motivation monday

#MondayMotivation - Change Something

If you want a different life, make a change. Small changes can lead to big results. I love to complain like anyone else, but I’ve learned I had to actually take charge and make changes if I really wanted things to be different. I know, there are certain things we just like to complain about or can’t change, but there are plenty that can be adjusted with small changes.

I’m talking to myself as much as I’m offering any sort of wisdom to anyone else. I’ve complained about my body or my living situation or any other number of things in this life. What did I do? Small steps that I’ve taken to improve my life include taking a walk in nature, playing Super Mario Bros, cleaning my kitchen regularly, finding a new brewery or restaurant, or rewatching something I really enjoyed once before. I’m always looking for little ways to make life better that do not cost a lot (or anything) and are easy to implement.

Small steps can have a big impact. Changing one meal you eat, skipping that one outing and using the money for something else, putting your phone in do not disturb, or taking a walk at lunch can really add up. Sometimes, just because of life, big changes are required. It can be scary to make big changes, but often times the discomfort will be worth the peace and joy in the end.

I recently had the privilege of watching a friend get their Master’s Degree. The whole experience inspired me and made me realize we can all do hard things. Watching those graduates walk was a little spark that ignited an internal motivation to do the hard things.

Whatever you’re going through and whatever you need to do, I hope you find the courage to do so! I’m here to help, if you ever need an ear or help making a change. I wish you all a good week!

#MondayMotivation - Take Time

I love listening to the river flow on by

Reclaim that time for yourself. Take the week(end), or any other free days, and use it to re-energize yourself. Cancel the plans, don’t make new ones, and do the things you need to do to get your shit right. Yes, I am mostly just speaking about what I did over the weekend and what I’ll be doing this week. I’ve been neglecting my chores, ignoring the books I want to read, and spending money I should be saving for things that would be more fun down the road and it’s time to take a little break and just breathe.

This past weekend I spent time with someone I enjoy, in the woods, and away from the incessant city noise around my apartment. I had a good time walking through the trees and sitting by the river, remembering that those things are things that I love to do on a regular basis. There’s nothing like a river flowing by or wind through tall trees or grasses.

I’m using my experience, of feeling overwhelmed the past few weeks and finally relaxing, to tell you to do the same. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed to the point of shutting down and feeling completely fried. Take the time to sit with your thoughts, do something that helps you relax, or something else that otherwise helps you take care of yourself. You deserve to relax.

What’s the saying? You can’t pour from an empty cup?

Big trees, mountains in the distance, and sunshine filtering through

#MondayMotivation - See Them All

Hello and welcome to another Monday Motivation. I personally hate Monday, but hey, I’m trying to make the best of it by starting work early so I can either take a long lunch or sign off early. I’m also scheming and planning for more adventures. Over the weekend, I visited a state park that felt otherworldly compared to many places I’ve been in Oregon. This little adventure inspired me to strive to see all of the state parks Oregon has to offer, as well as to finish my quest to see all of the National Park Service managed sites in the state.

I’ve compiled a spreadsheet with all of the state parks, natural areas, historic sites, and scenic waysides. When I plan to see a big thing, I’m going to make sure I can work in one of these smaller places too. I feel motivated to see what this state has to offer and to explore the diversity - as it’s not just coastal forests.

I may not have everything unpacked or figured out, but I’m going to start planning adventures because that’s what I do. Planning adventures motivates me to get the rest of my shit together.

I hope you all have a good week - remember, you’re never alone and we’re all floating on this rock together.

I’m going to use this book to help plan my adventures. (He’s one of my favorite Oregon advocates, check him out HERE)

White River Falls State Park - Oregon

Winter Solstice

I’ve been putting trees up with lights and decorations since I was a child. Growing up, my bedroom often had a second tree and decorations. I love(d) decorating for Christmas. I was never a religious person and I was raised in a “Catholic” home that never attended church or had me confirmed. Christmas, to me, was never about Jesus or religion. Christmas to me was always about the lights, the sparkle (shocking), and the gathering of friends and family. Holidays, Christmas or otherwise, were always about the food and fun.

I used to beg to drive around and look at the lights and dream of doing that to my own house someday. Fast forward to college and I started to buy trees on clearance after Christmas. Year after year, my roommates and I would add to our collection and create a forest of light in our apartments to celebrate winter. As the years went on, my roommates and I started decorating our porches and trees as we moved into places that supported that kind of decor. I love adding lights to the darkness and dreariness of the winter season.

Now, I’m a guy who believes in the changing of the season from autumn to winter as a transition for our mindset. I believe in putting up trees and lights and wreaths to welcome winter and to light the way from the shortest day of the year onward. I take a little from here, a little from there, and enjoy celebrating all people and their cultures/religions. The Solstice is about light for me and that just happens to manifest with mini twinkle lights and big colorful bulbs from November though January.

Whatever you celebrate this winter, may you find peace and joy and get to spend time with people you care about. Stay warm, or cool depending, and have a safe passage into 2024.

#MondayMotivation - Meet People Where They Are

I had been letting feelings get in the way of enjoying life and building relationships. Letting resentment build, letting bitterness win has taken me nowhere. When it’s all said and done, what’s the point of holding on to those feelings? So, with a little encouragement from someone I trust, I pushed through. I started meeting people where they were, forgetting and forgiving any ill feelings I had. Life got better in that I am no longer stressed about the situations.

Maybe someone can’t be what you need them to be, but they’re probably trying. Meet them where they are, make the most of it if you can. I know, that’s not going to apply or work for every situation but if it does, I promise it’ll be worth it.

#MondayMotivation - Anticipation

Waiting for something like an event, a meeting, or a call can be stressful. I’m working to take the stress from the unknown and convert it to excited anticipation. Life is good and stress is bad — it really is that simple. I’ve applied for many jobs and had one interview. I’m being phased out of my current role and I’m working to find that next big job. I’m managing my stress by continuing to submit applications, going for walks, and turning the anticipation into excitement.

Letting excitement build and allowing yourself to live for the moment can be such a positive experience. Life is good, even if it’s in transition. Good things are happening behind the scenes, and I’m excited to see where everything goes. Also, I made a new kitty friend. I hope the week is good to y’all.

New kitty friend

#MondayMotivation - Fear is an illusion

Experiences in our lives shape who we are, or who we become. Some of these experiences lead us to create a mask or facade. If you’re constantly questioning life due to some circumstances that made it feel normal, you may take that mindset into new experiences unknowingly. This could be jobs, relationships, friendships, etc. The fear that creates the facade is an illusion and doesn’t have to be permanent.

I fear rejection because I’ve been rejected. Does that mean I will stop trying? Does it mean I wont apply for that job or go on that date? Absolutely not.

I fear being thought of as being “too much” because I’ve been called “too much” before. Does that mean I need to apologize for being who I am or adding a disclaimer to my feelings? It shouldn’t, but I have. I’m learning that I’m not “too much” and my thoughts, feelings, and ideas are valid.

I’ve spent the past few months coming back to myself, losing the fear of being too much, not enough, or the fear of losing something that really wasn’t meant to be mine anyway. I had a conversation this weekend that helped spark this whole idea that the true me is still there, behind some fear. Allowing life to happen and working to make good things part of that new path is pushing through the fears.

I’m confident, outgoing, fun, friendly, dramatic, kind, and generous. I’m all of those things. It’s enough and never truly too much. Remembering me, adapting to life in current, and continuing to grow is pushing fear out of the way and thriving instead of surviving.

I hope you find ways to thrive this week. Doing the best you can is thriving, not just surviving.

#MondayMotivation - Friends

This week, I’m fueled by friends. I have people coming over Saturday for dinner, so I need to get a bunch of shit done this week. Sometimes, the motivation is just that simple. I don’t want my friends to see my dining room in disarray and the dog hair that needs to be vacuumed, so I’m going to get my ass to work this evening.

Having a set date, with a finite amount of time, really helps me with goals and projects. In general, I do my best work on something when I have a set amount of time. Sometimes, because I hate myself, I will procrastinate and use the pressure of having only one night or something silly to motivate me even further. I do not recommend procrastinating until the last minute, that’s mental illness speaking so don’t listen.

Find your motivation for the week and GO. You’ve got this, or at least you can pretend you do. Happy trails.

#MondayMotivation - Exhausted.

I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted. I’m so done. BUT, as the theme for these go, I need to keep going. You need to keep going. Keep finding the joy in life, find the moments that give you hope, and always think of the possibilities.

Things I’m telling myself:

  • Don’t feel defeated

  • Don’t give up

  • You can take care of yourself

  • Some distractions are okay

  • I don’t have to talk to anyone if I don’t have the capacity

  • It’s okay to be sad

  • Joy comes in many forms

  • You’ll be okay

  • Everything will be okay

  • It’s fine, this is fine, it’s all fine

Things bringing me joy

  • Windows down, sunroof open, music up, heated seat on, heat on the floor drives

  • 1989 (Taylor’s Version)

  • Rewatching TV shows and movies I have already watched

  • Popcorn

  • Brisk mornings

There’s a little humor in this, but also some truths. Stay the course, find your adventure, all that happy horse shit.

#MondayMotivation - Going Back In Time

Ever have a moment or period in time you wish you could erase? Oh, how I wish I could go back and do a few things over and avoid a few other things.  But, here I am, unable to time travel more than a few hours.

Since I can’t go back, I am just moving forward.  The trend for a few of these Monday motivations have been a forward movement, as it’s all I can do.

The world is bigger than a moment or period of time.  The universe is infinite and I’m just one speck. I recently stared through a telescope on Oahu and it made me feel small and insignificant in the best way.  Nothing mattered, in a good way, and these stars burned light years away.  As much as I’d like to go back and redo something, the fact is that it doesn’t matter that much as life goes on.  New stars form, and we continue to spin madly on in the vastness and wonder that is existence.

This may seem a bit existential, but I’m only writing this to convince myself to abide by this mindset. I can keep trying, I can change my trajectory, and so can you if you want.

#MondayMotivation - Find the Beauty

It’s cute until you have to take a cold shower…

If you are struggling, as I was recently, find something beautiful to motivate you. I took off after work and headed to Crater Lake National Park on Friday. Well, I went to a nearby town to stay in a cabin, but still…

When I can’t just take off after work for a 6.5 hour drive, I find it locally. I’ll go look at the art all over Olympia, visit one of the many local city parks, or drive a little bit out of town to a forest or a lookout and take it in. When I can’t leave the house, for whatever reason, I play around on Google Maps to find new places to “eventually” adventure to someday.

You don’t have to spend a lot of (or any) money or time to find something beautiful to give you motivation. Crater Lake had been on my radar for years, and I wasn’t going to live here and NOT visit that place. But for weeks before, I’d just sit on Google Maps updating my “want to visit” tab. Seize the day - in whatever way you can! Have a great week ahead.

100/10 recommend Crater Lake at sunrise

#MondayMotivation - Be the light

Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies - if you’re in Olympia, I have plenty to give away

If you have the capacity, be the light for someone who may not be feeling so bright. Not every day/week/month is going to be great, but there are good moments in there somewhere. Share the good, be a light, listen to a friend, whatever you can when you’re feeling that good sort of way.

I read somewhere once that the people who are supportive and reach out sometimes are the ones who really need the help themselves. It’s a good idea to check on those who you may least expect need it - you never know what silent battle someone is going through. A kind thought, a smile, or even small act of kindness can go a LONG way.

A friend recently shared a post on social media that being kind costs ZERO fucking dollars, so give it a shot.

I truly hope you have a great week ahead and as always, I hope this little blurb made you smile.

Enjoy this blurry attempt at a selfie with Seattle in the background on Lake Union in a hot tub boat a little buzzed up (I though tit was perfectly fitting for a post like this - laugh, it’s okay!)

#MondayMotivation - Winding Road

If you want to go forward, you have to keep going. Forward is relative, but movement is not. Sometimes, the path is straightforward and other times it’s meandering. I’d say I’m meandering, but constantly moving forward. You can go down the road, with a destination in mind, and something comes up and makes you curve or turn away for a detour.

Detours don’t have to derail. This is advice I’m telling myself, more than anything. So often, I fall victim to my own bullshit when life throws me a curve. It’s easy to do - for me - and it’s a habit I’m working to break. For example, I stopped to going to the gym when I had covid and now I’m here a couple weeks since and I haven’t gone back. I fell out of routine and I’m struggling to get back into one. We’ve got this, right?

When the road winds, trail curves, or life just gets weird, keep going. You’ve got this. Take a detour, find the scenery, and keep on pushing.

Embrace the detours.

#MondayMotivation - Regain that Control

I feel like I’m out of control. When I say this, I mean I’m just eating whatever I want and not really exercising. I feel like my chores get pushed to the “next available” day and my list of things to do grows longer. I’m trying to take control. I’m going to make some food to help me feel good about what I’m eating and I’m going to walk on the trail nearby during my lunch. I’m going to get back to my gym routine, gradually. COVID really knocked the wind out of me, but I’m trying to stretch these lungs back out.

Additional good things - I have a few doctor appointments this week and some fun weekend plans ahead. Weekend plans ahead means I need to gradually get my shit done this week. I’ve got a plan, with realistic goals, and I am going to push through!

I’m starting this Monday with a clean kitchen, fresh laundry, and some ambition. Good luck to all of you out there. Remember, make your goals achievable for your efforts. If your best means not doing anything, that’s okay some days. Keep finding little bits of joy and make the most of the day.

Don’t let a little fog ruin the whole view - rise above it

Walking the dog is enough some days

#MondayMotivation - Keep trying

Over the weekend, I hiked for the first time in ages. A real hike. A hike with elevation. A hike with thin air. It was my first hike post recent COVID and it was hard to breathe. I was struggling. BUT, I did it. I was with a group of friends who struggled a little too, but we were struggling together.

I felt pretty good after, accomplished and ready to keep going. By Sunday afternoon, I wasn’t even that sore. The struggle for me really was catching my breath and pushing forward. I’m hoping with continued activity, and a little chat with my doc next wee, I’ll be breathing normally again soon.

If you don’t think you can, try. If you don’t want to, just try. If you go and do the thing, but don’t succeed, you tried. Did I hike as well as I would have liked, no. Did I move quickly? Also, no. Did I do the damn thing, despite being worried about breathing? Yes. Did I take measures to accommodate my issues? You bet your ass I did. This goes back to last week - adjust and go forward with a new plan.

Enjoy some photos from the hike that made me feel alive again. (Mount Rainier National Park - Skyline & Golden Gate Trails)

#MondayMotivation - Adjust and go on

Timing is everything and it’s weird how things happen…

I was getting really down on myself for not “doing enough” or “going hard enough” in regards to activities, hiking, and socializing. The reality is, I’m going hard and rarely stopping. I make plans on top of plans, schedule visitors left and right, and always feel like I have to get something on the books to occupy my time.

Then, this past weekend, my body turned on me. I came down with a cold towards the end of the week, which turned out to be COVID. Fuck. My body, though fighting sniffles and a headache, was rejoicing because I couldn’t really go anywhere or do anything I had planned. I spent most days in bed, or on the couch, resting my body and hydrating like I lived in the desert again. I have been fortunate with mild symptoms and grocery delivery.

Walking around the block takes it out of me, but I gotta keep going because I have plans (shocking) to hike Skyline Trail this coming weekend at Mt. Rainier National Park. I will avoid the gym on Monday, and re-test to make sure I’m clear.

This whole weekend was a reset on many levels. I sat with my thoughts, probably thought too hard about some things, and decided I’m ultimately doing okay. I am going to work through the thoughts I had to sit with, and continue on with therapy. I’m going to work on balancing my busy weekends with time to get stuff done around the house or just relax. I’m going to work to feel content with things, even though there always feels like so much more to do out there. I’m going to continue my fitness work, once I’m well enough to be in the gym again. I will not take the ability to move, drive, and interact with people for granted.

I’m just going to take the reset, keep going, and keep loving life. Remember that resets are okay and sitting with your thoughts can be beneficial, and overwhelming. Take time for yourself, be careful out there, and remember to tell people how you feel. COVID is circling around, so be aware!

Mountain flowers to calm the brain

#MondayMotivation - Renewed.

It’s been a hard couple of weeks for me. This past week was probably the worst in years. Anxiety, depression, and anger filled my brain. I slept more during the day than I have through all the nights. I avoided anything I could and ate my weight in feelings. I don’t know why, all of the sudden, I was sad about everything. I started thinking about my Gramma, about my life, where I am, etc. I was getting sad to leave this place but sad I wasn’t already further east. It’s a wild ride of bullshit, I tell ya. “Everything in time” and “what’s right will happen” and all that happy horseshit floated around from people or the internet. It’s all fine and dandy, until you’re not wanting to get out of bed and those sayings are just bullshit.

Fast forward to this past weekend. I started to feel better. I managed to get out, go to the Farmer’s Market, meet up with new friends, and enjoy the day in many ways. My biggest turning point, and the one thing that took the most effort and convincing, was just to go for a simple walk in the woods. I hadn’t been doing much between working at my desk, eating, sleeping, or the occasional short walk with Chewy. My back was hurting, my body was sore, and every time I tried to work out or go for a longer walk/hike, I said fuck it and didn’t do the things I needed to do until Sunday.

Sunday’s walk in the woods was uplifting and awakened me on many levels. I smelled the forest, touched the plants, let the sun stream over me, and started to feel a physical and mental shift in my being. It’s wild to think about how much a little mile and a half loop through some trees affected me, but here we are. The walk in the woods invigorated me, and my day only went up from there.

I was inspired by my friend who also had to do something they didn’t want to do. We both did the thing, achieved our mini-goals and all was well.

Here’s to a good week ahead and staying on this upward swing.

#MondayMotivation - A little structure

Good Monday morning to you! (or whatever time it is when you read this)

I’ve been on the struggle bus when it comes to what to do with myself. August has me feeling a little off - physically, emotionally, and mentally. I’m doing some goal setting and thought I’d share a little of that with y’all - maybe you’re feeling a similar kind of way, maybe not?

These are my goals for the rest of August and September. I’ll probably evaluate my progress towards the middle or end of September and adjust as necessary.

I’m trying to give myself a little structure because that’s how I thrive. Find goals that work for your brain and life.


  • Continue my 3 days of lifting per week

  • Walk the trail near my house at least 5 days per week

  • Take Chewy on a long walk in the evening (more than the usual neighborhood jaunt)

  • Hike somewhere new once per week

  • Stretch or beginner yoga daily (my new coach has me stretching and it’s crazy how much it helps)

  • Try to get to bed in a way that gets me at least 8 hours of sleep/downtime

  • Schedule an eye exam and get new glasses

  • Get on a waitlist for a local doctor or find one in Seattle/Portland and drive

  • Plan meals and roughly (or specifically) track food/drink


  • Find a new therapist - I’ve been struggling with this one, as my current therapist kind of dropped the ball and wasn’t really doing much for me

  • Record and reflect on what I’m grateful for every day

  • Follow through on the physical points (really helps my brain)

  • Connect more with friends - call or text different people a few times per week

  • Establish a boundary when things become too much


  • A lot of the emotional and physical points will assist with the mental

  • Find an online course or certificate program (first stage: research)

  • Read a book - I have a couple in my queue but this goal is to make the time each day to accomplish an entire book

  • Getting some kind of routine setup for the daily grind

If you’ve made it through, thanks for reading. What are some of your goals or tricks for feeling good? I hope you have a great week ahead. —Mike

male standing in front of hug canyon with clouds above

#MondayMotivation - Happy Birthday Nikki!

Happy Birthday, friend!

It’s my friend Nikki’s birthday today, so we’re going to celebrate her with some good memories! Nikki came into my life in 2012 and I’ve been better for knowing her ever since. Speaking from my view of our friendship, I’d say we connect on a pretty deep level. Beyond the daily happenings and surface shit, we can really get into some real topics. We can talk about the weather, but that’s boring. I like that we dive deep, to the core of everything and explore topics freely without judgment and criticism. Nikki is one of my favorite hiking buddies, road trip buddies, and overall hang out buddies. She is a lot of things - wife, mom, friend, daughter, etc - but she’s human and sees the value in other humans and treating one another with respect and dignity. I wish her a very happy birthday and cheers to many, many more.

Some of my FAVORITE memories (of all time)

This was my first trip to Big Bend. Eric and I drove out earlier in the day and Nikki got off work and hauled ass out there. We camped, we hiked, we drove every main road in that damn park - in one day. It was quite a day!

That time her, Eric, and I went on a Road trip through Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, Vegas, and then Zion. Something I can’t wait to do again someday!

Nikki’s bachelorette party took us to Austin and was also a birthday celebration for her. What a fun time. We hiked, we partied, and we went home. HA!

One of my favorite hiking buddies - we ford rivers together! (physically and metaphorically)

Thanks for doing fun 5K walks, hikes, and everything else. Keep on keepin’ on! Happy birthday! <3 Me

#MondayMotivation - Authentic Outdoors

I’m motivated by people who love the outdoors and love to spread the joy and knowledge associated with the outdoors. People who share their stories in a real way and don’t just sugar coat everything are my favorite people. Life isn’t like an edited photo, it’s a little grainy and sometimes the colors are out of balance.

A week ago I met with my people on a Skype call for a mastermind group centralized around being real, outdoorsy people who want their social media presence to reflect real life. I’m so lucky to be a part of a group of like-minded folks who love the outdoors in their own ways but love themselves enough to realize that maybe we haven’t always told the whole story or even the real story because we’ve been conditioned to present life in a polished, tidy way. Prime example is the previous sentence - this is how I speak in real life and run-ons are my life. I could clean it up but I don’t care to as it doesn’t REALLY change make it any better overall.

Thanks to the people who run the blogs/websites listed below for motivating me and speaking so freely over Skype on a random Sunday in January. You have improved my life and I look forward to becoming regular chatters about all topics outdoors. I’m no digital media expert, nor would I consider myself an influential person, but I do appreciate anyone who reads/enjoys my content. I make it for me, in some narcissistic weird way, but hope it’s received and can offer some form of inspiration or entertainment for YOU.




Sara Beth:

I wish you all a wonderful week ahead and I hope you find motivation out there, if not from this. Hike your own hike and live your reality.