30 Days of Thanks - Day 14

Today I’m thankful for nice neighbors. I moved to Lancaster back in September and the two houses across the street introduced themselves right away and one even shared their tomato crop! We may only interact with a wave or casual conversation, but it serves as a reminder that this neighborhood is kind and welcoming. These people are friendly faces now, and it’s good to know your neighbors. I’m hopeful for future encounters.

I’m reminded of my old neighbor in Olympia! She was a real trip. She loved to sunbathe in the tiny yard, had a funny dog who didn’t love people, and was always really chatty. She was nice and helped me with paint color matching (they were condos) and also brought me flowers one day. Some days, I miss her vibrancy.

In Portland, I had a neighbor on my floor who I could meet for a beer or just hang out. He would stop by to say hi or we’d go hit up a brewery, it was quite nice. My other neighbor’s partner was the guy who found my stuff stolen from my car when it was broken into, and called me to make sure I got it back. I’ve been very fortunate to have cool people around me, at least recently.

Back in the day, I lived one house down from my Aunt and Uncle in Texas. Other than it being Texas, or the opinionated guy living between us, we had a blast being that close. I miss being able to walk over or go for golf-cart rides. What are you thankful for today?


30 Days of Thanks - Day 15


Way Back Wednesday - the Land of Enchantment