Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Power Through

Do you ever have an upcoming trip and that's all you can think about?  Me too.

Currently, I have a big project to finish at work and I have to finish moving things from the old apartment over to the new place, as well as clean both.  I have a lot to do, but I can't stop daydreaming about my upcoming trip.

In just under two weeks I'll be flying to Seattle and taking a rental car through the Olympic Peninsula for three days.  I keep checking trail conditions, local weather reports, and the Olympic National Park website.  But, I need to keep moving to clean out and organize the apartments, finish that big work project and get it submitted to the government before I'm in the clear.

This post may be short and without a real point except to say... "POWER THROUGH" whatever you've got going on so you can get outside to enjoy what nature has in store for you.  Power through your work project, ice that knee, and get going!

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