#WayBackWednesday - Cannon Beach
My go-to beach while living in Portland was Cannon Beach. I would drive out there to find peace, take a friend to see the sights, or just to drive away from the city. While I was in Washington, my go-to beach was Ruby Beach out on the Olympic Peninsula. No matter where I live, I find the water. Where do you go to find the water?
Enjoy some photos from the various trips to the ocean I took during the short time I lived in Portland.
#MondayMotivation - Take Time
Reclaim that time for yourself. Take the week(end), or any other free days, and use it to re-energize yourself. Cancel the plans, don’t make new ones, and do the things you need to do to get your shit right. Yes, I am mostly just speaking about what I did over the weekend and what I’ll be doing this week. I’ve been neglecting my chores, ignoring the books I want to read, and spending money I should be saving for things that would be more fun down the road and it’s time to take a little break and just breathe.
This past weekend I spent time with someone I enjoy, in the woods, and away from the incessant city noise around my apartment. I had a good time walking through the trees and sitting by the river, remembering that those things are things that I love to do on a regular basis. There’s nothing like a river flowing by or wind through tall trees or grasses.
I’m using my experience, of feeling overwhelmed the past few weeks and finally relaxing, to tell you to do the same. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed to the point of shutting down and feeling completely fried. Take the time to sit with your thoughts, do something that helps you relax, or something else that otherwise helps you take care of yourself. You deserve to relax.
What’s the saying? You can’t pour from an empty cup?
Winter Solstice
I’ve been putting trees up with lights and decorations since I was a child. Growing up, my bedroom often had a second tree and decorations. I love(d) decorating for Christmas. I was never a religious person and I was raised in a “Catholic” home that never attended church or had me confirmed. Christmas, to me, was never about Jesus or religion. Christmas to me was always about the lights, the sparkle (shocking), and the gathering of friends and family. Holidays, Christmas or otherwise, were always about the food and fun.
I used to beg to drive around and look at the lights and dream of doing that to my own house someday. Fast forward to college and I started to buy trees on clearance after Christmas. Year after year, my roommates and I would add to our collection and create a forest of light in our apartments to celebrate winter. As the years went on, my roommates and I started decorating our porches and trees as we moved into places that supported that kind of decor. I love adding lights to the darkness and dreariness of the winter season.
Now, I’m a guy who believes in the changing of the season from autumn to winter as a transition for our mindset. I believe in putting up trees and lights and wreaths to welcome winter and to light the way from the shortest day of the year onward. I take a little from here, a little from there, and enjoy celebrating all people and their cultures/religions. The Solstice is about light for me and that just happens to manifest with mini twinkle lights and big colorful bulbs from November though January.
Whatever you celebrate this winter, may you find peace and joy and get to spend time with people you care about. Stay warm, or cool depending, and have a safe passage into 2024.