Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - New Light

I’m sure i’ve spoke to this topic before, but seeing something in a new light can change the perspective one has about that situation, person, place, etc. I was driving yesterday and I had just wrapped up listening to Ina Garten’s memoir which is relevant because it was challenging me to think more critically about what I want and who I want around me as a grow old. The sun was streaming through the remaining leaves in the forest and the light was just magical. I had just made it back to Ohio and found myself on a familiar route - the route I take each day for work. At first, I didn’t really recognize the road other than seeing the sign and knowing where I was and it was because I rarely drive during the light of day down this route.

I didn’t feel any sort of negative way about the road or the commute, but seeing it in a different light made me appreciate it a bit differently. After living in the city and the PNW, I appreciate the quiet of semi-rural and the Midwest. The light changes and so does the perspective. As we’ve transitioned from summer into fall, the physical light has changed and even the way I see the world is changing every day.

My advice: try to see the situation, place, person, or idea in a new light if you are struggling with it right now. Maybe you will gain a new perspective, or maybe it will just confirm what you already know.

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