Tuesday Truths
Here are some unsolicited opinions no one asked for! What are some of your strong opinions?
Syrup (preferably MAPLE) is what belongs on a waffle, pancakes, or French toast. Syrup should always be present. Add butter, peanut butter, powdered sugar, fruit, etc… but SYRUP is superior.
Syrup is also said “sir-up” not “seer-up” and that’s all I have to say about that.
Texting about important things is the worst. Schedule a call, send a voice note, anything else.
Spontaneous adventures are the best adventures.
Aged, extra sharp cheddar is the best cheddar.
March is probably the worst month in the year, despite the fact that some of my favorite people were born in March.
Laughter is often the best medicine. I’m not saying it’s the only medicine, but laughing and cracking jokes can really lighten a dark situation.
April Fools is the worst holiday ever.
The Pacific is better than the Atlantic.
State lines shouldn’t mean shit for doctors or healthcare workers of any kind. We are one country and we should have standards at a federal level. Same goes for teachers.