Tuesday Truths

Here are some unsolicited opinions no one asked for! What are some of your strong opinions?

  • Syrup (preferably MAPLE) is what belongs on a waffle, pancakes, or French toast. Syrup should always be present. Add butter, peanut butter, powdered sugar, fruit, etc… but SYRUP is superior.

  • Syrup is also said “sir-up” not “seer-up” and that’s all I have to say about that.

  • Texting about important things is the worst. Schedule a call, send a voice note, anything else.

  • Spontaneous adventures are the best adventures.

  • Aged, extra sharp cheddar is the best cheddar.

  • March is probably the worst month in the year, despite the fact that some of my favorite people were born in March.

  • Laughter is often the best medicine. I’m not saying it’s the only medicine, but laughing and cracking jokes can really lighten a dark situation.

  • April Fools is the worst holiday ever.

  • The Pacific is better than the Atlantic.

  • State lines shouldn’t mean shit for doctors or healthcare workers of any kind. We are one country and we should have standards at a federal level. Same goes for teachers.


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