Monday Motivation

#MondayMotivation - Try anyway

I haven’t been as active as I need or want to be and thus I have become a little slower and out of shape. I was convinced (by my own brain) that I shouldn’t waste my time driving to trails until I did a little more cardio or whatever to get prepared. All of these thoughts went out the window yesterday when I met up with my dear, nonjudgmental friend in town from Texas. She’s been on a mission to see as much as she can while in WA and yesterday was no exception. We hiked to two waterfalls that I’ve wanted to see since moving up here in 2022, that happened to be on her list, and it was glorious. Was I a little slow and sweaty? Absolutely. DId it matter? NOPE. Go do the thing or go try the other thing, but don’t do what I did and wait or sit convinced it can’t happen. Enjoy a few photos of the adventure and get out there.

You can do it, and if you can’t, you tried and you’ll keep trying.

Panther Creek Falls

The drive between trailhead parking lots

Falls Creek Falls

MondayMotivation - Distract Yourself

Sometimes, just sometimes, you can’t seem to overcome the BS. You can’t get past the event or activity that has you messed up. When you can’t move past that thing, go somewhere distracting!

Yesterday started off in a gut wrenching, terrible-to-me way with my car being broken into. I cleaned up the mess, did all the reporting and claiming but it still left me angry and violated. After a morning of unexpected cleaning and my usual chores, I reluctantly set out with the some friends to the coast. The glorious Oregon Coast offered the distraction I needed from the events of the morning. I saw waves, wildlife, and the sunset all while laughing and smiling.

I’m back to reality today - working, waiting on the glass people to call, and hoping nothing else tragic happens. Deal with the crap, do something to be happy again, and keep going! You’ve got this!

What a mess, but, it is dealt with and life goes on. I’ll get a detail after the new moonroof is installed.

#MondayMotivation - Short Work Weeks

This week’s motivation is brought to you by a short working week for me. I have Thursday and Friday off because my friends are coming in from New Mexico. I’m so pumped to have visitors again and pumped to have a short work week. It’s these little things that keep me pushing forward. Making plans and having visitors keeps me moving. I’ve got visitors coming in August and I’m headed to the Great Lakes in September!

I find joy in planning and hosting, what brings you joy? What keeps you going? Find that thing and run with it. Have a good week!

#MondayMotivation - Shake it Off

Sometimes you have to shake it off. Sometimes, things just don’t work out the way you want them to work out. Sometimes, you do a bad job even if you thought you did a good job. Some people are just not going to be easy to deal with and some people just won’t like you. It’s okay. Not everything is for you, and that’s also okay.

Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do, and that can suck. Sometimes, we think we’re doing well, and we aren’t. It’ll all be okay, just keep going.

#MondayMotivation - Shorter Days Ahead!

Today is the first Monday I’m home after 35 days away for work. I thought it was going to be a bit rough getting back into my regularly scheduled routine, but the central time zone changed my body clock and I’m quite enjoying my new sleep schedule. I’m in bed by 10-11 pm and I’m up by 5 am. I love the quiet mornings and I’ve been enjoying even being up at 4 to catch first light. All this to say, I was worried it was going to be difficult to jump back in and it wasn’t at all.

I normally hate summer, but I’m excited to take advantage of the rest of it here in the Pacific Northwest. I’d like the days to be 75 degrees instead of 100, so we’ll see how this all shakes out. I have visitors towards the end of the month and in August, so I’m hopeful we can find some fun adventures that aren’t involving Texas style heat. There’s always the coast!

My motivation this fine Monday is coming from wanting to cram as much as I can in because it feels like I already missed a month of the good weather. I’m not sure if that is healthy or not, but it is what it is. I’m on a new, great, sleep schedule and I’ll be able to take advantage of every day sunrise to sunset until fall. So here’s to enjoying the days as much as I(we) can and hopefully the temps going back to normal for a bit.

Shaved my head and I’m ready for summer!

#MondayMotivation - Mondays?

Without Monday, Tuesday would just feel like Monday. Those weeks with Monday off for a holiday always make Tuesday feel like Monday. If we don’t power through the Mondays of life, we’ll be tainting the Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The lesson I’m taking away from this is to just kind of push through the bullshit and get to the good stuff. Look, if we can rebrand a Thursday to basically Friday Eve, we can push through Monday and make the rest of the week feel like Thursday through Saturday.

Also, make 4-day work weeks a things. Thanks. Have a good week folks.

#MondayMotivation - Change Something

If you want a different life, make a change. Small changes can lead to big results. I love to complain like anyone else, but I’ve learned I had to actually take charge and make changes if I really wanted things to be different. I know, there are certain things we just like to complain about or can’t change, but there are plenty that can be adjusted with small changes.

I’m talking to myself as much as I’m offering any sort of wisdom to anyone else. I’ve complained about my body or my living situation or any other number of things in this life. What did I do? Small steps that I’ve taken to improve my life include taking a walk in nature, playing Super Mario Bros, cleaning my kitchen regularly, finding a new brewery or restaurant, or rewatching something I really enjoyed once before. I’m always looking for little ways to make life better that do not cost a lot (or anything) and are easy to implement.

Small steps can have a big impact. Changing one meal you eat, skipping that one outing and using the money for something else, putting your phone in do not disturb, or taking a walk at lunch can really add up. Sometimes, just because of life, big changes are required. It can be scary to make big changes, but often times the discomfort will be worth the peace and joy in the end.

I recently had the privilege of watching a friend get their Master’s Degree. The whole experience inspired me and made me realize we can all do hard things. Watching those graduates walk was a little spark that ignited an internal motivation to do the hard things.

Whatever you’re going through and whatever you need to do, I hope you find the courage to do so! I’m here to help, if you ever need an ear or help making a change. I wish you all a good week!

#MondayMotivation - Delusional?

A little delusion goes a long way. Not feeling up to the day? Pretend you are! Not sure about what’s next in life, pretend you do!**

I am partially joking, of course, but also a little delusion is good. I’m not talking being completely unreasonable and detached from reality, but maybe just giving yourself a little more credit or having a little more faith in a situation. I’m not saying to ignore the red flags or obvious problems you have to deal with, either, but maybe give yourself (or the situation) a little delusional blind faith.

Over the past few years, I’ve really started to psych myself up a little more by being slightly delusional about some things. You always have to put in the work, but a little dreaming never hurt either.

You’ve got it this week! Power through! Think you can; know you can! I believe in you!

**Take all of this with a little laugh, I’m not at all downplaying depression or other struggles.

#MondayMotivation - Take Time

I love listening to the river flow on by

Reclaim that time for yourself. Take the week(end), or any other free days, and use it to re-energize yourself. Cancel the plans, don’t make new ones, and do the things you need to do to get your shit right. Yes, I am mostly just speaking about what I did over the weekend and what I’ll be doing this week. I’ve been neglecting my chores, ignoring the books I want to read, and spending money I should be saving for things that would be more fun down the road and it’s time to take a little break and just breathe.

This past weekend I spent time with someone I enjoy, in the woods, and away from the incessant city noise around my apartment. I had a good time walking through the trees and sitting by the river, remembering that those things are things that I love to do on a regular basis. There’s nothing like a river flowing by or wind through tall trees or grasses.

I’m using my experience, of feeling overwhelmed the past few weeks and finally relaxing, to tell you to do the same. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed to the point of shutting down and feeling completely fried. Take the time to sit with your thoughts, do something that helps you relax, or something else that otherwise helps you take care of yourself. You deserve to relax.

What’s the saying? You can’t pour from an empty cup?

Big trees, mountains in the distance, and sunshine filtering through

#MondayMotivation - Anticipation

Waiting for something like an event, a meeting, or a call can be stressful. I’m working to take the stress from the unknown and convert it to excited anticipation. Life is good and stress is bad — it really is that simple. I’ve applied for many jobs and had one interview. I’m being phased out of my current role and I’m working to find that next big job. I’m managing my stress by continuing to submit applications, going for walks, and turning the anticipation into excitement.

Letting excitement build and allowing yourself to live for the moment can be such a positive experience. Life is good, even if it’s in transition. Good things are happening behind the scenes, and I’m excited to see where everything goes. Also, I made a new kitty friend. I hope the week is good to y’all.

New kitty friend

#MondayMotivation - Fear is an illusion

Experiences in our lives shape who we are, or who we become. Some of these experiences lead us to create a mask or facade. If you’re constantly questioning life due to some circumstances that made it feel normal, you may take that mindset into new experiences unknowingly. This could be jobs, relationships, friendships, etc. The fear that creates the facade is an illusion and doesn’t have to be permanent.

I fear rejection because I’ve been rejected. Does that mean I will stop trying? Does it mean I wont apply for that job or go on that date? Absolutely not.

I fear being thought of as being “too much” because I’ve been called “too much” before. Does that mean I need to apologize for being who I am or adding a disclaimer to my feelings? It shouldn’t, but I have. I’m learning that I’m not “too much” and my thoughts, feelings, and ideas are valid.

I’ve spent the past few months coming back to myself, losing the fear of being too much, not enough, or the fear of losing something that really wasn’t meant to be mine anyway. I had a conversation this weekend that helped spark this whole idea that the true me is still there, behind some fear. Allowing life to happen and working to make good things part of that new path is pushing through the fears.

I’m confident, outgoing, fun, friendly, dramatic, kind, and generous. I’m all of those things. It’s enough and never truly too much. Remembering me, adapting to life in current, and continuing to grow is pushing fear out of the way and thriving instead of surviving.

I hope you find ways to thrive this week. Doing the best you can is thriving, not just surviving.

#MondayMotivation - A little structure

Good Monday morning to you! (or whatever time it is when you read this)

I’ve been on the struggle bus when it comes to what to do with myself. August has me feeling a little off - physically, emotionally, and mentally. I’m doing some goal setting and thought I’d share a little of that with y’all - maybe you’re feeling a similar kind of way, maybe not?

These are my goals for the rest of August and September. I’ll probably evaluate my progress towards the middle or end of September and adjust as necessary.

I’m trying to give myself a little structure because that’s how I thrive. Find goals that work for your brain and life.


  • Continue my 3 days of lifting per week

  • Walk the trail near my house at least 5 days per week

  • Take Chewy on a long walk in the evening (more than the usual neighborhood jaunt)

  • Hike somewhere new once per week

  • Stretch or beginner yoga daily (my new coach has me stretching and it’s crazy how much it helps)

  • Try to get to bed in a way that gets me at least 8 hours of sleep/downtime

  • Schedule an eye exam and get new glasses

  • Get on a waitlist for a local doctor or find one in Seattle/Portland and drive

  • Plan meals and roughly (or specifically) track food/drink


  • Find a new therapist - I’ve been struggling with this one, as my current therapist kind of dropped the ball and wasn’t really doing much for me

  • Record and reflect on what I’m grateful for every day

  • Follow through on the physical points (really helps my brain)

  • Connect more with friends - call or text different people a few times per week

  • Establish a boundary when things become too much


  • A lot of the emotional and physical points will assist with the mental

  • Find an online course or certificate program (first stage: research)

  • Read a book - I have a couple in my queue but this goal is to make the time each day to accomplish an entire book

  • Getting some kind of routine setup for the daily grind

If you’ve made it through, thanks for reading. What are some of your goals or tricks for feeling good? I hope you have a great week ahead. —Mike

male standing in front of hug canyon with clouds above

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike July 2020 Review

July was better than June, but still not on par with the first five months of the year. My weight is up, I’m bloated, my running is suffering, and my body is just blah. I am feeling the effects of being too lazy in the opposite way I felt after mashing my hip and knee from being too active. I have to find a balance in August.

Work is a continued stress ball, but I’m learning new ways to manage it overall. I’m slowly distancing from social media, negative bitches, and people who make me feel less than great. It’s not as easy as just saying “I’m going to avoid people” because saying and doing are vastly different.

Here’s to August, a month of goals.


The Good

  • I kayaked a few times - once being down a river!

  • I spent a week deep in thought, trying to find a way through everything

  • Food intake was moderate to good all month, despite my lack of logging in Noom

  • Had several nice hikes and visited new state parks

  • Had some breakthroughs with biking

  • Working toward being back on my regular track of better choices

  • I read a little bit, but man is it hard for me to sit down and read for some reason

  • I had quality time with family and friends

  • Had some nice long, healthy walks and jogs

  • Realized I can still run, albeit for not as long as I could back in May

  • I signed up to ride 100 miles to raise money for kids cancer treatment/research in September - so I’m going to work hard this month to get ready for that by riding more often.

  • We have a second kayak now, so together time kayaking can happen!

  • I did more activity, and more per day of activity, than June


The Not So Good

  • I had some real shitty days for activity - pure laziness and some days of just driving all day

  • I did not track my food for the last half of the month

  • My sleep schedule has shifted and I’m not happy with it

  • I’m falling short on my overall annual goal numbers

  • I did not meet my previous July activity level

  • I just didn’t care enough

Mental Health Check In

  • I took a week and just thought really hard about what it is I wanted, where I wanted to be, and what I needed to do going forward

  • I managed to regain my positive energy despite these shitty-on-paper numbers this month (again, but with more momentum)

  • I made plans, set attainable goals, and got back on the food logging wagon (today, 8/3)

  • Managing work stress is easier than ever, now

  • I’ve felt kind of lonely, despite not being alone (this is a continued feeling, though it’s fading - ebbs and flows)

  • Routines are still my best tool in staying happy, healthy, and optimistic (still true, still something I think about often)

Goals for August

  • 100+ miles of “on-foot” activity (hiking, walking, running)

  • 75+ miles of biking

  • Wake up before 7 am

  • Get to bed by 10:30 pm

  • Log all meals (failed to do so on Aug 1 & 2)

  • Log in to Noom and work through it

  • Write once a week

  • Eat less shit and less overall

  • Drink less alcohol during the week

  • Increase water intake

  • Yoga once a week, minimum 15 mins

  • Find a body weight workout to do once or twice per week

  • Read another book

  • Focus on staying clear


Conclusions - Going Forward

  • I’m more on track than June, but I really need to push myself

  • I need to get my shit together as far as meeting my annual goals. July and June were huge hits to my goals. I need to balance - not caring and care - a little better.

  • I will keep trying - there’s no reason to give up because of a few bad weeks

  • I can get fully back on track with a little focus

  • I like to give in to my desires too easily - beers, sweets, laziness… in reality, I don’t need those things and I know.

  • The worst thing is knowing you’re doing something wrong and not being able to stop yourself

Questions I’m asking myself

  • What’s really important in life?

  • Why don’t I do yoga more often?

  • Why am I so easily falling victim to my own laziness?

  • What are some gym alternatives?

  • Why don’t I swim more?

#MondayMotivation - A Healthier Mike June 2020 Review

June started strong, but slowly went off the rails. My hip was hurting, I had trips for work and pleasure (safely, course), and I was just not super focused on my food. I didn’t lose momentum, I just lost the time and freedom of being at home in a routine and the effort dwindled away.

The Good

IMG_1714 (1).jpg
  • I did kayak a few days this month, worked out those kayaking muscles

  • I spent 4 days off the grid, away from the world

  • Food intake went a little crazy, but I didn’t lose my progress (except for a little bloat weight)

  • I did have one stellar hike (an excellent camping weekend)

  • I had some really great days with excellent workouts

  • There was a lot of clarity found

  • I read a book and started another one

  • I spent a few days with one of my best friends in the middle of nowhere Arkansas and it was rejuvenating

  • I spent a moment in a cave!


The Not So Good

  • There were several days with less than stellar movement

  • I did not track my food for the last half of the month

  • I slept about an hour less, on average, per night

  • I did not even come close to closing my rings on my watch every day

  • I was 10% behind 2019’s step totals/activity goals

  • I stopped doing anything (which can be attributed to working LONG days)

Mental Health Check In

  • As mentioned above, I found some clarity on many things including this whole quantification of myself and my activities

  • I managed to regain my positive energy despite these shitty-on-paper numbers this month

  • Off the grid for 4 days really helped with the stressors related to work

  • Work has wore me down

  • I’ve felt kind of lonely, despite not being alone

  • Routines are still my best tool in staying happy, healthy, and optimistic


Goals for July

  • Get back on track with daily activity

  • Ride my bike more often (honestly, just fucking do it)

  • I want to run (going to work my hip out and try to get back on it)

  • I’m upgrading to the Couch to 25K plan instead of just the 10K

  • I’m reducing my overall caloric intake

  • I will get my average monthly step goal back up to 12K and beat 2019

  • Finish another book or two

  • Get 150 miles of activity

Conclusions - Going Forward

  • I’m still on track - mentally and physically

  • My goals are still there and I’m a little easier on myself related to this numbers I keep

  • I will keep trying - there’s no reason to give up because of a few bad weeks

Questions I’m asking myself

  • What’s really important in life?

  • What should I be focused on with fitness?

  • Should I go back to the gym? Is it safe?


#MondayMotivation - More thankful in March (week 4 - a day late)


  • I’m thankful for REI dividends from both REI shopping and my REI branded credit card. I’ve earned enough points with spending and paying off that I have new shoes coming that I didn’t pay for!

  • I’m thankful the month is closing and the projects are wrapping up too.

  • I’m thankful people were nice to me even if I got real grumpy with the stress of work projects

  • I’m thankful to have 450 miles on my hiking shoes before needing new ones.

  • I’m thankful for the privilege to visit Big Bend in one day, even if the 18 hours of driving was a little insane.

  • Thankful for visitors from Michigan and an excuse to day drink

I may have had limited amounts of time and funds this month, but I look forward to what April will bring with a little more time and a little more cash flow. I have a park cleanup in Illinois and some good ideas for hiking planned. May will bring even more fun with backpacking (my first time) in Arizona and potential work adventure. I’m hoping to save and plan for some random weekend in Michigan and maybe even a quick trip to California in May - pending the right conditions (plane ticket prices).

I’m thankful for all of the opportunities I’m afforded and work for. I know I’m at an advantage and I’m constantly conscious of that and grateful for everything in my life. Have a great week and a wonderful rest of your month.


#MondayMotivation - More thankful in March (week 3)


Inspired by the wonderful Pattie Gonia on Instagram (link here) and my group of outdoor blogger masterminds (Inner Compass) (Jenny the Trailhead) (Indoorsy Camper), I’m thankful for every outdoor experience no matter what it is. Everyone’s version of the outdoors is a little different, but as long as you’re following the laws of public lands and leave no trace, it doesn’t matter what you prefer. Live your best outdoor life. Love the outdoors in any way you can that suits your abilities and desires.

Some of my favorite ways to get outside:

  • Road trips - sometimes even without hiking because I don’t have the time

  • Camping - state parks, federal land, private campgrounds… it doesn’t matter!

  • Hiking - both (soon to be) backpacking, local trails, loops, in and out, short hikes, long hikes

  • Nature walks on paved paths in the metroplex through the various trail systems - there are a ton of birds to watch, that’s for damn sure!

  • Walking my dog in the neighborhood nearby and/or visiting the city park

  • Boating with the family on the lake - this includes just cruising, swimming, or any combination of the two

  • Sitting in someone’s back yard with a bonfire, having a drink, and listening to the frogs in the nearby creek

  • Standing outside in my freeway-adjacent parking lot staring at the sunrise - sure, it’s not ideal, but it’a all I got on a Monday morning before work!

I get outside as often as I can, in any form that I am able to do so. I love every minute I get, even if it’s not exactly what I dream of doing at that second in time. I know, parking lot sunrises probably don’t hold a candle to backcountry sunrises, but sometimes you just take what you get and you love it for what it is. So this week, be thankful for any experiences you get outside and own them.

Have a great week, get outside if that suits ya, and enjoy yourselves!


#MondayMotivation - More thankful in March (week 2)


I’m genuinely so lucky to know such wonderful people. Some are people I know well and see often, some are virtual friends, and some are long time best buds who I don’t get to see very often at all. I’m just lucky. I’m thankful. I have a circle of people who represent a wide range of life experiences and who bring different bits of expertise to the table when it comes to getting through all that life has to offer.


I don’t have the luxury of unlimited vacation time or funds, so I don’t get to see this wonderful circle of people as often as I’d like. Living in DFW metro area is a bit nuts, too, as I have family just 70 miles southwest and rarely get to see them because it just takes forever and battling traffic on a Friday night is almost more work than working for eight hours. These are all small problems to have, I know, and I realize it’s my cloud and not everyone’s dilemma.


Sometimes, I get to power through a Friday drive and visit my family at their respective houses here in Texas or even do the 20 hour drive to Northern Michigan. I am lucky because I have a flexible work schedule and paid time off so I get to utilize that time to visit with friends (new and old) as well as family all while seeing new places along the way. I have reliable transportation and I accumulate airline miles as well as set money aside for travel. The real silver lining is that I have people in all sorts of places and I’m lucky to be able to visit them and vacation at the same time. That’s winning at life, in my book.

My point, I knew I had one, is to treasure the relationships you build that work out. People, near and far and of varying connection levels are important and truly wonderful. You just never know who you’ll meet, virtually or not, so dare to be bold about it and make the connection. Say YES to invitations, say YES to offers, and say YES to life. Also, be the one that makes it happen and make an offer to your circle; advice I’m going to take more seriously this year.

Met some folks from Twitter and am lucky enough to be adventuring with some of them this year.

Met some folks from Twitter and am lucky enough to be adventuring with some of them this year.

#MondayMotivation - More thankful in March


This month, and generally speaking, I want to work harder to motivate myself and others through being more thankful for something I already have. I personally lose sight of things when I get overwhelmed, and I’m sure that is a common reaction to stress. I’m going to try to focus on some silver linings of situations that are less than amazing, but unavoidable for me and maybe it’ll inspire you to see the other side of your situation.


Today, and probably for the next couple of weeks, I’ll be busy working. It is what we in the biz call “Greenhouse Gas Season” as all companies who have to, must report their greenhouse gas emissions before March 31. I’ve been doing this since 2015, which isn’t long, but the first quarter of the year is devoted to it and the work can consume my brain. It’s affecting my attitude and sleep, but I don’t know why and the only reason I can think of is that I’m doing the work in a new way this year and it’s taking a lot of getting used to overall?


I am learning so many new techniques with the work this year and at my new job in general. I can EASILY say that in the few months I’ve been on board, I’ve learned more than I ever did in two years at my previous job. Now, I’m not here to talk shit about it, it is just two different companies and their employee development focuses are different. As mentioned, I have an excellent support system at work with experts from all backgrounds who can usually help me fix an issue or answer a question quickly. This will all be over, also, and a new project will come along and I’ll be busy with that and I’ll have to remember things always keep going!

I’m going to try my best this week and I hope you find your way down the best path for you!

From this week back in March of 2016 (Lake Granbury - Granbury, Texas)

From this week back in March of 2016 (Lake Granbury - Granbury, Texas)

#MondayMotivation - Get Creative!


This past week I took an online course to expand my creativity. I didn’t know what to expect, didn’t know what I believed about creativity, and didn’t know how I’d participate. Turns out, it wasn’t hard because the prompts and ideas were all so open and there was zero pressure. Without going on and on about it, just know that I took a ton of knowledge away from this course and it truly opened my mind to other ways to be creative.

The course had me doodling and writing daily, which forced me to slow down and dedicate time to thinking creatively. Taking time to be creative or to get my thoughts out was one of the best things. I wrote daily in my personal journal as well as the creative class journal I was keeping. It felt good to just write whatever I wanted, without needing to present it or do it a certain way.

Sometimes I get stuck on what to read/listen to/write/create next. Sometimes a little push or a search session on YouTube unearths something new. I got creative, and I’m now exploring new ideas and seeing things slightly differently.

How do you get creative? How do you get through a mental block?