#hike34 - Cedar Ridge Preserve
Good morning! My hike this morning started early and ended strong. I set out to do the 8 mile DORBA loop at Cedar Hill State Park, but their trails were closed and were not marked on the website or social media - eye roll. Cedar Ridge is always a favorite and I wasn't even mad that I had the pleasure of hitting those trails. I actually remembered a trash bag too so I could collect the crap left behind by others. What a great morning. I beat the rain, by about an hour, and it was worth the early morning on a Sunday. Location: Cedar Ridge Preserve - Dallas, TX
Date: 8/27/2017
Distance: 4.2 miles (though, Google said 4.78 which I think was a stretch)
Trails: Cedar Brake, Fossil Valley, Cattail Pond
I set out to do all the hills I could find, and I did. I did the Cedar Brake trail which goes up and down, did the Fossil Valley because I knew it had a steep one, and same with Cattail Pond back to the parking lot. I really needed a day like this - to get my butt back in the groove of things.
Happy hiking!