Thankful Thursday - Dec 26th
This week I’m thankful for a lot!
Visits to friends who are family - I had the pleasure of visiting people I’ve known for over 20 years at this point for Xmas. We had good food, good laughs, and just general good times. It was truly nice to catch up and it’s so exciting that I’m only a few hours away now.
Two extra days off - Having the extra day off really allowed for the quick trip to see people but also gave me an afternoon to chill the hell out and just exist. No chores, no texts back, no emails… just being alive with my dog on the couch, watching a few movies and eating my dinner.
Food tracking apps - I’m on a journey to keep muscle, build more of it, and drop some fat. It starts with tracking what I eat. Even on the days where I eat, or in this case, drink way more than usual, I tracked. Knowing my habits helps me understand myself a little more.
The bestest boy - Chewy bo-booey did such a good drive driving to metro Detroit on Xmas. He didn’t complain and mostly just chilled out the whole way up and back. We did have a standoff to get in the car, but he eventually did. Poor guy just doesn’t want to travel anymore, but once he was there he loved all of the attention. Same, dog, same.
Hot showers - So grateful for hot water and nice warm showers in the morning or after a long drive. Now, if Santa wants to bring me a hot tub, I’d be all set.
Thankful Thursday - Dec 19th
I’m thankful for the next two weeks being SHORT WORK WEEKS! I’m always grateful for the people in my life, unless otherwise stated. HA! Tell me, what are you thankful for this week?
Poetry books - I started going through my books and found a few nature poetry books to read. I want to write more, as I used to, and maybe even share some of them with the world? Who knows. Anyway, I’m grateful for peaceful words and relaxing thoughts from these books and the idea of these beautiful places.
People on vacation - work is challenging without people being here to show me the way, but I think them being gone will force a little self-reliance and I’m thankful for that. I’m trying really hard to leave the stress of this job at work, and I think it’s going well. The drive to and from really helps with my headspace. The 8pm emails on my phone, that’s another story…
Coffee - Freshly ground coffee will always be superior to any pre-ground or Nespresso bullshit in my mind and I’m grateful for freshly ground and brewed coffee every morning. I bring it up because I’m back to my grind and brew lifestyle as I phase out Nespresso.
King size bed - I’m thankful for this every week, but specifically this week as I am so sore and achy coming back from the stomach bug and not sleeping enough. I am starfishing and hogging the covers and I have plenty of space to do so.
Google home - Having my holiday lights and outside lights automated is so freakin’ cool and nice.
Alone time - With being sick and continuously settling into the house, I’m thankful to be alone. I’m grateful for the quiet moments, being able to blast music over the Google home speakers, and for allowing my crazy organization to happen which usually means everything’s a hot mess for a few days/weeks. I’ve really learned to love being alone.
Thankful Thursday (12-DEC-2024)
Things I’m thankful for this week:
The tree was just thrown together in the Airbnb this past weekend to add some cheer!
My own bed: I love a good trip, but I never sleep as good as I do at home. My bedroom has become a sanctuary and hotel or Airbnb beds just can’t compare.
Routine: Boozy treats, sweets, salty snacks, and inconsistent sleeps leave me feeling exhausted and heavy so coming home to my aforementioned bed and normal routine including meal prep and dog walks is just the best.
Twinkle lights: Even on vacation, I had to bring a holiday tree and twinkle lights to set the mood of the season. Being home with my sparkly tree makes life feel even better, though. When I walked through the darkness at Mammoth Cave, I was greeted by a large tree with sparkly white lights that was there for an event. It was a nice surprise.
Audio books: I’ve written about this before, but an audio book can make a long drive even better. I just finished a book called “The Husband’s Secret” by Liane Moriarty which was read by this animated Australian woman. It is a convergence of many stories with a common connection that isn’t realized by the characters for quite a while. I could not stop listening due to the suspense and finished it within a day or two.
Afternoon tea: Earl Grey in the afternoon is one of the best decisions I can make at work. The smell, flavor, and warmth is just lovely.
Funny signs: I love a good sign, and we saw a few in Nashville that were funny (see below)

#ThankfulThursday (5-DEC-2024)
Things I’m Thankful for this week:
National Parks - this week I will have visited my 26th named national park and with friends, nonetheless
Live Music - so grateful to get to go see my favorite artists tomorrow. I get to see two of my favorite artists/band that fill me with so much emotion.
Road Trips - As much as driving is more tiring as I age, I’m still so excited to see things all over the place. This week I’ve driven a thousand miles for work and pleasure; there’s nothing like the open road.
Solo Travel - Being alone with my thoughts can be a double-edged sword, but I’d say it’s mostly a positive experience. I love rolling around, stopping when I want and seeing things as they come. Solo for me also means no dog, so no need to stop as often! I’ve been so overwhelmed with the mundane shit taks of everyday life. I’m sick of the cleaning, the cooking, the working, the decorating, the making the bed, the cleaning the bathrooms… I’m glad to have the alone time in the car this week.
Quiet Time - My favorite time is time alone when it’s quiet or with another when it’s quiet. I have plenty of this when I wake up before others or drive alone sometimes. This week, it’s been healing after dealing with people all over the place.
Snacks - Before “boy dinner and girl dinner” was so funny on TikTok, I was doing it on the regular. Snacks are essential and can be a meal. Snacks on a road trip are a step above essential, if that’s even possible.
I’m thankful for this life, no matter how fucked it’s been by my own hands and others. No matter what happens, it’s about finding the little moments that keep us going. Nothing is that serious, unless it is, don’t let me diminish your feelings by simplifying my own. Have a good week!