Tuesday Truths
Welcome to the weekly blog post that offers information you didn’t ask for and a photo of me. I’m not sure why I keep doing this, but here we go!
Autobiographies are the only books I enjoy in audio book form.
When looking at the bed, I prefer the left side. I tried sleeping on the right side, but I always end up on the left by morning.
I no longer like road trips longer than 7-8 hours and I think flights are better. I will not be taking any questions.
Utah is one of the most scenic states in this country.
Buying things at full price is ridiculous.
I believe in love at first sight.
There’s always room for dessert.
Tuesday Truths
Welcome to the weekly blog post that offers information you didn’t ask for about me and my views on the world. Enjoy a selfie at the end, too, because why not.
Fear is just an illusion we create to avoid doing the things we’re meant to do (sometimes)
Portland is better than Seattle. (Yes, I said it)
Roasting a turkey is super easy but unfulfilling for me
SNL was way funnier in the late 90s
Working remotely should be the norm with on-site as necessary for most office jobs
McDonalds has the best fast food fries
Stargazing is better on a beach, at night
Watermelons are the least exciting of the melons
Tuesday Truths
Welcome to the weekly series where you learn more about me, even if you didn’t ask for it. This week, enjoy some facts and a photos, like always.
Free meals are the best meals.
Soup season is all year. I will not argue this one.
Real Xmas trees are superior to artificial. I get it, though, not everyone can have a real one. If you can, you should.
Thanksgiving food is good all year and should be enjoyed more than once in November.
I have a metal cup addiction. Give me the Yeti, the HydroFlask, the RTIC, the off-brand. I just love a metal cup. The only time I use glass anymore is for wine or maybe a cocktail.
Michael Bublé’s Christmas album is superior to most others and in my house his version of “All I Want For Christmas Is You” is better than Mariah’s. Yeah, I said it…
I miss Walmart being open 24 hours. Thanks Covid.
Blue Christmas (especially when Elvis sings it) is the worst holiday song ever.
I think dogs can be as big of a burden as kids. I love my dog, though.
#MondayMotivation - Friends
This week, I’m fueled by friends. I have people coming over Saturday for dinner, so I need to get a bunch of shit done this week. Sometimes, the motivation is just that simple. I don’t want my friends to see my dining room in disarray and the dog hair that needs to be vacuumed, so I’m going to get my ass to work this evening.
Having a set date, with a finite amount of time, really helps me with goals and projects. In general, I do my best work on something when I have a set amount of time. Sometimes, because I hate myself, I will procrastinate and use the pressure of having only one night or something silly to motivate me even further. I do not recommend procrastinating until the last minute, that’s mental illness speaking so don’t listen.
Find your motivation for the week and GO. You’ve got this, or at least you can pretend you do. Happy trails.
Tuesday Truths
It’s Tuesday, so you get some more info you didn’t ask for! Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can. This is quickly devolving into just Tuesday Thoughts and I’m not mad at that.
Minivans are cool. I said it. They’re great for camping, road trips, and general comfort.
The lazy river should be open to adults only after 6 pm. This is specific to a resort I just visited, but could easily apply anywhere.
Jeep Gladiator “trucks” are stupid and I will not be taking comments on this.
Swimming in the ocean is worth the sand in the ca - especially if it’s a rental car.
Toyota Tacoma trucks are fine, but they’re not the end-all-be-all. (neither are 4Runners)
I may have said this one before, but Jeans are the worst pants in the world.
1989 Taylor’s Version is not as good as the original, I said it. I LOVE IT, when listening independently and the versions of Wildest Dreams, This Love, Clean, Wonderland, and New Romantics are better. The Vault Songs save the whole thing.
Hazy IPA is always better than regular IPA.
Tuesday Truths
Clearwater Falls - Umpqua National Forest - Oregon
It’s Tuesday, so you get some more info you didn’t ask for! Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can. This is quickly devolving into just Tuesday Thoughts and I’m not mad at that.
Pearl Jam is not my jam. I don’t think they deserve a whole channel on Sirius XM. If I hear “Better Man” I will do everything I can to stop/change it to something else.
Not a fan of practical jokes. Sensory overload. I’m a fan of humor, joking, and watching people pull jokes on others though, haha.
Soccer is not my sport. I’ve tried. I just don’t like watching and I don’t like playing. I’m not here to yuck your yum, because I know it’s popular worldwide, so enjoy!
I hate pants. I will wear shorts and hoodies/jackets until I just can’t anymore.
The Great British Bake Off is the most soothing show on television.
I think I like Oregon more than Washington. (Gasp, don’t come for me)
I’m not going to be the guy who wears a costume or creates a look for an event - that’s just not my thing.
Thrill seeking is not my thing. I will likely try things, but I’m not constantly seeking the thrill. Things I would probably try: skydiving, bungee jumping, Angel’s landing, jumping off of a cliff into deep water, para-sailing, etc.
Snapchat is just not for me. It is annoying at best, but I have it for some friends who just like to use it. It’s mediocre app, and that’s generous, and I’d rather just text, call, or FaceTime. Send me a video you recorded instead.
I’ve decided I’m not going to try running anymore. Never say never, but it’s just off the table for now.
My ideal pizza: supreme (mushrooms, pepperoni, ham, green peppers, banana peppers, onions, maybe sausage, maybe black olives). The saucier, the better.
Eating Italian food at a non-Italian restaurant is usually a scam to me because they charge so much for something I could make for next to nothing.
Tuesday Truths
A wild iris along the Tahquamenon River, between upper and lower falls
It’s Tuesday, so you get some more info you didn’t ask for! Well, one of you keeps asking for it, so I guess that’s all I need for motivation. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can. This is quickly devolving into just Tuesday Thoughts and I’m not mad at that.
Green is my favorite color. Not just “green” but the varying shades of green for the most part. I will gravitate towards green followed closely by purple and orange.
I think if more people read these, I’d have a lot less bullshit in my life. (LOL)
Halloween may not be my favorite holiday, but I love the original two movies and the newer three movies.
I don’t necessarily hate the Beatles, but I definitely don’t seek them out when playing music
Taffy is a terrible type of candy - along with other super chewy things like it
Sleeping bags make me feel so confined, so I prefer to layer an unzipped sleeping bag and/or other quilts instead while camping.
Tree identification is a passion of mine and I will learn the trees of a region so I can then impress my friends (who usually don’t care haha)
Lilacs and wild irises are my favorite kinds of flowersl
An iris along the Tahquamenon River
Me, in northern New Mexico during fall
Tuesday Truths
Sunrise chasing.
On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can.
I never care if people visit my website - I just care if they are moved by something I write. I write for myself and if it reaches someone, I’m happy. I just like to write, even if it’s not written well.
I love when a group of work friends all bring a little something different to the chat. A good variety of crazy is a healthy balance. Shoutout to my girlies from Vine O&G. #poopselfie
I’ll almost always take a cool, cloudy, rainy day of a sunny and hot one. The relentless sun of Texas (ten years) ruined me and I just can’t summer anymore. I need shade, clouds, or a cool body of water anymore.
My default is to watch old, familiar shows that I’ve probably watched many times over watching new shows. Current obsession: Home Improvement (I’ve powered through 4 seasons in a week)
Lake Superior is the best Great Lake - it’s literally in the name. BUT, it is also the coolest and freshest. Just sayin.
Breakfast food is the best food and is good all day. French toast? Pancakes or waffles? Bacon? Sausage? YES. Just yes. All day.
Moose are cooler than elk. No further comments.
If I have to pick a sport to watch, I’ll pick hockey. If there is no hockey, I don’t mind having baseball on in the background. I don’t love sports, but I could go to either of those live games.
Pineapple is okay on my pizza. The yellow delight is good with ham or bacon.
Tuesday Truths
View from the family cottage as the sun sets
I’m usually late. I know, it can feel disrespectful, but I mean no harm. I’m bad at time-management and most of the time I think there is more than enough minutes to get there.
I despise corn on the cob. SORRY NOT SORRY. Fresh corn, if it’s off the cob, is just fine.
I’ll never choose traditional chicken wings - give me adult chicken nuggets or nothing
Night drives will always hold a special place in my heart. They were therapy, they were a means to an end, and they got me through truly boring stretches of road much easier and seemingly faster.
I always knew, even despite wanting to be in the PNW so badly, that I’d end up back in the Great Lakes region eventually. Eventually is sooner than I could have imagined.
Olympic National Park will forever be my favorite and that belief has only been reinforced living an hour or so from many parts of it.
I don’t love deep water. I will swim in water over my head, but sometimes it freaks me out and I need a floatation device.
Chili should have beans and that’s final.
I will drink about 10x as much water if I have a container with a straw. It’s just science.
Great Lakes get ready, there will be a big boy in a speedo next summer gracing your beaches.
Tuesday Truths
On Tuesdays, I’m going to probably overshare a little more about me. Some of this may be common knowledge, but to those who are new, hello and welcome to the shit show. Also, gratuitous photos of myself at the end because I can.
If I’m getting coffee, it’s more than likely going to be iced. The time of year and outdoor temperature rarely matter in this choice. I am impatient and do not like waiting for scalding hot coffee to cool down.
Halloween is fine, but I’m more of a “fall guy” than a “Halloween guy” but I love watching scary movies. Winter/Xmas is more my jam and I’ll Griswold the shit out of my house, too.
I’m a morning person - I like to get up early and get going on stuff for the day. I get more work done, more writing, and more household tasks done before noon.
Sunrises are superior for me. I’ll say yes to a sunset, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll be more excited about a sunrise.
Saying yes more than no doesn’t mean I’m a yes man - I’m still making informed decisions out here. I want to experience more things and meet more people, so saying yes opens those doors. Is it always a great choice? NO. Do I learn from the questionable choices? ALSO NO. (kidding, of course I do)
If it’s between a road trip and a flight, I’ll probably drive. Now, there are exceptions to the rule, but I find driving more convenient most of the time. Stopping along the way or taking a scenic route isn’t an option when flying, so I do enjoy car travel more.
Revisiting somewhere I love is my travel guilty pleasure. Many of my visits are brief, so I enjoy going back and taking more in a second, third, or fourth time. Along with this, if I can take someone to a magical place for the first time and I’ve already been there, I’m so in.
My job is not who I am. I am not one of those people who IS their job or their job IS them. It is simply something I do every weekday to make money and survive. I like it, I like my coworkers, I like the subject matter, and I am lucky.
If I’m the driver, I like to stop to take pictures in front of signs or I crane my neck to look at the sights. I love to see what’s going on and I’m always looking out the window on a road trip - safely, most of the time.

#SurveySunday - Not quite too much info.
It's fun to share a few random things with y'all... Here are some things about me you may or may not care about learning.
• Favorite smell(s) - Evergreens, that loamy smell after the rain in a forest
• Last cry - I am not ashamed to cry, but it's actually been a while
• Favorite Pizza- Pepperoni and jalapeño
• Favorite Flower- Lilac or Tulips
• Favorite dog - Mutts
• Favorite foot attire- I’d rather be barefoot, but I really like my Chacos or Flip Flops
• Roller coaster - I used to, haven't been on one in a decade
• Hair color - Mine is a dirty blonde
• Favorite ice cream - chocolate alone or + anything (nuts, mint, caramel, etc)
• Pet Peeve - people who don't pick up after their dogs in highly trafficked areas
• Shorts or jeans - shorts...jeans are the WORST feeling clothing ever
• What are you listening to right now - people talking
• Color of your vehicle - black
• Color of eyes - blue
• Favorite holiday - Christmas (but just the commercial version, I'm not really a religious person...so maybe more just Yuletide?)
• Night owl or day person - morning person...my 21 year old self wouldn't even believe it
• Favorite day of the week - Saturday because it's usually hike day
• Tattoos- Maybe someday, but none yet... haven't found the right design for eternity
• Do you like to cook - I really do
• Beer or wine? Both, but please be dark &/or red
• Can you drive a manual shift - yes and I feel everyone should learn even though it's a dying thing
• Favorite color - Green in various shades
• Do you like vegetables- VEGETABLES ARE LIFE (I could almost be a vegetarian, almost)
• Do you work out - I mean, not really, no...but I should be
• Do you wear glasses - Yuppers, just got some nice new ones too
• Favorite season(s)- Fall & Winter (because summer is HELL in Texas)