#WayBackWednesday - Cannon Beach
My go-to beach while living in Portland was Cannon Beach. I would drive out there to find peace, take a friend to see the sights, or just to drive away from the city. While I was in Washington, my go-to beach was Ruby Beach out on the Olympic Peninsula. No matter where I live, I find the water. Where do you go to find the water?
Enjoy some photos from the various trips to the ocean I took during the short time I lived in Portland.

#WaterfallWednesday - Michigan Winter Waterfalls
Tahquamenon, like phenomenon, is one of my favorite waterfalls in Michigan. It’s a gorgeous state park, river, and waterfall system and I’ve visited in many seasons. My favorite season to visit has been winter, and I’m going to share a few photos from a 2015 winter visit. I hope to make it up there this winter, now that I’m so close, relatively speaking.
Here’s a post I wrote about the 2015 visit: 2015 Visit
Nothing like a waterfall, brown from tannins, raging through the winter weather! I’ve included a couple of photos from Sable Falls and Qcqueoc Falls as well. Enjoy!
Ocqueoc Falls - Just outside Rogers City, MI is a cute little fall in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.
Sable Falls is a beautiful fall within Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Bonus: Chewy 9 years ago!
Tahquamenon Falls - Upper Falls
The icy buildup and icicles from the overlook
A wide-view of the upper falls
Way Back Wednesday - Ruby Beach
I have the beach on my brain as the temperatures look to be heating up again. Summer, please go away! Escape with me to the coast of Washington state at Ruby Beach. Take in the sunshine, knowing it’s only in the 60s out there! Enjoy and stay cool, friends!
The view from the trail down…
You can find some shade behind the big rock
Let the water come in and wash away those cares
Spend hours listening to the waves and looking through beach rocks
Way Back Wednesday - Crater Lake!
My friends are coming to town, so we’re going to drive down to Crater Lake this week. In honor of the beauty, enjoy some photos from the time I visited last fall.
I went early to watch the sunrise over Crater Lake - still as glass!
The lake remained still ast the sun continued up the sky
That water looks brilliantly blue!
As beautiful as the lake is, the forest surrounding the lake is also quite remarkable. No matter how you drive in, it’s spectacular.
Way Back Wednesday - June 2019 "Up north" #WBW
It was the middle of June and I was heading up north with my dog and my kayak. Up north is a technical term for anywhere in Northern Michigan. I bounced between my grandparent’s house and the family cottage and enjoyed many sunrises and sunsets. Enjoy some photos from the lake where the family cottage is and some memories I hope to remake in the future. P.S. I miss my black Outback so much.
Way Back Wednesday - Arkansas 2024
I recently spent 35 days in and around Arkansas for work. I was on location for M-F, but I took full advantage of my weekends. I visited local breweries, made some new friends, and visited my friends/family back in Texas. Heat and humidity aside, the area wasn’t so bad. I experienced some thunderstorms while there and remembered how much I missed those. There were rolling hills, trees, and lush green fields all over and fun back roads through them all. Here’s a few highlights from the trip:
Way Back Watery Wednesday
I have the Great Lakes on my brain, so I wanted to share some photos from around the glorious shorelines. When I lived in Michigan, I didn’t take advantage of the outdoors the way I would today. I can’t wait to get back and explore all of the things saved on my map. For now, enjoy some photos of the lakes that are unsalted and shark free!
Lake Superior
Lake Superior is pretty special. It’s large, moody, and definitely in charge. These photos are from Duluth throughout the years.

Lake Huron
Lake Huron is home, and the sky is often magical. Most of these are from the Rogers City area in Michigan.

Lake Michigan
Lake Michigan became home when I moved to the southwest corner of the state for college. Trips to the beach were memorable and fun. These photos are from all along that coast.

#WayBackWednesday Mount Rainier National Park
When I lived in Olympia, I took every guest who visited to Mount Rainier National Park. I went so many times in 2023, and I’m grateful for each of those visits. I first visited the park back in 2018 on one of my random long weekends to the PNW while living in Texas. I thought today we could go back and look at some of my favorite photos and places throughout the park. Can’t wait to get back in 2024.
Reflection Lake
Tipsoo Lake
Narada Falls
Skyline Trail Views
Sun Top Lookout (Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest)
Random Other Photos
#WayBackWednesday - Multnomah Falls #WaterfallWednesday
I know it was just the beginning of March, but I wanted to share some photos from Multnomah Falls when Megan was in town. The falls were roaring and the snow was snowing. Have a great Wednesday.

#WayBackWednesday - Spring in Big Bend NP
This one time I got in my car at 11 pm and drove to Big Bend to see the spring blooms and and to get a couple of hikes in for March. I didn’t quite know what to expect, but I had heard the bluebells and other desert flowers were in bloom. The weather looked good, so I took off.
I hiked up the Lost Mine Trail Head and had some great views as the sun peaked over the hills and started shining brightly. Piñon pines, views for days, layered mesas… heaven!
From there, I drove through the park and did some of the Chimneys Trail. On this trail, I saw so many cacti blooms. The ocotillo are some of my favorite. Damn, I miss the desert.
My trip didn’t get me home until almost 24 hours after leaving. Reviewing the photos and reliving the moments has me missing the desert badly. There are some things I miss about Texas, and this is definitely one of of them.
#WayBackWednesday - Devils Churn
One of my favorite stops along the Oregon Coast is at Devils Churn within the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area. The entire Oregon Coast is quite magical, but this little spot has stood out since I first visited in 2008. In 2009, I went back and shared it with another friend because it was on my mind. Sadly, I have not been back since 2009 and I need to remedy that sooner rather than later. Enjoy some “okay enough” photos from my visits and keep an eye out for future photos.
#WBW - Multnomah Falls
In September of 2022, I hiked up to the top of Multnomah Falls. The trail was a series of switchbacks with great views along the way. Enjoy a few photos!

#WBW - This one time in the UP
The year was 2015 and I was just laid off for the first time in my life. We left Texas and drove to Michigan and Minnesota to see family and friends. Here are some photos from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan that I loved - specifically Tahquamenon Falls. Cheers and have a good rest of the week.
#WBW - Kalaloch Beach
Kalaloch Beach is a beach I frequently visited this year and plan to keep in my rotation going forward. It’s a special place that I get to share with anyone who visits. I love it because it’s usually quiet, there’s plenty of space to spread out, and you can walk for miles. If you’re up in the Pacific Northwest, give it a visit.

#WBW - October in the Upper Peninsula
Taking it back to October 2008 in Michigan’s glorious Upper Peninsula. Friends and I went up to see some Subaru Rally event and got a fall color show along the way. Fun fact, I started at Old Navy before this trip and they wouldn’t honor my need for three days off (I worked 12 hours a week) so I quit.
Enjoy the fall color tour!

#WBW - Car Camping near Monjeau Peak, New Mexico
It was early in October 2020 and I was working on location in New Mexico. Since there was a pandemic happening, I drove to avoid flying and thus got to bring my camping gear! I went camping with my coworkers on the weekend up in the Lincoln National Forest. This was the first time I camped in my car and I was hooked for quick solo trips.
Monjeau Peak sits at about 9600 feet, and we camped just below probably near the 9000 foot mark. We set up camp at a little spot off the road near the Crest Trail. Memories like this make me miss hangs with my cool workers, my first Outback, and New Mexico in general. Enjoy!

#WBW - The joy of snow
Look at the line where the snow is falling!!
Visiting Portland, OR in November 2021 was a whirly-swirly dream. NO, there wasn’t snow in Portland, but there was snow up towards Mt. Hood. I had met up with my dear friend on the first day of my adventure and they decided to go along on the second and third days with me and suggested Trillium Lake. I was driving up, up, up the mountain toward the lake and had to stop at the rest area where the snow started to take it all in. It was SNOWING the big magical flakes! From there up, it was MORE snow and beautiful foggy/snowy views of the trees. Eventually, we got to the lake. It was a mix of snow and clouds, so no view of Mt. Hood but who cares? The trees were heavy with wet snow, and it felt magical walking through the woods with my friend. We were in our own world of laughing, snapping photos, and being free.
The conclusions drawn from this adventure are that snow is magical and with the right person, life is whimsical. Find the friends, lovers, whomever who bring out the magic and whimsy in you.

#WBW - My first visit to Mt. Rainier
Back in October 2018, I visited Mt. Rainier (Tahoma) for the first time. I met a friend though a Twitter chat and he agreed to show me the mountain. I met up with him, we drove out towards the park and saw the mountain at sunset. From there, we camped nearby so we could get into the park early the next day to watch the sunrise over the peak but not before visiting the park at dark. I’ll never forget the magical sights from this trip. Enjoy some photos - and if you’re going, try to see it in different lights!
My first, up-close view that wasn’t from the freeway (at sunset, nonetheless)
The view of the summit at night, glowing in the moonlight
Just before the sun rose
First light on the summit
THE GLOW of the sunrise is hitting the sky
Full daylight - the mountain reflecting
And a bonus, of me in the sunset glow
#WBW - Waterfall Wednesday
Here’s a look back at a quick little hike to a nice waterfall with one of my favorite people. We did the short hike, over some small hills, and found ourselves at this gorgeous waterfall. There was no one around, so the nature was all ours! We took our shoes off, rolled up our pants, and felt the cold rush of spring mountain water on our feet and legs. The comfort and relief I get from rushing, cold water over my feet is hard to describe. The whole hike was magic, and I’m often looking back to this day and how a simple spring hike with a dear friend made me so happy.
Murhut Falls - Olympic National Forest
Murhut Falls - a closer look
Myself and my dear friend posing for the memory - wet and happy
#WayBackWednesday - Monument Valley
2009 was the year of the third cross-country trip that changed the way I travel and see the world. You can read more about it HERE!
Looking back, my best bud Kevin and I hit Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park at the beginning of golden hour. Desert light, shadows, and that glorious red rock combined was a brilliant little drive through.
Always check park hours and operations at the website and pay the entrance fee!