One Among Them: A Lost Gorge Mystery By M.K. Dymock

I'm usually a nonfiction reader, but this book kept me turning the virtual page without end...until the end, anyway.  What a thriller.  The story is about a young woman, in an adventurous western town, who finds herself lost and alone in the middle of nowhere, hunted by someone that doesn't want her to survive.  One Among Them is as much about wilderness survival as it is a thrilling mystery; the combination was very well combined.  Each chapter has a new twist and it will keep the reader wanting more.

  • The book is written in a style that is modern and easy to read
  • Character development was wonderful, framing each person wholly for full understanding of how everyone intertwines
  • The mystery and survival techniques were blended perfectly
  • Twists and turns in every chapter keep the reader wanting more
  • One Among Them would make a good movie, in my opinion

An enjoyable mix of an adventure narrative, search and rescue thrills, and small town anecdotes really ground this book to reality.  This story could happen in any small, adventure town and that makes the whole thing even more thrilling.  One Among Them highlights the unity of the small town, the power of wealth in a struggling community, and how that power can be abused when tested.



*Pick up a Kindle version or paperback here.  This is not sponsored, I just really loved the book.*


Ranger Confidential: Living, Working, and Dying in the National Parks by Andrea Lankford