Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WayBackWednesday Mount Rainier National Park

When I lived in Olympia, I took every guest who visited to Mount Rainier National Park. I went so many times in 2023, and I’m grateful for each of those visits. I first visited the park back in 2018 on one of my random long weekends to the PNW while living in Texas. I thought today we could go back and look at some of my favorite photos and places throughout the park. Can’t wait to get back in 2024.

My First Visit to Mount Rainier NP

Skyline Trail Hike

Reflection Lake

Tipsoo Lake

Narada Falls

Skyline Trail Views

Sun Top Lookout (Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest)

Random Other Photos

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths - National Park Edition

Here are some unsolicited opinions (MY TRUTHS lol) on the topic of lands managed by the National Park Service.

  • Gateway Arch will never be a national park.

  • Cedar Breaks National Monument is prettier than other places in Utah.

  • Having to make camping reservations 6 months in advance to avoid them being sold out is a fucking nightmare.

  • The need to get “the shot” for social media is ruining the world and National Parks. People have turned into total monsters for a photo. I’m not mad that people are actually get out to these beautiful places, but I am mad at some bad eggs who make it miserable for many others. Also, stop parking like total fuckwads.

  • Olympic National Park is superior to other national parks because it has mountains, rivers, rainforests, regular forests, ocean beaches, petroglyphs, lakes, and waterfalls.

  • Death Valley is one of the best national parks and I don’t think enough people believe that fact.

  • Mt. Rainier is cool, but have you been to the national forest land around it?

  • Crater Lake is a deep lake that looks really pretty at sunrise. Again, have you been to the national forest lands around the park?

  • The hike to Delicate Arch is always worth it.

  • Sand Dune Arch is under appreciated.

  • Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is one of the most spectacularly underrated NPS sites.

  • If you haven’t gone to Redwood State and National Parks, you should. Go see the trees that tower higher than buildings in your hometown and tell me we don’t need to do everything in our power to protect them. Take this same mindset and go visit Sequoia/Kings Canyon too and marvel at the trees.

  • The North Rim of the Grand Canyon is the best rim in the park.

  • Bryce Canyon looks even cooler in the winter.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Change Something

If you want a different life, make a change. Small changes can lead to big results. I love to complain like anyone else, but I’ve learned I had to actually take charge and make changes if I really wanted things to be different. I know, there are certain things we just like to complain about or can’t change, but there are plenty that can be adjusted with small changes.

I’m talking to myself as much as I’m offering any sort of wisdom to anyone else. I’ve complained about my body or my living situation or any other number of things in this life. What did I do? Small steps that I’ve taken to improve my life include taking a walk in nature, playing Super Mario Bros, cleaning my kitchen regularly, finding a new brewery or restaurant, or rewatching something I really enjoyed once before. I’m always looking for little ways to make life better that do not cost a lot (or anything) and are easy to implement.

Small steps can have a big impact. Changing one meal you eat, skipping that one outing and using the money for something else, putting your phone in do not disturb, or taking a walk at lunch can really add up. Sometimes, just because of life, big changes are required. It can be scary to make big changes, but often times the discomfort will be worth the peace and joy in the end.

I recently had the privilege of watching a friend get their Master’s Degree. The whole experience inspired me and made me realize we can all do hard things. Watching those graduates walk was a little spark that ignited an internal motivation to do the hard things.

Whatever you’re going through and whatever you need to do, I hope you find the courage to do so! I’m here to help, if you ever need an ear or help making a change. I wish you all a good week!

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Michael Nowak Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Just a few trees...

I spent some time in the Deschutes National Forest this past weekend and it did not disappoint. It was a ponderosa pine forest that reminded me of the Lincoln National Forest in New Mexico. Walking along the Deschutes River was lovely and the weather was perfect. I felt some comfort being there, and I can’t wait to go explore some more.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths

Here are some more of my “truths” or opinions or whatever you want to call them. You didn’t ask for them, but I’m providing them anyway.

  • Being cold is better than being hot. Always. I’d rather have to add layers than be miserable and sweaty.

  • Freshly ground coffee is better than any other form of coffee.

  • I love the sound of a vinyl being played, but the whole concept is just pretentious and snobby now.

  • Mornings along a river in Montana are superior.

  • Earl Grey is the superior caffeinated tea.

  • iPhones are no longer innovative and are now just a money grab. (and that’s coming from ME “mr. new phone every year”)

  • Being overly cautious seems as dangerous as not being overly cautious - you just have more anxiety.

  • Children do not belong at breweries, distilleries, or bars. I was raised in a bar, I would know.

  • The outdoor places are overrun by snobby assholes who can’t say “on your left” when biking past you. Prove me wrong, I dare you!

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Looking Up

When I find myself under some trees, I always look up. There’s something magical about looking up at the canopy and seeing the sky through the branches or between the treetops. I like to gaze in wonder at the living organism that can grow so tall and broad. Take a look at some of my favorite canopies and go find your forest this weekend!

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Michael Nowak Michael Nowak

Thursday Thoughts

Feeling small under giant trees in the Hoh Rainforest - Olympic National Park

This week I was feeling small, but not in a bad way, and thinking about my existence in this world. I was feeling so small because I thought of myself, in my tiny apartment, in a single building, on a city block, on the city layout, and eventually zoomed out like I was looking down into my living room window from space. It is a feeling that washes over me on occasion, but more so lately since the world is so weird.

I usually get the “small” feeling when I’m standing beneath some trees - especially redwoods. When I’m on the shores of the Great Lakes or the Pacific Ocean, I also feel small and insignificant. I love the feeling - it grounds me. When people say water grounds them, this is what I assume they mean.

I think it’s important to find the “thing” that makes you feel this way. I like to use these moments to contemplate everything in life from my purpose to how everything interacts out there. My thoughts drift through all the beautiful places I’ve seen and the ones I have yet to see.

Big trees, big lakes, oceans, sand dunes… They keep putting me in place and bringing me back to reality while simultaneously fueling my hopes and dreams. What is something like this that keeps you going?

Me feeling small at Delicate Arch - Arches National Park - Moab, UT

Feeling small standing alongside Lake Superior - Duluth, MN

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Delusional?

A little delusion goes a long way. Not feeling up to the day? Pretend you are! Not sure about what’s next in life, pretend you do!**

I am partially joking, of course, but also a little delusion is good. I’m not talking being completely unreasonable and detached from reality, but maybe just giving yourself a little more credit or having a little more faith in a situation. I’m not saying to ignore the red flags or obvious problems you have to deal with, either, but maybe give yourself (or the situation) a little delusional blind faith.

Over the past few years, I’ve really started to psych myself up a little more by being slightly delusional about some things. You always have to put in the work, but a little dreaming never hurt either.

You’ve got it this week! Power through! Think you can; know you can! I believe in you!

**Take all of this with a little laugh, I’m not at all downplaying depression or other struggles.

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Michael Nowak Michael Nowak

#WayBackWednesday - Redwoods!

The Redwood trees are some of my favorite trees in the world and the parks in which they live are some of my favorite places to visit. I first visited them in 2008, on a road trip in college, and I haven’t stopped thinking about them since. The trees are the most massive creatures I’ve ever seen and they have become kind of an obsession in the background. I feel small and insignificant, in the best way, when I stand among these giants. I sense the history, see the ecosystems, and feel the energy radiating out.

I always feel at peace when I’m among the trees and I’m going to share some of my favorite photos from my visits. Enjoy and find your peace!

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Take Time

I love listening to the river flow on by

Reclaim that time for yourself. Take the week(end), or any other free days, and use it to re-energize yourself. Cancel the plans, don’t make new ones, and do the things you need to do to get your shit right. Yes, I am mostly just speaking about what I did over the weekend and what I’ll be doing this week. I’ve been neglecting my chores, ignoring the books I want to read, and spending money I should be saving for things that would be more fun down the road and it’s time to take a little break and just breathe.

This past weekend I spent time with someone I enjoy, in the woods, and away from the incessant city noise around my apartment. I had a good time walking through the trees and sitting by the river, remembering that those things are things that I love to do on a regular basis. There’s nothing like a river flowing by or wind through tall trees or grasses.

I’m using my experience, of feeling overwhelmed the past few weeks and finally relaxing, to tell you to do the same. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed to the point of shutting down and feeling completely fried. Take the time to sit with your thoughts, do something that helps you relax, or something else that otherwise helps you take care of yourself. You deserve to relax.

What’s the saying? You can’t pour from an empty cup?

Big trees, mountains in the distance, and sunshine filtering through

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Thursday Thoughts - Adventure Time!

I live in Oregon now, and so I must set up a quest to see all of the state parks. Various websites say that Oregon has over 250 state parks, which is a lot. Upon closer inspection, there are about 50 parks classified as state parks and the rest are waysides, recreation areas, or historical sites.

I have my spreadsheet all set up, and divided by type of recreation area. Each recreation area can then be filtered by region.

So far, I’ve visited 2 of Oregon’s state parks over the years. Let’s go visit our public lands!

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Michael Nowak Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths

Here are some unsolicited opinions no one asked for! What are some of your strong opinions?

  • Syrup (preferably MAPLE) is what belongs on a waffle, pancakes, or French toast. Syrup should always be present. Add butter, peanut butter, powdered sugar, fruit, etc… but SYRUP is superior.

  • Syrup is also said “sir-up” not “seer-up” and that’s all I have to say about that.

  • Texting about important things is the worst. Schedule a call, send a voice note, anything else.

  • Spontaneous adventures are the best adventures.

  • Aged, extra sharp cheddar is the best cheddar.

  • March is probably the worst month in the year, despite the fact that some of my favorite people were born in March.

  • Laughter is often the best medicine. I’m not saying it’s the only medicine, but laughing and cracking jokes can really lighten a dark situation.

  • April Fools is the worst holiday ever.

  • The Pacific is better than the Atlantic.

  • State lines shouldn’t mean shit for doctors or healthcare workers of any kind. We are one country and we should have standards at a federal level. Same goes for teachers.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths - We're Back!

Here’s some more information and opinions you didn’t ask for!

  • I feel guilty when I have to be indoors on a beautiful, sunny day. I know this isn’t a revolutionary truth, but it is mine.

  • I truly believe 2024 will “be my year” and I’m working along with hoping for that reality.

  • If you drop someone like they don’t exist, you don’t get to have any opinions about them or anything they do ever again.

  • I LOVE Mt. Rainier (Tahoma), but when it’s clear in Portland and I can see Mt. Hood (Wy'east) and Mt. St. Helens (Lawetlat'la) it’s objectively better for my mental health than living in Olympia.

  • Burgers taste better when someone else grills them and sandwiches taste better when someone else makes them.

  • Electric vehicles are not better for the environment. They appear better, but they are not. Before we fight about this, consider these questions: Where does current energy come from? Where and how do we get the materials to make cars and batteries?

  • The best feature of an electric vehicle, other than how cool the design is on some, is that you don’t have to stand out and pump gas.

  • When you stop worrying you’re too much or not enough, you’re just right for the people that matter. Read it again, adjust, and thank me later.

  • Urban sprawl is a disease.

  • You can love both Beyonce and Taylor Swift in the same universe. It’s okay, they don’t do the same things and they’re not competing with one another but actually lift each other up.

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Oregon Caves NM

Back in 2016 I visited Oregon Caves National Monument while on a trip to Northern California to see the Redwoods. The drive up from the Redwoods is fantastic and follows the wild and scenic Smith River as you drive up US-199.

The actual road to the caves is lined with trees and the whole places is forested. Enjoy a few photos of the outside on a sunny day!

And here’s some from inside the cave! Not quite a forest, but such a cool place that I can’t wait to go back to now that I live close by.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Thursday Thoughts - Water

When I sit next to a body of water, I relax. The noise is calming, the smells are often refreshing, and the sky is soothing. Enjoy some photos from California in 2016 as I watched the sun set on my way back from Oregon Caves National Monument. (stay tuned for a post about that place tomorrow!)

Does the water bring you peace? If not the water, where do you go outside for peace and relaxation? Growing up on the Great Lakes, I was never far from soothing sights. Enjoy!

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WayBackWednesday - Spring in Big Bend NP

This one time I got in my car at 11 pm and drove to Big Bend to see the spring blooms and and to get a couple of hikes in for March. I didn’t quite know what to expect, but I had heard the bluebells and other desert flowers were in bloom. The weather looked good, so I took off.

I hiked up the Lost Mine Trail Head and had some great views as the sun peaked over the hills and started shining brightly. Piñon pines, views for days, layered mesas… heaven!

From there, I drove through the park and did some of the Chimneys Trail. On this trail, I saw so many cacti blooms. The ocotillo are some of my favorite. Damn, I miss the desert.

My trip didn’t get me home until almost 24 hours after leaving. Reviewing the photos and reliving the moments has me missing the desert badly. There are some things I miss about Texas, and this is definitely one of of them.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truth

I was falling victim to other people’s bullshit. I found myself getting cranky, anxious, and kind of sad because the people I was interacting with in that moment were all of those things. I had to fight my way out of those feelings and make a conscious effort to put myself in a better place. It is not their fault, and I love to be an ear and help friends get through moments or periods of time like this. I also know that I have my moments, and they will be inevitable.

I started thinking what kind of energy I’m putting out there. What was I conveying on socials? What was I conveying in texts and phone calls? How was I coming off? Not that I’m concerned what people think of me, per se, but I was concerned what I was putting out in the world. Was I being unnecessarily argumentative? Was I being negative for no good reason? Was it more than just complaining or having a moment? The answer was kind of a yes.

I want people to feel good and calm during and after interacting with me. I want to put good energy out there and brighten the days of people around me. I took this moment as a little rest stop in life to check myself. I will always be real, but I want to make sure I’m not just layering my shit on everyone else. It’s about a balance, and I want to be more conscious of that balance.

I hope you have a great week. If you need me, you know where to find me.

In a moment of pure joy, along the Oregon coast in the rain

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - See Them All

Hello and welcome to another Monday Motivation. I personally hate Monday, but hey, I’m trying to make the best of it by starting work early so I can either take a long lunch or sign off early. I’m also scheming and planning for more adventures. Over the weekend, I visited a state park that felt otherworldly compared to many places I’ve been in Oregon. This little adventure inspired me to strive to see all of the state parks Oregon has to offer, as well as to finish my quest to see all of the National Park Service managed sites in the state.

I’ve compiled a spreadsheet with all of the state parks, natural areas, historic sites, and scenic waysides. When I plan to see a big thing, I’m going to make sure I can work in one of these smaller places too. I feel motivated to see what this state has to offer and to explore the diversity - as it’s not just coastal forests.

I may not have everything unpacked or figured out, but I’m going to start planning adventures because that’s what I do. Planning adventures motivates me to get the rest of my shit together.

I hope you all have a good week - remember, you’re never alone and we’re all floating on this rock together.

I’m going to use this book to help plan my adventures. (He’s one of my favorite Oregon advocates, check him out HERE)

White River Falls State Park - Oregon

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