#WBW - New Mexico
I’ve had New Mexico on my brain this week so I thought I’d share a few photos for this “Way Back Wednesday” post. It was a great year of living for me, finding a little bit of myself and connecting with my newfound friends.
I lived in the southeast corner of the state, near Roswell. The landscape was desert, with mountains and forests and great sand dunes just hours away. The Land of Enchantment is truly dynamic and I can’t wait to go back and visit.
White Sands National Park - truly spectacular
Carlsbad Caverns National Park - one of great underground views
Nothing like a New Mexico Fall - up in the mountains, anyway
Always an abundance of forest service roads
I had some of the BEST camping trips with friends in New Mexico
Chewy learned to love camping, too
And, of course, New Mexico had some of the best sunsets
My year (or so) in New Mexico helped me feel confident in my car camping techniques. I found what worked, what I liked, and what I needed. I adventured more, wasn’t afraid to get a little dirty, and found myself staring at the sky even more. I’m forever grateful for my friends and the land of enchantment.