Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Going Back In Time

Ever have a moment or period in time you wish you could erase? Oh, how I wish I could go back and do a few things over and avoid a few other things.  But, here I am, unable to time travel more than a few hours.

Since I can’t go back, I am just moving forward.  The trend for a few of these Monday motivations have been a forward movement, as it’s all I can do.

The world is bigger than a moment or period of time.  The universe is infinite and I’m just one speck. I recently stared through a telescope on Oahu and it made me feel small and insignificant in the best way.  Nothing mattered, in a good way, and these stars burned light years away.  As much as I’d like to go back and redo something, the fact is that it doesn’t matter that much as life goes on.  New stars form, and we continue to spin madly on in the vastness and wonder that is existence.

This may seem a bit existential, but I’m only writing this to convince myself to abide by this mindset. I can keep trying, I can change my trajectory, and so can you if you want.

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WBW - October in the Upper Peninsula

Taking it back to October 2008 in Michigan’s glorious Upper Peninsula. Friends and I went up to see some Subaru Rally event and got a fall color show along the way. Fun fact, I started at Old Navy before this trip and they wouldn’t honor my need for three days off (I worked 12 hours a week) so I quit.

Enjoy the fall color tour!

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths

Clearwater Falls - Umpqua National Forest - Oregon

It’s Tuesday, so you get some more info you didn’t ask for! Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can. This is quickly devolving into just Tuesday Thoughts and I’m not mad at that.

  • Pearl Jam is not my jam. I don’t think they deserve a whole channel on Sirius XM. If I hear “Better Man” I will do everything I can to stop/change it to something else.

  • Not a fan of practical jokes. Sensory overload. I’m a fan of humor, joking, and watching people pull jokes on others though, haha.

  • Soccer is not my sport. I’ve tried. I just don’t like watching and I don’t like playing. I’m not here to yuck your yum, because I know it’s popular worldwide, so enjoy!

  • I hate pants. I will wear shorts and hoodies/jackets until I just can’t anymore.

  • The Great British Bake Off is the most soothing show on television.

  • I think I like Oregon more than Washington. (Gasp, don’t come for me)

  • I’m not going to be the guy who wears a costume or creates a look for an event - that’s just not my thing.

  • Thrill seeking is not my thing. I will likely try things, but I’m not constantly seeking the thrill. Things I would probably try: skydiving, bungee jumping, Angel’s landing, jumping off of a cliff into deep water, para-sailing, etc.

  • Snapchat is just not for me. It is annoying at best, but I have it for some friends who just like to use it. It’s mediocre app, and that’s generous, and I’d rather just text, call, or FaceTime. Send me a video you recorded instead.

  • I’ve decided I’m not going to try running anymore. Never say never, but it’s just off the table for now.

  • My ideal pizza: supreme (mushrooms, pepperoni, ham, green peppers, banana peppers, onions, maybe sausage, maybe black olives). The saucier, the better.

  • Eating Italian food at a non-Italian restaurant is usually a scam to me because they charge so much for something I could make for next to nothing.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Find the Beauty

It’s cute until you have to take a cold shower…

If you are struggling, as I was recently, find something beautiful to motivate you. I took off after work and headed to Crater Lake National Park on Friday. Well, I went to a nearby town to stay in a cabin, but still…

When I can’t just take off after work for a 6.5 hour drive, I find it locally. I’ll go look at the art all over Olympia, visit one of the many local city parks, or drive a little bit out of town to a forest or a lookout and take it in. When I can’t leave the house, for whatever reason, I play around on Google Maps to find new places to “eventually” adventure to someday.

You don’t have to spend a lot of (or any) money or time to find something beautiful to give you motivation. Crater Lake had been on my radar for years, and I wasn’t going to live here and NOT visit that place. But for weeks before, I’d just sit on Google Maps updating my “want to visit” tab. Seize the day - in whatever way you can! Have a great week ahead.

100/10 recommend Crater Lake at sunrise

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WBW - Car Camping near Monjeau Peak, New Mexico

It was early in October 2020 and I was working on location in New Mexico. Since there was a pandemic happening, I drove to avoid flying and thus got to bring my camping gear! I went camping with my coworkers on the weekend up in the Lincoln National Forest. This was the first time I camped in my car and I was hooked for quick solo trips.

Monjeau Peak sits at about 9600 feet, and we camped just below probably near the 9000 foot mark. We set up camp at a little spot off the road near the Crest Trail. Memories like this make me miss hangs with my cool workers, my first Outback, and New Mexico in general. Enjoy!

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths

A wild iris along the Tahquamenon River, between upper and lower falls

It’s Tuesday, so you get some more info you didn’t ask for! Well, one of you keeps asking for it, so I guess that’s all I need for motivation. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can. This is quickly devolving into just Tuesday Thoughts and I’m not mad at that.

  • Green is my favorite color. Not just “green” but the varying shades of green for the most part. I will gravitate towards green followed closely by purple and orange.

  • I think if more people read these, I’d have a lot less bullshit in my life. (LOL)

  • Halloween may not be my favorite holiday, but I love the original two movies and the newer three movies.

  • I don’t necessarily hate the Beatles, but I definitely don’t seek them out when playing music

  • Taffy is a terrible type of candy - along with other super chewy things like it

  • Sleeping bags make me feel so confined, so I prefer to layer an unzipped sleeping bag and/or other quilts instead while camping.

  • Tree identification is a passion of mine and I will learn the trees of a region so I can then impress my friends (who usually don’t care haha)

  • Lilacs and wild irises are my favorite kinds of flowersl

An iris along the Tahquamenon River

Me, in northern New Mexico during fall

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Be the light

Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies - if you’re in Olympia, I have plenty to give away

If you have the capacity, be the light for someone who may not be feeling so bright. Not every day/week/month is going to be great, but there are good moments in there somewhere. Share the good, be a light, listen to a friend, whatever you can when you’re feeling that good sort of way.

I read somewhere once that the people who are supportive and reach out sometimes are the ones who really need the help themselves. It’s a good idea to check on those who you may least expect need it - you never know what silent battle someone is going through. A kind thought, a smile, or even small act of kindness can go a LONG way.

A friend recently shared a post on social media that being kind costs ZERO fucking dollars, so give it a shot.

I truly hope you have a great week ahead and as always, I hope this little blurb made you smile.

Enjoy this blurry attempt at a selfie with Seattle in the background on Lake Union in a hot tub boat a little buzzed up (I though tit was perfectly fitting for a post like this - laugh, it’s okay!)

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Redwood NP

Here’s a little timelines cleanse of some big trees in the fog. These were from an LG smartphone in August of 2017. It was a magical little trip through the trees. Happy Friday - I hope you find some joy this weekend!

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Thursday Thoughts

I remember one of my favorite point and shoot cameras of all time - my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX3. The camera was 6 megapixels and 3x optical zoom. This point and shoot was lovely, until it glitched one time. BUT, before that, it felt like it was the best damn thing. It had a special long exposure mode called Starry Sky - up to a minute - and I would go around taking night photos for shit and giggles. I love setting the camera down and seeing what it can do when it brings in all the light.

I actually shared a little about this once here: GVSU Overexposed

Nowadays, I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max with night mode and a Google Pixel 7a with Google’s famous night mode. I love taking night photos or long exposure photos. I have a DSLR I need to learn how to use - would love to start taking pictures of the night sky.

Looking back to find photos for this post, I’m thinking about life before good camera phones. I have so many weird selfies and mirror selfies as well as just hundreds of useless photos. Nothing has changed, except I probably have thousands of useless photos now. It’s fun to sit here and look back life before camera phones. I would take my little Panasonic Lumix everywhere with me - I think I eventually just kept it in the center console of my car.

I love that I have a super camera with machine learning/AI in my pocket now. I can take photos to remember everything. I’m a huge fan of sharing life with everyone, an early adopter of social media before it was monetized. I love sharing what it looks like for me, real life, lightly adjusted if necessary to look as real to my eye.

Here are some photos from my Panasonic point and shoot over the years. Go do what makes you happy and take pictures of everything.

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WBW - The joy of snow

Look at the line where the snow is falling!!

Visiting Portland, OR in November 2021 was a whirly-swirly dream. NO, there wasn’t snow in Portland, but there was snow up towards Mt. Hood. I had met up with my dear friend on the first day of my adventure and they decided to go along on the second and third days with me and suggested Trillium Lake. I was driving up, up, up the mountain toward the lake and had to stop at the rest area where the snow started to take it all in. It was SNOWING the big magical flakes! From there up, it was MORE snow and beautiful foggy/snowy views of the trees. Eventually, we got to the lake. It was a mix of snow and clouds, so no view of Mt. Hood but who cares? The trees were heavy with wet snow, and it felt magical walking through the woods with my friend. We were in our own world of laughing, snapping photos, and being free.

The conclusions drawn from this adventure are that snow is magical and with the right person, life is whimsical. Find the friends, lovers, whomever who bring out the magic and whimsy in you.

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths (Thoughts?)

On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can. This is quickly devolving into just Tuesday Thoughts and I’m not mad at that.

  • I can be an out and proud gay man without attending certain gay events. Full stop.

  • Concerts in bars, small venues, or outside venues are my favorite kind of concerts to attend. I’ll go to a stadium show, but smaller venues are way better in my opinion.

  • Beyonce is talented, but I don’t gravitate towards her music like I do other big voices like Kelly Clarkson or Kylie Minogue.

  • I must live close to water. New Mexico was kind of rough, but there was a man made lake I guess.

  • The older I get, the less I like grapes unless they’re wine. I always buy them with good intentions, but ya know…

  • I’m more likely to save for and invest in something of higher quality (such as a certain laptop or article of clothing or boots) instead of replacing them more frequently.

  • Vegas is only fun for about 3 days

  • Standard bathtubs are shit. Give me a shower stall any day of the week. (a shower stall and giant tub would be ideal, but I ain’t rich)

**This was not a lake, but it was pretty cool

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Winding Road

If you want to go forward, you have to keep going. Forward is relative, but movement is not. Sometimes, the path is straightforward and other times it’s meandering. I’d say I’m meandering, but constantly moving forward. You can go down the road, with a destination in mind, and something comes up and makes you curve or turn away for a detour.

Detours don’t have to derail. This is advice I’m telling myself, more than anything. So often, I fall victim to my own bullshit when life throws me a curve. It’s easy to do - for me - and it’s a habit I’m working to break. For example, I stopped to going to the gym when I had covid and now I’m here a couple weeks since and I haven’t gone back. I fell out of routine and I’m struggling to get back into one. We’ve got this, right?

When the road winds, trail curves, or life just gets weird, keep going. You’ve got this. Take a detour, find the scenery, and keep on pushing.

Embrace the detours.

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Lincoln National Forest

Some days I miss the life I had (briefly) in New Mexico back in 2021. I lived near the best of friends, worked with the coolest people, and went to the National Forest all the time. I’ve been missing the familiar lately, so here’s to the good people and the good times in the Lincoln National Forest.

Views of the sky, camping with my dog, and everything in between. 2021 was a great year. I miss my old Outback and I miss my friends real bad but that’s what new Outbacks and visits are for!

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WBW - My first visit to Mt. Rainier

Back in October 2018, I visited Mt. Rainier (Tahoma) for the first time. I met a friend though a Twitter chat and he agreed to show me the mountain. I met up with him, we drove out towards the park and saw the mountain at sunset. From there, we camped nearby so we could get into the park early the next day to watch the sunrise over the peak but not before visiting the park at dark. I’ll never forget the magical sights from this trip. Enjoy some photos - and if you’re going, try to see it in different lights!

My first, up-close view that wasn’t from the freeway (at sunset, nonetheless)

The view of the summit at night, glowing in the moonlight

Just before the sun rose

First light on the summit

THE GLOW of the sunrise is hitting the sky

Full daylight - the mountain reflecting

And a bonus, of me in the sunset glow

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Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Tuesday Truths

Sunrise chasing.

On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can.

  • I never care if people visit my website - I just care if they are moved by something I write. I write for myself and if it reaches someone, I’m happy. I just like to write, even if it’s not written well.

  • I love when a group of work friends all bring a little something different to the chat. A good variety of crazy is a healthy balance. Shoutout to my girlies from Vine O&G. #poopselfie

  • I’ll almost always take a cool, cloudy, rainy day of a sunny and hot one. The relentless sun of Texas (ten years) ruined me and I just can’t summer anymore. I need shade, clouds, or a cool body of water anymore.

  • My default is to watch old, familiar shows that I’ve probably watched many times over watching new shows. Current obsession: Home Improvement (I’ve powered through 4 seasons in a week)

  • Lake Superior is the best Great Lake - it’s literally in the name. BUT, it is also the coolest and freshest. Just sayin.

  • Breakfast food is the best food and is good all day. French toast? Pancakes or waffles? Bacon? Sausage? YES. Just yes. All day.

  • Moose are cooler than elk. No further comments.

  • If I have to pick a sport to watch, I’ll pick hockey. If there is no hockey, I don’t mind having baseball on in the background. I don’t love sports, but I could go to either of those live games.

  • Pineapple is okay on my pizza. The yellow delight is good with ham or bacon.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Regain that Control

I feel like I’m out of control. When I say this, I mean I’m just eating whatever I want and not really exercising. I feel like my chores get pushed to the “next available” day and my list of things to do grows longer. I’m trying to take control. I’m going to make some food to help me feel good about what I’m eating and I’m going to walk on the trail nearby during my lunch. I’m going to get back to my gym routine, gradually. COVID really knocked the wind out of me, but I’m trying to stretch these lungs back out.

Additional good things - I have a few doctor appointments this week and some fun weekend plans ahead. Weekend plans ahead means I need to gradually get my shit done this week. I’ve got a plan, with realistic goals, and I am going to push through!

I’m starting this Monday with a clean kitchen, fresh laundry, and some ambition. Good luck to all of you out there. Remember, make your goals achievable for your efforts. If your best means not doing anything, that’s okay some days. Keep finding little bits of joy and make the most of the day.

Don’t let a little fog ruin the whole view - rise above it

Walking the dog is enough some days

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WBW - Waterfall Wednesday

Here’s a look back at a quick little hike to a nice waterfall with one of my favorite people. We did the short hike, over some small hills, and found ourselves at this gorgeous waterfall. There was no one around, so the nature was all ours! We took our shoes off, rolled up our pants, and felt the cold rush of spring mountain water on our feet and legs. The comfort and relief I get from rushing, cold water over my feet is hard to describe. The whole hike was magic, and I’m often looking back to this day and how a simple spring hike with a dear friend made me so happy.

Murhut Falls - Olympic National Forest

Murhut Falls - a closer look

two peple standing in front of a waterfall

Myself and my dear friend posing for the memory - wet and happy

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Keep trying

Over the weekend, I hiked for the first time in ages. A real hike. A hike with elevation. A hike with thin air. It was my first hike post recent COVID and it was hard to breathe. I was struggling. BUT, I did it. I was with a group of friends who struggled a little too, but we were struggling together.

I felt pretty good after, accomplished and ready to keep going. By Sunday afternoon, I wasn’t even that sore. The struggle for me really was catching my breath and pushing forward. I’m hoping with continued activity, and a little chat with my doc next wee, I’ll be breathing normally again soon.

If you don’t think you can, try. If you don’t want to, just try. If you go and do the thing, but don’t succeed, you tried. Did I hike as well as I would have liked, no. Did I move quickly? Also, no. Did I do the damn thing, despite being worried about breathing? Yes. Did I take measures to accommodate my issues? You bet your ass I did. This goes back to last week - adjust and go forward with a new plan.

Enjoy some photos from the hike that made me feel alive again. (Mount Rainier National Park - Skyline & Golden Gate Trails)

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Mt. Walker Viewpoint

One of my favorite places to go take a break, take a guest, or just stop for a minute is the Mt. Walker Viewpoint in the Olympic National Forest. It was suggested by a friend a while ago, and I’ve gone there for years.

The road up to the viewpoints is a winding, dirt road that pushes through the forest. I recently visited early in the morning to catch the sunrise, and it was spectacular to come around the corners and see the sun rising. VIDEO HERE.

Most of the time you can see Mt. Rainier in the distance from the Southern Viewpoint and sometimes you can see Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams. From the Southern Viewpoint, you can see the Olympics and Mt. Baker.

Enjoy some photos from over the years.

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WayBackWednesday - Monument Valley

2009 was the year of the third cross-country trip that changed the way I travel and see the world. You can read more about it HERE!

Looking back, my best bud Kevin and I hit Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park at the beginning of golden hour. Desert light, shadows, and that glorious red rock combined was a brilliant little drive through.

Always check park hours and operations at the website and pay the entrance fee!

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