Various Ramblings Michael Nowak Various Ramblings Michael Nowak

Thursday Thoughts - Adventure Time!

I live in Oregon now, and so I must set up a quest to see all of the state parks. Various websites say that Oregon has over 250 state parks, which is a lot. Upon closer inspection, there are about 50 parks classified as state parks and the rest are waysides, recreation areas, or historical sites.

I have my spreadsheet all set up, and divided by type of recreation area. Each recreation area can then be filtered by region.

So far, I’ve visited 2 of Oregon’s state parks over the years. Let’s go visit our public lands!

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - See Them All

Hello and welcome to another Monday Motivation. I personally hate Monday, but hey, I’m trying to make the best of it by starting work early so I can either take a long lunch or sign off early. I’m also scheming and planning for more adventures. Over the weekend, I visited a state park that felt otherworldly compared to many places I’ve been in Oregon. This little adventure inspired me to strive to see all of the state parks Oregon has to offer, as well as to finish my quest to see all of the National Park Service managed sites in the state.

I’ve compiled a spreadsheet with all of the state parks, natural areas, historic sites, and scenic waysides. When I plan to see a big thing, I’m going to make sure I can work in one of these smaller places too. I feel motivated to see what this state has to offer and to explore the diversity - as it’s not just coastal forests.

I may not have everything unpacked or figured out, but I’m going to start planning adventures because that’s what I do. Planning adventures motivates me to get the rest of my shit together.

I hope you all have a good week - remember, you’re never alone and we’re all floating on this rock together.

I’m going to use this book to help plan my adventures. (He’s one of my favorite Oregon advocates, check him out HERE)

White River Falls State Park - Oregon

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