Winter Solstice
I’ve been putting trees up with lights and decorations since I was a child. Growing up, my bedroom often had a second tree and decorations. I love(d) decorating for Christmas. I was never a religious person and I was raised in a “Catholic” home that never attended church or had me confirmed. Christmas, to me, was never about Jesus or religion. Christmas to me was always about the lights, the sparkle (shocking), and the gathering of friends and family. Holidays, Christmas or otherwise, were always about the food and fun.
I used to beg to drive around and look at the lights and dream of doing that to my own house someday. Fast forward to college and I started to buy trees on clearance after Christmas. Year after year, my roommates and I would add to our collection and create a forest of light in our apartments to celebrate winter. As the years went on, my roommates and I started decorating our porches and trees as we moved into places that supported that kind of decor. I love adding lights to the darkness and dreariness of the winter season.
Now, I’m a guy who believes in the changing of the season from autumn to winter as a transition for our mindset. I believe in putting up trees and lights and wreaths to welcome winter and to light the way from the shortest day of the year onward. I take a little from here, a little from there, and enjoy celebrating all people and their cultures/religions. The Solstice is about light for me and that just happens to manifest with mini twinkle lights and big colorful bulbs from November though January.
Whatever you celebrate this winter, may you find peace and joy and get to spend time with people you care about. Stay warm, or cool depending, and have a safe passage into 2024.