A Healthier Mike - January 2019
Another month is upon us and my health goals from December are carrying forward into January. I didn’t quite make the mark last month with fitness and health, so we’ll keep pushing through striving for greatness this month. I don’t do resolutions at the new year, but I do have ongoing goals through the year that I edit as necessary. These goals range from financial goals to hiking goals, with everything in between. I plan to write every month, probably at the beginning, about the previous month and where I am with my goals. These posts will be specifically related to a healthier mind and body. Last year, I attempted to write about these things weekly and I didn’t see it necessary. Most people don’t care, and I don’t want to take the time as I’m already writing and recording about my goals in a journal and spreadsheet.
Ongoing General Goals
Eat less food (overall)
Move my body more (overall)
Eat more fresh and whole foods
Sleep more
Read more
Hike more often
Specific Goals
Lose 35 pounds by my 35th birthday
Run a 5K by summer
Hike 52 times in 2019
Run a trail (or several, but at least one)
The Plan
Meal plan for each week (rough or detailed, just a plan)
Cut out processed sugars
Walk, run, workout, or hike 30 minutes at least 5 times per week
Limit eating out to 2 lunches per month, dinners TBD
Eat more vegetables with every meal
Track food intake in My Fitness Pal app
Get to bed before 10pm
Track fitness with Apple Watch
Things I’m not doing
Weighing myself daily
Beating myself up for missteps
Comparing myself to anyone else and their journey (though, I do look up to people and their abilities when it comes to certain things like hiking and running)
Generally, I have issues with eating the correct portions of food. I overeat, regularly. It’s something I struggle with and work on every day of every year. Being conscious of what I eat and tracking every item is the only way for me to grasp just how much is going into my body. When I track my food, I feel better and often maintain a better heads space about food and fitness.
I’m not doing this with weight loss as a main goal; I want weight loss to be a side effect. I am working on my health and fitness to ensure I’m around to enjoy life. I want to hike, kayak, and backpack without having to slow down all the time. I want to feel confident in group settings and get out with people a little more advanced than myself. I want to feel less smashed on an airplane and I want to be even more comfortable with myself just about everywhere. I want to run some trails and actually run an entire 5K. I want to do so much and I am going to keep trying.
The vanity of it all is that I want to look down and not see a giant belly. I want to look nice in my puffy coat and vest. I want to feel comfortable with fitted clothing on my body. So, all of the health things aside, I want to look good too. I don’t want to be some ripped guy and I know I’ll never have a skinny body, but I just want to be a little less fluffy.
Follow along, or don’t, I’ll be here the first week of every month recapping and rerouting the plan as necessary. I wish you a healthy month ahead.