#ForestFriday - Mammoth Cave National Park
Mammoth Cave was super cool and the tour, while short, was impressive. I’d like to go back and see more, eventually, because it looks like there are tons of above land trails. If it hadn’t been so bitter cold, I may have explored a bit more. Such is life. Enjoy photos from the walk down into the main cave entrance.

#ForestFriday - Gifford Pinchot NF
I recently had the privilege of hiking with one of my besties from Texas up in the Gifford. We found the glorious trees and waterfalls that Washington (and the PNW) promised me years ago when I first visited. Enjoy a few photos and go on and get out there this weekend if you can! Happy hiking!
The calm noise of a flowing river. (Falls Creek)
The hike was worth it, for sure.
Around the rocks and ferns…
It’s bigger than it appears in photos.. Falls Creek Falls
The upper portion is as big as other waterfalls I saw earlier in the day
#ForestFriday - Up North Minnesota
I’ve got Minnesota on the brain right now because I’m planning my trek there for Labor Day weekend. I am so excited to get up there for a while (I took several days off) and it’s going to be good to see my people. I’m excited to see the forests and the big lake (Lake Superior) as well as the small lakes. I’m hoping for good weather, but will take anything we get. I’m ready for Leinenkugel's and bonfires. Superior National Forest makes up most of the woods around where I’ll be, so I’m sharing some photos from previous trips for this Forest Friday. I hope you get to the forest and have a great weekend!

#ForestFriday - Deschutes National Forest
I recently visited the Deschutes National Forest and walked along the river. It was busy, but still peaceful for the most part. Go far enough one direction, and the people thin out. The smell of pine, baking in the sun, was beyond amazing. I can’t wait to get back!

#ForestFriday - Looking Up
When I find myself under some trees, I always look up. There’s something magical about looking up at the canopy and seeing the sky through the branches or between the treetops. I like to gaze in wonder at the living organism that can grow so tall and broad. Take a look at some of my favorite canopies and go find your forest this weekend!
#ForestFriday - Oregon Caves NM
Back in 2016 I visited Oregon Caves National Monument while on a trip to Northern California to see the Redwoods. The drive up from the Redwoods is fantastic and follows the wild and scenic Smith River as you drive up US-199.
The actual road to the caves is lined with trees and the whole places is forested. Enjoy a few photos of the outside on a sunny day!
And here’s some from inside the cave! Not quite a forest, but such a cool place that I can’t wait to go back to now that I live close by.
#ForestFriday - High Steel Bridge
I recently took a trip, a few Fridays ago, to go drive through the woods and stare off of the High Steel Bridge. It’s been a rough start to 2024, and cried a little on the bridge as I crunched through the fresh snow. I stared down at the blue water in the river flowing below and felt a little more at peace. The snow always creates a silence, so hearing the river rushing and nothing else was quite amazing. This bridge is located within the Olympic National Forest and is open all year. If you visit, please follow the rules and advisories posted. Have a great weekend!

#ForestFriday - Umpqua National Forest
I visited Crater Lake National Park back in October but a secondary highlight was spending time in the Umpqua National Forest. Oregon forests are spectacular with huge trees, waterfalls, and plenty of trails. Enjoy a few photos including Whitehorse Falls, Salt Creek Falls, and Clearwater Falls. Happy Friday and have a great weekend.

#ForestFriday - Redwood NP
Here’s a little timelines cleanse of some big trees in the fog. These were from an LG smartphone in August of 2017. It was a magical little trip through the trees. Happy Friday - I hope you find some joy this weekend!

#WBW - My first visit to Mt. Rainier
Back in October 2018, I visited Mt. Rainier (Tahoma) for the first time. I met a friend though a Twitter chat and he agreed to show me the mountain. I met up with him, we drove out towards the park and saw the mountain at sunset. From there, we camped nearby so we could get into the park early the next day to watch the sunrise over the peak but not before visiting the park at dark. I’ll never forget the magical sights from this trip. Enjoy some photos - and if you’re going, try to see it in different lights!
My first, up-close view that wasn’t from the freeway (at sunset, nonetheless)
The view of the summit at night, glowing in the moonlight
Just before the sun rose
First light on the summit
THE GLOW of the sunrise is hitting the sky
Full daylight - the mountain reflecting
And a bonus, of me in the sunset glow
#ForestFriday - Mt. Walker Viewpoint
One of my favorite places to go take a break, take a guest, or just stop for a minute is the Mt. Walker Viewpoint in the Olympic National Forest. It was suggested by a friend a while ago, and I’ve gone there for years.
The road up to the viewpoints is a winding, dirt road that pushes through the forest. I recently visited early in the morning to catch the sunrise, and it was spectacular to come around the corners and see the sun rising. VIDEO HERE.
Most of the time you can see Mt. Rainier in the distance from the Southern Viewpoint and sometimes you can see Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams. From the Southern Viewpoint, you can see the Olympics and Mt. Baker.
Enjoy some photos from over the years.

#ForestFriday - Montana!
Back in May I had friend over in Montana and we went on adventure through places like the Kootenai National Forest and a little bit into Glacier National Park before it was all open. Enjoy some photos from the various forests along the way through Big Sky Country.
It’s a happy looking Outback (she’s happiest in the forest)
Lake Koocanusa
Maple leaves!
A little trail at Glacier National Park
The Swinging Suspension Bridge of the Kootenai River
Scarlet red and with an adventurous spirit - the Outback looks good against Lake Koocanusa
View from the trail - in Glacier National Park
(National) #ForestFriday - Chugach NF
I saved my photos from Chugach National Forest in Alaska for today so they could live in a post just for them. Chugach would easily be my number one National Forest, but I have only been once and we will not be going any time soon as far as I know. Enjoy some photos from the family vacation in the Chugach National Forest a few years ago. We saw trees, flowers, glaciers, rivers, and other things in between.
#WayBackWednesday - National Forest Edition
It’s National Forest Week here in the USA. I vote to have National Forest Week every week, because they’re just that dang special! I’m going to share some photos of the forest and a couple of little stories for this Way Back Wednesday revival. I have not included EVERY ONE of my favorite National Forests, that would take days, but here are a few for your enjoyment. May the forest be with you!
(Header photo is Tonto National Forest in Arizona)
Superior National Forest - Northern Minnesota
This place is special for many reason - namely the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. This series of lakes stretches across Northern Minnesota and offers great adventure for visitors. I’ve only ever been to the east end, this photo is at Pine Lake, but I have big plans to make my way through someday. The second photo is the BRT (Border Route Trail) which follows the US/CAN border.
Lincoln National Forest - New Mexico
Since starting a job that takes me to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, I have found weekends in the Lincoln National Forest completely necessary and perfect. My aunt and I first visited before I took the job on a pre-fall trip, and I was hooked as soon as I smelled the Pine.
Santa Fe National Forest - New Mexico
Visiting Santa Fe National Forest is a treat. You climb up, out of the heat and into the trees. I’ve adventured here twice and always want to go back. There are trails, trees, and so much more. Every time I’ve camped, it’s rained, but it was never dull.
Olympic National Forest - Washington
For this little post, I thought I’d save one of my favorites for last. I feel a connection like no other when I’m on the Olympic Peninsula - including under the canopy of this forest. The National Park and National Forest go hand-in-hand out on the peninsula. From places in the forest you can view Mt. Rainier in all her glory and see the ocean and even Seattle, if that’s your thing. You can go hours without another soul to see or you can end up on a popular trail. There are endless waterfalls, rivers, and hills. It’s a paradise if you love the forest and less than tropical temps, usually. (My apologies if the photos overlap between NPS and USFS)
A little Minnesota for this #ForestFriday
I’ve got Minnesota on my brain. I have a lot of things on my brain, but Minnesota is sticking out. I’m returning to the land in the Great North mi- August to go to the cabin off the grid and check out of society for a while. My friend’s cabin is one of my favorite places to be because it makes me slow down and take in every minute of daylight. There’s always some work to do, always a trip to the Boundary Waters, and usually a lot of beer and cards by lantern into the night. Northern Minnesota is truly dark at night, silent in terms of the modern world for the most part, and completely refreshing.
Here are some photos from over the past 15 years of visits to the cabin for your viewing pleasure.

#ForestFriday - Northern Sunshine
I recently flew up to Michigan to visit my family over a VERY quick weekend… we’re talking, I got in Saturday at 1AM and left Monday at 5AM. Crazy quick, but I did get some quality walks in that included being between some trees. The wind through the trees was a welcomed replacement for the CONSTANT traffic noise I live near here in Texas. Enjoy these beautiful, northern trees. Happy Forest Friday!
#ForestFriday - Spring?
In Texas, it feels like summer. Reports from friends/family in Michigan say it still feels like winter. Here are a few photos from April of 2009, almost to this exact week, where spring was surely sprung. I hope you find the forest, or the forest finds you. Get out there!
Location: Aman Park (Michigan)
Land of the Odawa and Peoria
#ForestFriday - Along the Coast of Lake Michigan #PureMichigan
Continuing with the theme of the week… Michigan’s lovely coast. These photos are from the summer of 2010, and I’m almost 95% sure it was at the Rosy Mound Natural Area near Grand Haven, Michigan. My memory is a little rusty, but with the dunes in the distance and the Forest Overlook sign, I’m almost sure of it. Either Way, enjoy some coastal forest photos from where I spent the majority of my life.
#ForestFriday - Big Bend Edition
When I think of Big Bend National Park, I think of the Chisos Mountains and the forest that covers them. Piñon Pine, also known as Mexican Pine, cover the hills and were a highlight for me on a recent trip. Enjoy a few photos of that glorious tree within the landscape that is Big Bend National Park.
#ForestFriday - Weekend Recap
Are you sick of hearing about Minnesota? Last week I shared photos from the 2018 trip, including some snowy trees, but honestly do snow covered trees ever get old? (maybe to some, but not to me) This will be the last post about it, for a little while anyway…maybe, I can’t make any promises. Enjoy some snow covered trees from my weekend in Minnesota. (Read about the “hike” here)