A Healthier Mike - February 2019 Check-In
“Don’t stop
When it all drops
Saying maybe something good is coming
Maybe something good is coming my way”
Quick Stats
Total steps: 292,001
Average daily steps: 10,429
Highest daily steps: 19,013 (February 3)
Lowest daily steps: 4,050 (February 9)
Total miles walked/ran/hiked: 56.76
Total miles hiked: 14.82
Days with over 7 hours of sleep: 2, with 6 days at 6-7 hours
Average daily sleep: 5 hours 35 minutes
The Good
Number of days with activity is up from January!
Daily step average is up from January.
My willingness to get out and do some activity is up from January
I closed the rings on my Apple Watch more days than January, with better days and higher goals.
More active days than January!
My jeans are too big now, which is both nice and really annoying
The dog is forcing me to walk on days I don’t want to because he basically expects his miles now
The Not-So-Good
My average sleep is down 11 minutes per night and that’s kind of depressing.
I broke even on weight, which isn’t bad or good, just a bummer. I know I did not try as hard as I could have to eat better, but I certainly walked more. Here’s to pushing it a bit further in March.
I have been so depressed this month and thus have been eating to comfort myself and that’s not always the most productive way to handle it. Exercise has helped and I plan to increase the frequency and difficulty.
I didn’t really take any “super” long hikes, and I’d like to do something a little more intense. Plans for March.
I lost a snowshoe in February, not really health related, but it needed to be said.
Mental Health
It’s been kind of a shitty month.
I’ve been insecure about work because I’m learning how to do things, despite having wonderful coworkers who really do take the time to help and guide.
I’ve been grumpy because of the rain keeping me indoors.
I’ve been upset that I can’t stay on track with a moderate amount of calories.
Exercise is helping me clear my mind, find some calm, and take deep breaths.
I plan to read more in March, that should help too.
I’m journaling daily now, which is a big help also. It really helps to get shit out on a page.
Thoughts, Notes, Conclusions
Pizza just needs to be off limits because I have ZERO self control
When I’m feeling drained, I don’t want to grocery shop or make dinner or clean up the kitchen afterwards. I need to work out a system for these days so I don’t fall so far off the wagon of trying to be healthy.
I honestly don’t recall the last time I went out of my way to order a pop.
Kombucha is still my favorite drink.
My body isn’t REALLY craving anything bad - I never desire candy or cookies. I want cheese and bread. All is good in moderation, but…ya know.
I think I’m truly lactose intolerant. I’m on a mission to avoid all dairy with the exception of hard/aged cheeses, Greek yogurt, butter, sour cream, and the occasional splash of heavy whipping cream. The real bummer is giving up ice cream, but it is for the best. (I know non-dairy ice cream exists, but what’s the point?)
February Wins & Goals for March
Read/Listen to at least 8 books
I’m going to continue to try to drink less alcohol - to make it more of a special occasion instead.
Take a weekend off of social media
Going to restart Couch 2 5K on March 3
I increased my days over 10,000 steps from 41% to 57% of the month and thus want to reach that 75% mark in March.
More adventurous hikes - I have a few spots in mind out in west Texas
Found new routes in February and want to incorporate them more often in March.
Work on getting the household and friends on board with my life goals, so it’s easier to interact and live day to day together
Read and write daily
Daily walks at least 6 times per week, regardless of Couch 2 5K workouts or hikes