Gear Forward - Operation Outfit the Scouts

Gear Forward is a wonderful organization that raises money and collects gear (new and used) for kids across the country. Right now, they’re looking to raise money over on their Facebook page for two scout troops that need some stuff. If you can, head over there and throw ‘em so dough. If you can’t donate, but want to help, share their Facebook posts and spread the word! Thank you!

Link to Facebook Fundraiser

Link to Gear Forward’s website - can also donate through the website if Facebook isn’t your thing

Link to Gear Forward’s Facebook page

From the Gear Forward Fundraiser description:


“Troops 1695 and 695 in Uniontown, PA support 20 young boys, and girls who love being outdoors. However, the Troops presently don't own any of their own gear to support the youths desire to go camping on a regular basis. 

The Troops have facilitated programming and camping by borrowing camping gear and supplies from friends, family, and neighbors. Gear Forward is committed to outfitting the next generation of adventurers... but we need your help to do it. 

Gear Forward will be supplying over $2,000 in tents to the two Troops (one boy and one girl troop) in addition Gear Forward will be making a purchase of brand new sleeping bags to assist those youths with a gear deficiency. The funds generated by this fundraiser will assist Gear Forward in the purchase of the camping gear and the shipment of the tents to Pennslyvania in time for the Troops next spring campout. In total the Troops will be receiving over $3,000 in outdoor camping gear from Gear Forward. 

Remember... every donation helps! Help us get and keep these kids outdoors!“


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