Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Perfect, even when it's not

Things are perfect right now, even if they’re not. I have debts I wish I didn’t have, people are gone who I wish weren’t, and plenty of other stressors that matter only in a moment. I have great friends, a solid roof over my head, a cool city around me, a beautiful state out and beyond, and a job that will get better as I continue to acclimate.

I was driving along the coast (the Oregon Coast) on Sunday and I realized, this is a DREAM COME TRUE. I’ve wanted to live in Oregon since I first drove through in 2008. I remember one morning, on the 2008 road trip, waking up to the fresh smell of sea air and lush trees and thinking I want to be here someday. I applied for jobs in Oregon from that moment on, with nothing landing. Fast forward to 2024, and now I’m becoming a resident of the state and I live less than two hours from the splendor of the Pacific Ocean.

Things will work out, level off, and become kind of normal in the cycle. LIfe keeps moving, so it’s always perfect in that moment. I do believe that you can’t appreciate the good without a little perspective, not saying we all need tragedy or anything, but a little perspective goes a long way.

Driving through the snowy coastal range, having to take it slow and be patient (not my strong point), made getting to the coast even better. Despite the constant rain and snow, the experience reminded me of the times before. It felt fresh, smelled good, and sounded familiar.

Get through your shit however you do, but know there are good things out there for you. Trust the journey.

Come visit me in Oregon and I’ll take you to the coast and we’ll get a flight of ice cream from the Tillamook Creamery. Pairing the ice cream with the fresh sea air will solve everything.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Refreshing!

It's Labor Day, but I wrote this days before because I'm currently not at my computer. You wouldn't have known that if I hadn't just told you, but here we are...

Find something that refreshes your soul. Every now and then, I get a little stuck or a little down and I need to do something to refresh my life. I have been in a hiking slump, because of the gross Texas summer, but I've been lucky enough to get away a few times and it really re-lit the fire under my butt.

Things that I find help me refresh:

  • A good book or audiobook - I did this last week and went through two great books and just felt a part of my brain wake up that had been sleeping
  • New food - eat something different or learn to make something (new) or different than your normal, every day food. Find a new flavor - change it up!
  • Go watch a movie - find a movie to get lost in or something to offer a new perspective like a documentary or a dumb comedy. Amazon or Netflix both have a bunch of random stuff.
  • Travel - if you can afford it, go! I do cheap little camping trips that are nearby when I really need to reset and refresh. I've done flights, too, and I find those help when they're in the budget.
  • Join a new group - find new people to hang out with! REFRESH that friend group! I'm in the process of finally meeting up the meetup people...after months of anxiety.
  • Join a cause to stand up for - Find a candidate or cause and work in support or spread the word! It can be revitalizing to share your beliefs, in an appropriate way.
  • Take a course - I'm currently taking a course on writing a website so that maybe someday I can modify my code to make things more person. It's a lot more difficult than I though, but it's definitely fun to challenge myself - very refreshing.

What ways do you refresh your life? What really gets you going? I hope, if you need a refresh, that you find something that works for you. Feel free to share it with me!

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Make it happen!

Standing out on Spectra Point at Cedar Breaks National Monument (one of my "Must See" places in Utah)

It was May of 2017 when I bought the round trip ticket from DFW to SLC.  I was going to Utah in mid-August, for a weekend, and I was ecstatic.  I was flying out after work on a Friday and flying home on a Sunday night because I didn't have any vacation left to use - it just all fell into place.  I had been tossing the idea of revisiting Utah around for a while and I was tracking flights for weeks.  I knew I had to go and I decided to make it happen.

While it was a short hike, it was exhilerating to be walking along the rim.

Booking that flight was a rush.  Planning the trip was easy and only continued to build my excitement while allowing me to feel the reality of it all sinking in.  I had solid plans, some "must do" moments, and a daily itinerary to maximize the time available for adventure.  I opened it up to friends and let everyone in my outdoor circle know what my plans were and that I was open to anyone joining in.  My best friend Molly decided she could make that weekend work and would be flying out to join me.  Her company and our chance to reconnect easily made that weekend one of the best in 2017.

The might Bristlecone Pine - Cedar Breaks National Monument

The 52 Hike Challenge was a major motivator in 2017 as were the various outdoor communities I had connected to online.  I had been camping and hiking more than ever before in my life, I couldn't let a weekend go by without something happening.  When my hikes were getting repetitive, I knew I needed a change of pace and a weekend away.  I looked at many cities, tracked flights for weeks, and weighed many options, but Salt Lake City just worked for that moment and I'm glad it did.  I would have flown anywhere for a weekend if the flights and prices worked out so I researched many places - Vegas for Death Valley, Portland for Crater Lake or the coast, Seattle for Olympic, etc.  Through this adventure I learned that I could make a weekend work, even with a flight, and that I actually thrived with a limited amount of time because I made every view, rest stop, and moment of daylight count.

I'm thankful that I have the resources to do a spontaneous weekend, because I haven't always been in that position.  I'm aware that I'm privileged to be able to run away for 48 hours and see the beauty our country has to offer.  I know not everyone can just book a flight and explore.  My point with this Monday Motivation is to simply make it happen if you want it to happen.  It could be pushing yourself to get outside locally, hiking further next time, finding a friend and taking that weekend road trip, or booking a flight and exploring your favorite places.  Too often I fall victim to my own laziness, so this is also a reminder to myself to keep going and make it happen.

A picture from my BRIEF visit (drive through) in 2009.

I've been obsessing over the Olympic Peninsula for months now, so I just booked a flight over Easter weekend to Seattle so I can go hike and reinvigorate myself and find new motivation.  Anyone is free to join, but I will be hiking the Ozette Triangle Loop (Olympic National Park on the coast) on Saturday, so plan accordingly.  I'm taking suggestions and recommendations for things you love about the Olympic Peninsula and things I "must see" while I'm there.  I fly in Thursday night, late, and fly home over night for a Monday morning arrival before work.  I'm so excited, probably even more than the flight to Utah last year.  Here's to making it happen! 

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