Stay-At-Home, Week Whatever Check-In
It’s been a while since I’ve felt like doing any sort of update. My creativity was stifled - which is fine, I had plenty of work to do and TV to watch. The pandemic rages on with state beginning the process of reopening businesses beyond essentials. Reopening is causing plenty of mixed emotions and reactions - everyone’s got an opinion. I’m not sure where I fall on all of this, I am no healthcare expert and certainly don’t know shit about diseases. I’m grateful for everyone who has worked through this and don’t know how we’d function as a world without them. I’m sad that our government didn’t step in with instant benefits and relief for everyone. I know it was probably overwhelming, but people don’t have the luxury of waiting as businesses remain closed. It’s a terrible mess and it’s going to take years to dig out of it, but we will eventually find a new normal and hopefully we have learned a little about how our economy does not favor the working classes.
In lighter news…
I cut my hair this month, but who really cares? I DO. It feels so much better.
I bought a bike, but haven’t really taken many rides yet. The weight limit, which wasn’t clear on the Dick’s Sporting goods website, is a little lower than I am currently and I’m afraid of breaking the damn thing. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Part of me wishes I had bought a cheap mountain bike instead of the “hybrid” model so I could take it on the trails at the state park - not the hardcore ones, just a path around a lake that was pretty mild. We’ll see, maybe I’ll just try it and hope for the best?
Chewy the dog is the cutest, fight me. Our cat is very need and the cuddles are okay by me. The pets make staying home a lot a little better. The dog is getting a bit tired of walking four miles every day, and it shows. I don’t even know if we have a fish anymore, I just know there’s a fish tank and when it gets low Eric adds water and treatment. I probably need to go say hello, if there is a fish.
I’ve got baby tomatoes and plenty of fresh basil, mint, and oregano. Fuck yeah!
I updated our little board (see photo) with a Step Brothers quote because it felt appropriate.
We made naan style bread, homemade pancakes, blackberry cobbler, bread, broiler s’mores, and some applesauce. I think we made crepes too, with a friend on zoom, but I don’t know when that was now. The days all flow together. I am maintaining weight and not rapidly losing because of this whole “try new cooking and baking” bullshit. My self-control was always weak, and now it’s pretty much fucked.
I infused my tequila with jalapenos and it was pretty much the best thing. The tequila wasn’t spicy, it just had a peppery essence. Very good in a homemade margarita. I also juiced every last one of the citrus fruits in the house because they weren’t getting used fast enough. Had pints of various juices and it was nice.
My privileged ass went hiking at three different state parks this month so far, with plans for four more this coming weekend. I’m so thankful our state parks have opened for reduced capacity, reservation only day passes and camping. Truly lucky as hell right here.
State Park Quest Update | 52 Hike Challenge Update
My mental health took a hit this month, as it often does, but that sparked some creativity so I guess silver linings? I am kind of living in trip planning, adventure idea planning, and revisiting old photos. I had several fun happy hours with friends, and even went out to eat. Felt very safe.
I’m on a boat…
Memorial Weekend involved a pontoon, a storm, and me repeating “there’s nothing on the radar” at least ten times. I drank Corona Seltzers, which were pretty damn good in the realm of boozy water, and enjoyed the sunshine for about 30 minutes. We were cruising along and the weather took a turn. There was (say it with me) nothing on the radar indicating a storm, but our eyes told our brain the radar was a lying bitch. We hauled ass towards the house through some of the strongest wind and waves I’ve ever expereinced. We found a cove, with less wind, to bring down the sun shades because they were started to come apart. Everything happened so quickly! I’ve included some “on our way out” and “when we returned” photos below. Crazy stuff. Lightning, wind, and rain oh my.
It is time to be hopeful for the future, right? Hope for a solution to the virus. Hope we can open things up safely. Hope people can forgo evictions and collections. Hope we can get back to some kind of new normal where we truly take care of our most vulnerable and hardest working people.
How are you hold up? Send me a note, leave a comment… Hang in there!
Finding A Way
If I could find a way
To fix all of the mistakes I’ve made
To redirect my life
To feel alive again
To pay off the debts I owe
To learn the things I want to know
To love me even more
I would.
If I could find a way, I’d be less of a zombie
If I could find the strength, I’d be more alive
If I could find a way, I’d be more me.
But I haven’t found a way
And I can’t figure it out
And I feel helpless, hopeless, and completely lost
And I’m not ready for life to suck so it can be better
I’m not ready to be stuck at home
Or without freedom
Because work already does that for 9 hours a day or more
And I need to escape
And I want to show him the world
And I want to see the world too.
I wish I could find the strength
I wish I could find my motivation
I wish I wasn’t so bad at life
I wish I wasn’t so self-destructive
I wish I wish I wish.
If I liked my job
I’d be okay not needing escape
And If I liked my work
I’d like my job
If I had accepted that job for less money
Would I be happier?
Would I be on a career path I’m proud of?
What if?
No one ever really knows.
Keep Living.
Keep Living
I’m not a competitive person.
But, I’m in competition with myself.
You reaching your goals motivates me.
But, you reaching your goals is your achievement.
You reaching your goals doesn’t make me want to reach your goals.
I love myself.
I love my body.
I love what I can do.
I love what I’m capable of.
I love being lazy.
I love being active.
Some days, I just can’t.
Some days, I just can’t try.
Some days, I just don’t want to.
Some days, I do.
Some days, I’m motivated.
Some days I fucking crush it.
I want to run.
I want to hike.
I want to ride.
I want it to be fall.
I want to be fit.
I want, I want, I want.
I need to try.
I need to be fit.
I need to try to be fit.
I need to try to be more fit.
I need to be good to myself.
I need to stop being self-destructive.
I need to keep living.
I need to live.
I need to live well.