Tuesday Truths

Damn, it’s been a while. Hello again! Here are some hot takes for this fantastic Tuesday. Cheers!

  • Ohio is not as bad as it is made out to be.

  • Ohio State Fans are as annoying as any other football fans, only worse.

  • Moving is the worst thing.

  • Rental homes are all trash, no matter how they dress them up.

  • Commuting is better when it is not in a metro area.

  • Moving is one of the most expensive things you may ever do in your life.

  • Eastern time is the correct time.

  • The Google Pixel 9 XL feels better in the hand than a new iPhone.

  • 9:30 bedtime is literally for toddlers and I feel attacked, but also I’m tired.

  • Meal prep and having a predictable menu all week is the best.

The sunset from my front porch

My brother and his fiance brought a grill!


#MondayMotivation - Everyone's got something


Thursday Thoughts - I'm Moving On