Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WayBackWednesday Mount Rainier National Park

When I lived in Olympia, I took every guest who visited to Mount Rainier National Park. I went so many times in 2023, and I’m grateful for each of those visits. I first visited the park back in 2018 on one of my random long weekends to the PNW while living in Texas. I thought today we could go back and look at some of my favorite photos and places throughout the park. Can’t wait to get back in 2024.

My First Visit to Mount Rainier NP

Skyline Trail Hike

Reflection Lake

Tipsoo Lake

Narada Falls

Skyline Trail Views

Sun Top Lookout (Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest)

Random Other Photos

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WayBackWednesday - Cedar Breaks National Monument

In 2017 I had planned to take a solo trip to Utah with two main stops: Bryce Canyon National Park and Cedar Breaks National Monument. The trip went from a solo adventure to a BFF adventure and the points of interest on the “must see” list expanded just a little. I was excited, because why not share all of the beauty Utah has to offer with someone who gets me and who I hadn’t seen in months or more? We had an excellent trip and saw plenty of beauty, but the one place that stands out in my mind is Cedar Breaks National Monument. The vistas, the hike around the rim, and the drive to and from the monument are all burned into my memory. I still think of the views, over a year later. I must get back!

I arrived in SLC on Friday, as did my BFF Molly, and we spent the night in a southern suburb. Saturday came, and was spent driving and exploring the route from SLC to Bryce Canyon. We caught a sunset at BC and headed to Cedar City for the night. The original plan was to catch the sunrise at Cedar Breaks, but we got there a little after. The sun was up and the place was illuminated. We started at Point Supreme Overlook and were amazed. We hiked the trail along the rim out to Spectra Point. Standing out on Spectra Point is a moment in my brain that I’ll never forget and would never want to forget. After taking it all in, looking over the edge, and smiling a ton, we made it back to the information center.

I have never felt a rush quite like the one I felt hiking out to Spectra Point. It was exhilarating, breathtaking, and liberating all at once. I have not felt a rush like that of walking along the rim since then. Enjoy a few photos from the trip and feel free to comment/connect with questions or your stories regarding Cedar Breaks!

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Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak Way Back Wednesday Michael Nowak

#WayBackWednesday - Cool at the Canyon

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This is going to have to be a quick post, but it’s my website so I can do whatever I want. This week has been busy, but let’s throw it back to March of 2015 at the Grand Canyon. My other half and our best friend Nikki set out on a road trip (which will be featured eventually - it’s a work in progress) to see the Grand Canyon, Vegas, and Zion. Here are a few photos from the South Rim on that cool March morning.

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Forest Friday Michael Nowak Forest Friday Michael Nowak

#ForestFriday - Sable Falls (Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore)

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Sable Falls is located in the wonderful Upper Peninsula of Michigan within the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore site. You take a short hike to a bunch of stairs and then there's a gorgeous waterfall. Along the trail, you can see Lake Superior just above the trees. I first saw this place on a 2001 road trip around Lake Superior with my grandparents and it's been one of my favorites ever since.

Here are some shots from both fall and winter, my favorite seasons, so you can get the full experience.

I hope you find yourself in a forest this weekend!

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