#ForestFriday - Through The Woods

I have a few specific memories of my grandmother (Gramma) that always comes to my brain when I think of her. Today is her birthday, so I’ve been thinking about her all morning. For this #ForestFriday I’m thinking of the times we would walk the dog through the Besser Natural Area (Bell Bay) and look for the old homesteads in the woods. We’d meander down the trails and walk past the lagoon and eventually out to Lake Huron. This little nature area was only a few minute drive from our family cottage, so we would go often in the summer season.

Enjoy some photos as I travel down memory lane in honor of one of my biggest supporters and favorite people in one of our favorite places (and then a few of her just for fun). Rest in peace and thanks for everything, always.


MondayMotivation - Distract Yourself


Way Back Wednesday - Ruby Beach