
#MondayMotivation - My Favorite Hikes

Picking a favorite hike can be difficult, but I’d guess that any hiker has a few that always stand out as the most memorable. When I think of favorite or memorable destinations, I’m always drawn to Redwood National and State Parks, Olympic National Park, and Cedar Breaks National Monument. Public lands are always my favorite, but these three have such strong memories attached that I can’t stop thinking about them. An honorable, more recent, fourth choice would be Mount Rainier National Park because I haven’t stopped thinking about that place since visiting in October 2018.

I’m using these memories, these favorite places, to push myself to eat less and move more. I’m using these places as my motivation to save money, spend less, and plan for more adventure. These beautiful places moved me and are destinations I want to visit again. What are some of your favorite, or most memorable, places? What is motivating you this Monday?

Keep on pushing through, there is always something worth fighting for!

#ForestFriday - Hoh Rain Forest

Forest Friday - 7_27_18 (1).jpg

When I visited this area of Olympic National Park in March, I had sunny skies and mild temperatures.  With my limited time, I opted to walk the Hall of Mosses trail and a little of the Hoh River trail.  The drive in and out of the Hoh Rain Forest was a real treat, following the river with little openings exposing the mountains in the background.  Enjoy the mosses, ferns, and trees from my quick, but beautiful trip.

The forested mountains peak through each break in the trees along the road in and out.

The water is so clear, everyone was standing around in amazement.