Tuesday Truths - Holiday Edition
Here are my hot takes on US holidays that no one asked for including my ranking:
Christmas/Winter Solstice
New Years
My Birthday
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Thought I’m not a religious person, I love Christmas and I think many others do too because of the light and sparkle so maybe I really just like Winter Solstice? I think Xmas took all of the things about a Winter Solstice celebration anyway, so they go hand-in-hand.
Halloween/fall in general is nice because of the spooky factor, cooler weather, decor, and traditions. We love a reason to celebrate the onset of cooler weather and to tell scary stories around a campfire.
Thanksgiving ranks a little lower only because I think we should do this quarterly and not once a year and only for the food/friends/family, not the whole pilgrim thing. I should start implementing a quarterly Friendsgiving. I’m grateful all year.
My Birthday is actually more important than all summer buillshit holidays because summer holidays are not real. Celebrate accordingly.
Summer is either hell (in Texas, etc) or should be celebrated with gusto every day a person has off (places with nice summers).
I actually think the birthdays of friends and fall equinox are far more important than any bullshit summer holiday.
I didn’t include Easter because I don’t think it’s a paid holiday at work and I don’t celebrate it other than eating clearance candy (which I can do all year).
Fourth of July is the worst because of amateur fireworks and arrogant people who think they’re good at amateur fireworks. Between the jump factor and obnoxious smells alone, I’m over it two days before it even happens. Don’t even get me started on fireworks and forest fires… *head desk*
Memorial and Labor Days are fine, yay for a corporate day off, but why not just have 4-day work weeks all year instead of trying to recreate at the local lake with everyone and their brother one long weekend at a time?
I’ve worked for companies that have given me MLK Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, and the days after T-giving/Xmas off. I have no real opinion on these days.
Federal holidays are weird in general because we’re not supposed to be a Christian nation yet our recognized days are mostly Christian in nature. As a godless heathen, I don’t really care why we get days off, as long as I can enjoy them.
#ForestFriday - Mt. Hood National Forest
This area of Mt. Hood National Forest was my morning sanctuary for several mornings in May. I need to get back to it and find my trees and river again! Enjoy some photos from my adventures.

At home, now.
The move, physically, is complete. Everything I own is in Oregon, now. I have a huge storage unit for my camping gear, kayaks, and overstock items that don’t seem to fit in my new, streamlined one-bedroom. Moving from a three-bedroom townhome with a huge garage to a large, one-bedroom apartment is a magic trick gone wrong. I am letting go of some things while storing other things until figure out what I want to do with them. I’m so grateful for Josh, Stanley, and Sam for helping me move and clean. Absolute Dreamboats.
Downsizing can be a big adjustment, and it is overwhelming, but I’m coming out of it with a more positive outlook on life. I managed to find a home for my grandmother’s China and other dishes I have, so that made me the happiest. The rest, whatever, it was given away or put into storage.
People in Portland have been welcoming, and that has me optimistic as well. I have some established friends here such as my childhood bestie and my sunrise hiking buddy which is exciting. I have several other friends around Oregon, and it’s been great to be closer to them as well. I’m making new friends, and working to create a network of people who want to hang out and adventure with me semi-regularly.
It was a rough start to 2024, but it’s turning around. I’ve made friends I never (in a million years) expected to make, I feel liberated as a human again, and am getting used to the sounds of the city once more. I’m taking lessons learned and hardships experienced as a means to grow and develop while looking at the year ahead with an open mind and an adventurous spirit.
There’s trivia nights, public transit to breweries, plenty of good coffee, so many bridges to walk across, and an amazing path along the river that I know Chewy will love. I’m also pumped to be in a city that has so many hiking trails nearby which makes me excited to put some of my guidebooks to use. 52 Hikes With Me, Mike, will be back in action! I’m going to kayak at Trillium Lake, and many other lakes and rivers, and I’m going to see all the sights. Time to do the damn thing - happy trails.

Tuesday Truths
Sunrise chasing.
On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can.
I never care if people visit my website - I just care if they are moved by something I write. I write for myself and if it reaches someone, I’m happy. I just like to write, even if it’s not written well.
I love when a group of work friends all bring a little something different to the chat. A good variety of crazy is a healthy balance. Shoutout to my girlies from Vine O&G. #poopselfie
I’ll almost always take a cool, cloudy, rainy day of a sunny and hot one. The relentless sun of Texas (ten years) ruined me and I just can’t summer anymore. I need shade, clouds, or a cool body of water anymore.
My default is to watch old, familiar shows that I’ve probably watched many times over watching new shows. Current obsession: Home Improvement (I’ve powered through 4 seasons in a week)
Lake Superior is the best Great Lake - it’s literally in the name. BUT, it is also the coolest and freshest. Just sayin.
Breakfast food is the best food and is good all day. French toast? Pancakes or waffles? Bacon? Sausage? YES. Just yes. All day.
Moose are cooler than elk. No further comments.
If I have to pick a sport to watch, I’ll pick hockey. If there is no hockey, I don’t mind having baseball on in the background. I don’t love sports, but I could go to either of those live games.
Pineapple is okay on my pizza. The yellow delight is good with ham or bacon.
#MondayMotivation - Regain that Control
I feel like I’m out of control. When I say this, I mean I’m just eating whatever I want and not really exercising. I feel like my chores get pushed to the “next available” day and my list of things to do grows longer. I’m trying to take control. I’m going to make some food to help me feel good about what I’m eating and I’m going to walk on the trail nearby during my lunch. I’m going to get back to my gym routine, gradually. COVID really knocked the wind out of me, but I’m trying to stretch these lungs back out.
Additional good things - I have a few doctor appointments this week and some fun weekend plans ahead. Weekend plans ahead means I need to gradually get my shit done this week. I’ve got a plan, with realistic goals, and I am going to push through!
I’m starting this Monday with a clean kitchen, fresh laundry, and some ambition. Good luck to all of you out there. Remember, make your goals achievable for your efforts. If your best means not doing anything, that’s okay some days. Keep finding little bits of joy and make the most of the day.
Don’t let a little fog ruin the whole view - rise above it
#MondayMotivation - Keep trying
Over the weekend, I hiked for the first time in ages. A real hike. A hike with elevation. A hike with thin air. It was my first hike post recent COVID and it was hard to breathe. I was struggling. BUT, I did it. I was with a group of friends who struggled a little too, but we were struggling together.
I felt pretty good after, accomplished and ready to keep going. By Sunday afternoon, I wasn’t even that sore. The struggle for me really was catching my breath and pushing forward. I’m hoping with continued activity, and a little chat with my doc next wee, I’ll be breathing normally again soon.
If you don’t think you can, try. If you don’t want to, just try. If you go and do the thing, but don’t succeed, you tried. Did I hike as well as I would have liked, no. Did I move quickly? Also, no. Did I do the damn thing, despite being worried about breathing? Yes. Did I take measures to accommodate my issues? You bet your ass I did. This goes back to last week - adjust and go forward with a new plan.
Enjoy some photos from the hike that made me feel alive again. (Mount Rainier National Park - Skyline & Golden Gate Trails)

Tuesday Truths
On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can.
If I’m getting coffee, it’s more than likely going to be iced. The time of year and outdoor temperature rarely matter in this choice. I am impatient and do not like waiting for scalding hot coffee to cool down.
Halloween is fine, but I’m more of a “fall guy” than a “Halloween guy” but I love watching scary movies. Winter/Xmas is more my jam and I’ll Griswold the shit out of my house, too.
I’m a morning person - I like to get up early and get going on stuff for the day. I get more work done, more writing, and more household tasks done before noon.
Sunrises are superior for me. I’ll say yes to a sunset, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll be more excited about a sunrise.
Saying yes more than no doesn’t mean I’m a yes man - I’m still making informed decisions out here. I want to experience more things and meet more people, so saying yes opens those doors. Is it always a great choice? NO. Do I learn from the questionable choices? ALSO NO. (kidding, of course I do)
If it’s between a road trip and a flight, I’ll probably drive. Now, there are exceptions to the rule, but I find driving more convenient most of the time. Stopping along the way or taking a scenic route isn’t an option when flying, so I do enjoy car travel more.
Revisiting somewhere I love is my travel guilty pleasure. Many of my visits are brief, so I enjoy going back and taking more in a second, third, or fourth time. Along with this, if I can take someone to a magical place for the first time and I’ve already been there, I’m so in.
My job is not who I am. I am not one of those people who IS their job or their job IS them. It is simply something I do every weekday to make money and survive. I like it, I like my coworkers, I like the subject matter, and I am lucky.
If I’m the driver, I like to stop to take pictures in front of signs or I crane my neck to look at the sights. I love to see what’s going on and I’m always looking out the window on a road trip - safely, most of the time.