater Lake National Park on Friday. Well, I went to a nearby town to stay in a cabin, but still…

When I can’t just take off after work for a 6.5 hour drive, I find it locally. I’ll go look at the art all over Olympia, visit one of the many local city parks, or drive a little bit out of town to a forest or a lookout and take it in. When I can’t leave the house, for whatever reason, I play around on Google Maps to find new places to “eventually” adventure to someday.

You don’t have to spend a lot of (or any) money or time to find something beautiful to give you motivation. Crater Lake had been on my radar for years, and I wasn’t going to live here and NOT visit that place. But for weeks before, I’d just sit on Google Maps updating my “want to visit” tab. Seize the day - in whatever way you can! Have a great week ahead.

100/10 recommend Crater Lake at sunrise

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Be the light

Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies - if you’re in Olympia, I have plenty to give away

If you have the capacity, be the light for someone who may not be feeling so bright. Not every day/week/month is going to be great, but there are good moments in there somewhere. Share the good, be a light, listen to a friend, whatever you can when you’re feeling that good sort of way.

I read somewhere once that the people who are supportive and reach out sometimes are the ones who really need the help themselves. It’s a good idea to check on those who you may least expect need it - you never know what silent battle someone is going through. A kind thought, a smile, or even small act of kindness can go a LONG way.

A friend recently shared a post on social media that being kind costs ZERO fucking dollars, so give it a shot.

I truly hope you have a great week ahead and as always, I hope this little blurb made you smile.

Enjoy this blurry attempt at a selfie with Seattle in the background on Lake Union in a hot tub boat a little buzzed up (I though tit was perfectly fitting for a post like this - laugh, it’s okay!)

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Winding Road

If you want to go forward, you have to keep going. Forward is relative, but movement is not. Sometimes, the path is straightforward and other times it’s meandering. I’d say I’m meandering, but constantly moving forward. You can go down the road, with a destination in mind, and something comes up and makes you curve or turn away for a detour.

Detours don’t have to derail. This is advice I’m telling myself, more than anything. So often, I fall victim to my own bullshit when life throws me a curve. It’s easy to do - for me - and it’s a habit I’m working to break. For example, I stopped to going to the gym when I had covid and now I’m here a couple weeks since and I haven’t gone back. I fell out of routine and I’m struggling to get back into one. We’ve got this, right?

When the road winds, trail curves, or life just gets weird, keep going. You’ve got this. Take a detour, find the scenery, and keep on pushing.

Embrace the detours.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Regain that Control

I feel like I’m out of control. When I say this, I mean I’m just eating whatever I want and not really exercising. I feel like my chores get pushed to the “next available” day and my list of things to do grows longer. I’m trying to take control. I’m going to make some food to help me feel good about what I’m eating and I’m going to walk on the trail nearby during my lunch. I’m going to get back to my gym routine, gradually. COVID really knocked the wind out of me, but I’m trying to stretch these lungs back out.

Additional good things - I have a few doctor appointments this week and some fun weekend plans ahead. Weekend plans ahead means I need to gradually get my shit done this week. I’ve got a plan, with realistic goals, and I am going to push through!

I’m starting this Monday with a clean kitchen, fresh laundry, and some ambition. Good luck to all of you out there. Remember, make your goals achievable for your efforts. If your best means not doing anything, that’s okay some days. Keep finding little bits of joy and make the most of the day.

Don’t let a little fog ruin the whole view - rise above it

Walking the dog is enough some days

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Keep trying

Over the weekend, I hiked for the first time in ages. A real hike. A hike with elevation. A hike with thin air. It was my first hike post recent COVID and it was hard to breathe. I was struggling. BUT, I did it. I was with a group of friends who struggled a little too, but we were struggling together.

I felt pretty good after, accomplished and ready to keep going. By Sunday afternoon, I wasn’t even that sore. The struggle for me really was catching my breath and pushing forward. I’m hoping with continued activity, and a little chat with my doc next wee, I’ll be breathing normally again soon.

If you don’t think you can, try. If you don’t want to, just try. If you go and do the thing, but don’t succeed, you tried. Did I hike as well as I would have liked, no. Did I move quickly? Also, no. Did I do the damn thing, despite being worried about breathing? Yes. Did I take measures to accommodate my issues? You bet your ass I did. This goes back to last week - adjust and go forward with a new plan.

Enjoy some photos from the hike that made me feel alive again. (Mount Rainier National Park - Skyline & Golden Gate Trails)

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Adjust and go on

Timing is everything and it’s weird how things happen…

I was getting really down on myself for not “doing enough” or “going hard enough” in regards to activities, hiking, and socializing. The reality is, I’m going hard and rarely stopping. I make plans on top of plans, schedule visitors left and right, and always feel like I have to get something on the books to occupy my time.

Then, this past weekend, my body turned on me. I came down with a cold towards the end of the week, which turned out to be COVID. Fuck. My body, though fighting sniffles and a headache, was rejoicing because I couldn’t really go anywhere or do anything I had planned. I spent most days in bed, or on the couch, resting my body and hydrating like I lived in the desert again. I have been fortunate with mild symptoms and grocery delivery.

Walking around the block takes it out of me, but I gotta keep going because I have plans (shocking) to hike Skyline Trail this coming weekend at Mt. Rainier National Park. I will avoid the gym on Monday, and re-test to make sure I’m clear.

This whole weekend was a reset on many levels. I sat with my thoughts, probably thought too hard about some things, and decided I’m ultimately doing okay. I am going to work through the thoughts I had to sit with, and continue on with therapy. I’m going to work on balancing my busy weekends with time to get stuff done around the house or just relax. I’m going to work to feel content with things, even though there always feels like so much more to do out there. I’m going to continue my fitness work, once I’m well enough to be in the gym again. I will not take the ability to move, drive, and interact with people for granted.

I’m just going to take the reset, keep going, and keep loving life. Remember that resets are okay and sitting with your thoughts can be beneficial, and overwhelming. Take time for yourself, be careful out there, and remember to tell people how you feel. COVID is circling around, so be aware!

Mountain flowers to calm the brain

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Renewed.

It’s been a hard couple of weeks for me. This past week was probably the worst in years. Anxiety, depression, and anger filled my brain. I slept more during the day than I have through all the nights. I avoided anything I could and ate my weight in feelings. I don’t know why, all of the sudden, I was sad about everything. I started thinking about my Gramma, about my life, where I am, etc. I was getting sad to leave this place but sad I wasn’t already further east. It’s a wild ride of bullshit, I tell ya. “Everything in time” and “what’s right will happen” and all that happy horseshit floated around from people or the internet. It’s all fine and dandy, until you’re not wanting to get out of bed and those sayings are just bullshit.

Fast forward to this past weekend. I started to feel better. I managed to get out, go to the Farmer’s Market, meet up with new friends, and enjoy the day in many ways. My biggest turning point, and the one thing that took the most effort and convincing, was just to go for a simple walk in the woods. I hadn’t been doing much between working at my desk, eating, sleeping, or the occasional short walk with Chewy. My back was hurting, my body was sore, and every time I tried to work out or go for a longer walk/hike, I said fuck it and didn’t do the things I needed to do until Sunday.

Sunday’s walk in the woods was uplifting and awakened me on many levels. I smelled the forest, touched the plants, let the sun stream over me, and started to feel a physical and mental shift in my being. It’s wild to think about how much a little mile and a half loop through some trees affected me, but here we are. The walk in the woods invigorated me, and my day only went up from there.

I was inspired by my friend who also had to do something they didn’t want to do. We both did the thing, achieved our mini-goals and all was well.

Here’s to a good week ahead and staying on this upward swing.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A little structure

Good Monday morning to you! (or whatever time it is when you read this)

I’ve been on the struggle bus when it comes to what to do with myself. August has me feeling a little off - physically, emotionally, and mentally. I’m doing some goal setting and thought I’d share a little of that with y’all - maybe you’re feeling a similar kind of way, maybe not?

These are my goals for the rest of August and September. I’ll probably evaluate my progress towards the middle or end of September and adjust as necessary.

I’m trying to give myself a little structure because that’s how I thrive. Find goals that work for your brain and life.


  • Continue my 3 days of lifting per week

  • Walk the trail near my house at least 5 days per week

  • Take Chewy on a long walk in the evening (more than the usual neighborhood jaunt)

  • Hike somewhere new once per week

  • Stretch or beginner yoga daily (my new coach has me stretching and it’s crazy how much it helps)

  • Try to get to bed in a way that gets me at least 8 hours of sleep/downtime

  • Schedule an eye exam and get new glasses

  • Get on a waitlist for a local doctor or find one in Seattle/Portland and drive

  • Plan meals and roughly (or specifically) track food/drink


  • Find a new therapist - I’ve been struggling with this one, as my current therapist kind of dropped the ball and wasn’t really doing much for me

  • Record and reflect on what I’m grateful for every day

  • Follow through on the physical points (really helps my brain)

  • Connect more with friends - call or text different people a few times per week

  • Establish a boundary when things become too much


  • A lot of the emotional and physical points will assist with the mental

  • Find an online course or certificate program (first stage: research)

  • Read a book - I have a couple in my queue but this goal is to make the time each day to accomplish an entire book

  • Getting some kind of routine setup for the daily grind

If you’ve made it through, thanks for reading. What are some of your goals or tricks for feeling good? I hope you have a great week ahead. —Mike

male standing in front of hug canyon with clouds above
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A Healthier Mike Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike July 2020 Review

July was better than June, but still not on par with the first five months of the year. My weight is up, I’m bloated, my running is suffering, and my body is just blah. I am feeling the effects of being too lazy in the opposite way I felt after mashing my hip and knee from being too active. I have to find a balance in August.

Work is a continued stress ball, but I’m learning new ways to manage it overall. I’m slowly distancing from social media, negative bitches, and people who make me feel less than great. It’s not as easy as just saying “I’m going to avoid people” because saying and doing are vastly different.

Here’s to August, a month of goals.


The Good

  • I kayaked a few times - once being down a river!

  • I spent a week deep in thought, trying to find a way through everything

  • Food intake was moderate to good all month, despite my lack of logging in Noom

  • Had several nice hikes and visited new state parks

  • Had some breakthroughs with biking

  • Working toward being back on my regular track of better choices

  • I read a little bit, but man is it hard for me to sit down and read for some reason

  • I had quality time with family and friends

  • Had some nice long, healthy walks and jogs

  • Realized I can still run, albeit for not as long as I could back in May

  • I signed up to ride 100 miles to raise money for kids cancer treatment/research in September - so I’m going to work hard this month to get ready for that by riding more often.

  • We have a second kayak now, so together time kayaking can happen!

  • I did more activity, and more per day of activity, than June


The Not So Good

  • I had some real shitty days for activity - pure laziness and some days of just driving all day

  • I did not track my food for the last half of the month

  • My sleep schedule has shifted and I’m not happy with it

  • I’m falling short on my overall annual goal numbers

  • I did not meet my previous July activity level

  • I just didn’t care enough

Mental Health Check In

  • I took a week and just thought really hard about what it is I wanted, where I wanted to be, and what I needed to do going forward

  • I managed to regain my positive energy despite these shitty-on-paper numbers this month (again, but with more momentum)

  • I made plans, set attainable goals, and got back on the food logging wagon (today, 8/3)

  • Managing work stress is easier than ever, now

  • I’ve felt kind of lonely, despite not being alone (this is a continued feeling, though it’s fading - ebbs and flows)

  • Routines are still my best tool in staying happy, healthy, and optimistic (still true, still something I think about often)

Goals for August

  • 100+ miles of “on-foot” activity (hiking, walking, running)

  • 75+ miles of biking

  • Wake up before 7 am

  • Get to bed by 10:30 pm

  • Log all meals (failed to do so on Aug 1 & 2)

  • Log in to Noom and work through it

  • Write once a week

  • Eat less shit and less overall

  • Drink less alcohol during the week

  • Increase water intake

  • Yoga once a week, minimum 15 mins

  • Find a body weight workout to do once or twice per week

  • Read another book

  • Focus on staying clear


Conclusions - Going Forward

  • I’m more on track than June, but I really need to push myself

  • I need to get my shit together as far as meeting my annual goals. July and June were huge hits to my goals. I need to balance - not caring and care - a little better.

  • I will keep trying - there’s no reason to give up because of a few bad weeks

  • I can get fully back on track with a little focus

  • I like to give in to my desires too easily - beers, sweets, laziness… in reality, I don’t need those things and I know.

  • The worst thing is knowing you’re doing something wrong and not being able to stop yourself

Questions I’m asking myself

  • What’s really important in life?

  • Why don’t I do yoga more often?

  • Why am I so easily falling victim to my own laziness?

  • What are some gym alternatives?

  • Why don’t I swim more?

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A Healthier Mike Michael Nowak A Healthier Mike Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike June 2020 Review

June started strong, but slowly went off the rails. My hip was hurting, I had trips for work and pleasure (safely, course), and I was just not super focused on my food. I didn’t lose momentum, I just lost the time and freedom of being at home in a routine and the effort dwindled away.

The Good

IMG_1714 (1).jpg
  • I did kayak a few days this month, worked out those kayaking muscles

  • I spent 4 days off the grid, away from the world

  • Food intake went a little crazy, but I didn’t lose my progress (except for a little bloat weight)

  • I did have one stellar hike (an excellent camping weekend)

  • I had some really great days with excellent workouts

  • There was a lot of clarity found

  • I read a book and started another one

  • I spent a few days with one of my best friends in the middle of nowhere Arkansas and it was rejuvenating

  • I spent a moment in a cave!


The Not So Good

  • There were several days with less than stellar movement

  • I did not track my food for the last half of the month

  • I slept about an hour less, on average, per night

  • I did not even come close to closing my rings on my watch every day

  • I was 10% behind 2019’s step totals/activity goals

  • I stopped doing anything (which can be attributed to working LONG days)

Mental Health Check In

  • As mentioned above, I found some clarity on many things including this whole quantification of myself and my activities

  • I managed to regain my positive energy despite these shitty-on-paper numbers this month

  • Off the grid for 4 days really helped with the stressors related to work

  • Work has wore me down

  • I’ve felt kind of lonely, despite not being alone

  • Routines are still my best tool in staying happy, healthy, and optimistic


Goals for July

  • Get back on track with daily activity

  • Ride my bike more often (honestly, just fucking do it)

  • I want to run (going to work my hip out and try to get back on it)

  • I’m upgrading to the Couch to 25K plan instead of just the 10K

  • I’m reducing my overall caloric intake

  • I will get my average monthly step goal back up to 12K and beat 2019

  • Finish another book or two

  • Get 150 miles of activity

Conclusions - Going Forward

  • I’m still on track - mentally and physically

  • My goals are still there and I’m a little easier on myself related to this numbers I keep

  • I will keep trying - there’s no reason to give up because of a few bad weeks

Questions I’m asking myself

  • What’s really important in life?

  • What should I be focused on with fitness?

  • Should I go back to the gym? Is it safe?

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Trail Run?

I’m not a runner, not really.

I haven’t ever run more than a mile at once, and I haven’t done that since high school. I have done the Couch 2 5K for about 4 weeks, before petering out. I’m not a runner, but I’m trying it on for size now.


So… I signed up for the LBA - Little Backyard Adventure trail race sponsored and hosted by The Outdoor Society in Olympia, Washington. It is Saturday, August 10 and I’m going to train until then in hopes of coming in better than last place. It’s a simple motivation today - try harder, work for it, and don’t come in last place in August. I’ve already started incorporating little spurts of jogging into my daily dog walks and I don’t hate it.


  • My dog maxes out at about 16 minute miles - if we REALLY hustle. He’s more comfortable around 17-20 minute miles. He’s kind of holding me back, but I love him so I’ll have to train separately or just drag him.

  • I am to the where walking fast is more annoying than just running slowly. Yeah, I run slowly, but I am still in the motion and it’s still running.

  • My self-centered notion that people are judging my running ability is just silly. EVEN if they are, who the fuck cares? Not me, from this moment forward anyway.

  • Running on a treadmill is absolute horse shit. I hate it. I was like, why do I hate running? It’s because I did Couch 2 5K on a treadmill and that was the dumbest thing. I mean, not THE dumbest thing, but dumb enough for me. Running outside, though probably slower, is just so much better feeling in my body. I will save the treadmill as a last resort, when it is storming or I am unable to go before triple digit temps for the day.

  • I sweat a lot. I sweat walking through an air conditioned building, but running really soaks me. I’m also coming to terms with the fact that this doesn’t matter either. Re-hydrate and move on, Mike.

As someone WHO never did ANY sport or any fun running, this is kind of cool. I know, so many of you ran in high school or run for health. I just never did, and it is kind of exciting for me. I have a goal, a real motivator, and I’m ready to commit.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - New pants!

April didn’t quite go as planned as far as leveling off my eating habits, but I did exercise more than March. Hiking was not the main form, but an important part nonetheless. The real winner, which will make hiking even better, is that I found some new pants that fit well and move with me. This is a link to the pants I bought, the Columbia Pilot Peak Pants at (this is not a sponsored link or anything of that nature) I just wanted to go on and on about these pants.

  • I snagged them on clearance, which means I didn’t pay too much

  • They flex and bend with my body as I climb hills, bend over to pick up trash, or need to maneuver around trees/rocks/etc.

  • They are durable!

  • They are SO comfortable - almost like wearing a lounge pant.

I go on about these because it’s SO difficult to find pants that fit me well. I have plenty of pants and shorts that fit okay, but eventually they just feel annoying. I’m talking, halfway through the first mile of hiking, most pants/shorts feel terrible. These pants from Columbia are a game changer. I’m not the biggest dude, but I’m not athletic build either. I wear a 42-44 waist in most brands, and the length various based on how it fits around my behind. 32 inseam usually works, but sometimes I need a 34. XXL shorts work well, but even some of REI’s shorts and convertible pants fit awkwardly in that size and get uncomfortable as my mileage increases. It’s good to know that Columbia is making pants and shorts that cater to the various body types out there - not just the athletic, outdoorsy dude. I know, most companies go where their business currently is, but I’m thankful for Columbia branching out and encompassing all bodies.

I’m motivated to keep moving and now my body will move freely. I hope to get my hands on some of Columbia’s shorts in the future to test out for the summer months ahead.

Find your comfortable clothes, find your happy place, and get out there!

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Illinois Park Project

This past weekend I had the opportunity to join my friend Jen on a hike/cleanup with her passion project called the Illinois Park Project. She created this organization to help the parks of Illinois with their trash, trails, and whatever else they need. You can read all about their mission, ideas, plans, etc on the Illinois Park Project website. If you want to get in touch much faster with them, hit up their social media pages on Facebook and Instagram. If you’re in the Midwest and want to help make a difference, they’ll be doing more cleanups throughout Illinois.


I’m promoting and sharing and going on and on about this weekend, this group, the affiliate groups, etc because it was such a motivating and inspirational 48 hours for me. I arrived to low 40 degree weather with the chance of rain and very high winds. I arrived to a parking lot with damn near 10 people ready to make a difference. People came from all over Illinois and I came from Texas because we all believed in the same cause and I am a sucker for a road trip.

It’s easy to say you agree with someone’s idea, or join a virtual group, but when you cement it in person with hugs and actions, it elevates to a whole new level of something else. I’ve only had a handful of experiences that are so deep and motivational, but this one was easily the best.


I’m using this high point to motivate myself. I’ve already reached out to my friends about starting a cleanup here and I’m brainstorming. Now that I’ve seen one in action, know what to expect, and know what I want to get out of it, I’m ready. Let’s clean up Texas, y’all. You want in on cleaning up trails, parks, roadways, etc with me? Get in touch.

Side note, I’m going to add some links here of various websites from participants at the cleanup. Check them out if you want, they’re all good people just loving life outside. And, to everyone who was there, I genuinely enjoyed meeting you, connecting, and of course scheming for our next hang out.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Happy Birthday Nikki!

Happy Birthday, friend!

It’s my friend Nikki’s birthday today, so we’re going to celebrate her with some good memories! Nikki came into my life in 2012 and I’ve been better for knowing her ever since. Speaking from my view of our friendship, I’d say we connect on a pretty deep level. Beyond the daily happenings and surface shit, we can really get into some real topics. We can talk about the weather, but that’s boring. I like that we dive deep, to the core of everything and explore topics freely without judgment and criticism. Nikki is one of my favorite hiking buddies, road trip buddies, and overall hang out buddies. She is a lot of things - wife, mom, friend, daughter, etc - but she’s human and sees the value in other humans and treating one another with respect and dignity. I wish her a very happy birthday and cheers to many, many more.

Some of my FAVORITE memories (of all time)

This was my first trip to Big Bend. Eric and I drove out earlier in the day and Nikki got off work and hauled ass out there. We camped, we hiked, we drove every main road in that damn park - in one day. It was quite a day!

That time her, Eric, and I went on a Road trip through Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, Vegas, and then Zion. Something I can’t wait to do again someday!

Nikki’s bachelorette party took us to Austin and was also a birthday celebration for her. What a fun time. We hiked, we partied, and we went home. HA!

One of my favorite hiking buddies - we ford rivers together! (physically and metaphorically)

Thanks for doing fun 5K walks, hikes, and everything else. Keep on keepin’ on! Happy birthday! <3 Me

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Fancy Mixed Nuts

I often lose sight of my goals when I get caught up in the work necessary to achieve them. I constantly forget why I’m doing what I’m doing, so I create lists and trackers to help me along.

One of my goals was to save for a kayak and also drop a few pounds for said kayak. You can buy heavy duty kayaks, but I still wanted to be a little lighter so I could bring a cooler or camping gear along. I’m slowly making my way to the goal, both in saving and losing the weight, and I was reminded of the “WHY” I wanted to do this beyond getting healthier and not adding to my debt. It’s an attainable goal, with no real end date so I’m setting one. I’m going to drop 30 lbs and get the kayak by my birthday this year. Added mini goals to the big goal are to find a way to store the kayak at my apartment and save enough for the car rack and paddle. I have ropes, PFD, and water clothing already. Attack a goal bit by bit, right?

On the topic of goals… I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a trail race. Mind you, I’ve never even run an entire mile in years (decades) or on a trail beyond maybe running up a hill to get it over with. I hike, I jog intermittently, but I haven’t really done much beyond those things. So, if I can whip myself into shape and get in the runner mindset over the next month, before the race registration goes up in cost, I will register. I don’t care if I come in last, I just want to participate and complete one in the near(er) future. I finally participated in a 5K last year, though it was mostly intermittent running. I wasn’t last, and it made me want to do more of them because no one cares how slow or fast you are they’re just worried about themselves and their goals. I think if I get back on the wagon and just start doing it I’ll be able to do the smallest loop of the trail in the course by the August race date. I’m putting this all out there so I remember and so I can have some public accountability. Back on the treadmill this week, unless I get the courage to try the outdoors.

What are some goals you have? Do you lose sight of them or lose track of them if you’re not vigilant? Keep it real—istic. You can do it, people, whatever “it” is.

A NOTE: From the time I came up with the idea for this post (about 9 hours), to the time I finished writing it and posting it, I binge ate a lot of Kirkland fancy mixed nuts. Sigh. I remembered I hadn’t finished this, remembered I had goals, and then went for a walk. On the walk, I regretted the fancy mixed nuts and also the fact that I forgot to write/publish this before going for a walk. Either way, mistakes happen - accidentally or not. It’s all about going with the flow and remembering the goals. Carry on and don’t let a little bit of fancy mixed nuts stop you from your dreams.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Get Creative!


This past week I took an online course to expand my creativity. I didn’t know what to expect, didn’t know what I believed about creativity, and didn’t know how I’d participate. Turns out, it wasn’t hard because the prompts and ideas were all so open and there was zero pressure. Without going on and on about it, just know that I took a ton of knowledge away from this course and it truly opened my mind to other ways to be creative.

The course had me doodling and writing daily, which forced me to slow down and dedicate time to thinking creatively. Taking time to be creative or to get my thoughts out was one of the best things. I wrote daily in my personal journal as well as the creative class journal I was keeping. It felt good to just write whatever I wanted, without needing to present it or do it a certain way.

Sometimes I get stuck on what to read/listen to/write/create next. Sometimes a little push or a search session on YouTube unearths something new. I got creative, and I’m now exploring new ideas and seeing things slightly differently.

How do you get creative? How do you get through a mental block?

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