Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Be specific.

I recently took a pointed approach to accomplishing a task and the task got done in record time. I have a hard time, sometimes, focusing on tasks and getting things done quickly or early. So, I took a pointed and specific approach to this task to try something new. I laid out what needed to be done, didn’t try to do any other work, and removed distractions by going in on a day off and I got that damn task done!

I need to approach all tasks - in work and life - like this more often. It’s hard to shut out the noise to get stuff done, but it really does make it so much easier. I tried taking this approach with my meal prep, and it mostly worked, but I did end up getting overwhelmed and distracted which extended the overall time it took to get everything done.

I’ve noticed when I’m pointed, or just more specific, with my motivation or intentions, things happen more smoothly for me. I think this ties in nicely with a more mindful life overall, and that’s been the ultimate goal for me.

What helps you accomplish tasks or projects? I’m always open to ideas.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Adjust and go on.

Good morning, afternoon, or whatever it is when you read this. Thanks for reading it, and thanks for existing. Sometimes we have to just push through. Adjust, keep going, and keep pushing through. Not everything goes to plan, and some days you just don’t have the energy to deal with it so you’ll deal with it another day. I leave room for these feelings when I resolve to do something, and am getting better at adjusting when I just need to put my head down and push through. I used to have a hard time adjusting, and now, I just don’t have a choice most of the time. Life happens with or without you.

I don’t have much else to say, so enjoy a photo of my neighborhood from Saturday night when I left to get my groceries. I’m writing this on Sunday and I’m exhausted and NOT ready for the week ahead, but here we are. Keep pushing, keep going, and keep trying. You are loved.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Everyone's got something

You’re unique, but not alone… everyone’s got some shit they worry about or feel judged for, even if they’re not really being judged. Your anxiety and feelings are valid, I promise, but can often be your brain playing tricks on you and not actually based in reality. I was tricked for years, and still am, by my own damn brain and it’s just not fair but know you’re not alone. It’s okay to analyze and find the truth, though. Believe the good things, too, and it’ll help.

I have to remind myself that I’m not the center of the universe, despite what I want to believe. This notion has helped me realize that while I’m significant, I’m probably not the target of whatever bad thing I think is coming my way. I wasn’t singled out to have this particular bad experience by some higher power and it probably just happened and that’s okay.

Maybe it’s the new location, maybe it’s the space to breathe, or maybe it’s some combination of those plus being close to things I am both familiar with and have no idea about but my anxiety has mostly disappeared and my outlook for the generality of life is a bit brighter. Personally, I’ll be happy once this election cycle and transfer of power is complete and in the past.

I’m welcoming the fall here in Ohio. I’m welcoming the season of things dying and resting in preparation for the big sleep. It is time to put things to rest and embrace the slowdown. I hope y’all have a good week ahead!

the sunset in my neighborhood

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Try anyway

I haven’t been as active as I need or want to be and thus I have become a little slower and out of shape. I was convinced (by my own brain) that I shouldn’t waste my time driving to trails until I did a little more cardio or whatever to get prepared. All of these thoughts went out the window yesterday when I met up with my dear, nonjudgmental friend in town from Texas. She’s been on a mission to see as much as she can while in WA and yesterday was no exception. We hiked to two waterfalls that I’ve wanted to see since moving up here in 2022, that happened to be on her list, and it was glorious. Was I a little slow and sweaty? Absolutely. DId it matter? NOPE. Go do the thing or go try the other thing, but don’t do what I did and wait or sit convinced it can’t happen. Enjoy a few photos of the adventure and get out there.

You can do it, and if you can’t, you tried and you’ll keep trying.

Panther Creek Falls

The drive between trailhead parking lots

Falls Creek Falls

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Find something new

What do you do when things don’t feel right? I change something. I think this has been a theme of previous Mondays, but it’s a good one to keep revisiting. I keep feeling these pulls to the darkness and I have to keep adjusting and changing to make sure I’m not insanely doing the same things and expecting new results. For my weekends, I’m looking for cool things I want to see around Oregon. I need to embrace and immerse myself to feel at home and I haven’t been doing it enough while I’m here.

I’m changing what’s going on in my body, changing what goes in my body, and hopefully sleeping more so I can reconcile some negative feelings I have about myself and the way I look. I can’t expect to feel better about myself without making some changes to the way I am or the way I see myself.

I hope you find your way through the week with some positive energy and changes if necessary.

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Monday Motivation Michael Nowak Monday Motivation Michael Nowak

#MondayMotivation - Meet People Where They Are

I had been letting feelings get in the way of enjoying life and building relationships. Letting resentment build, letting bitterness win has taken me nowhere. When it’s all said and done, what’s the point of holding on to those feelings? So, with a little encouragement from someone I trust, I pushed through. I started meeting people where they were, forgetting and forgiving any ill feelings I had. Life got better in that I am no longer stressed about the situations.

Maybe someone can’t be what you need them to be, but they’re probably trying. Meet them where they are, make the most of it if you can. I know, that’s not going to apply or work for every situation but if it does, I promise it’ll be worth it.

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