52 Hike Challenge 2023 Michael Nowak 52 Hike Challenge 2023 Michael Nowak

2023 Hike 6 - Hilburn Preserve

52 Hikes With Mike - Hike 6

Hilburn Preserve - Shelton, WA

I took a short drive (maybe 25 mins) to a small town called Shelton and parked behind the Ford dealership to go for a hike along the Goldsborough Creek. I didn’t want to adventure too far, and I wasn’t really feeling much as far as physical exertion, so I this little stroll looked perfect. It was a relatively easy trail, through some gorgeous trees covered in moss towering over an abundance of ferns.

It was a short hike through the first part which was right along the creek, through some big trees. From there, it opened up and I had to cross over some fallen trees. I followed the trail to the railroad tracks, and crossed, but it got a little thick and I didn’t feel like going any further. I turned back and took an alternative route through some bigger trees. The sun was streaming through, it was a gorgeous morning. The moss was illuminated and the ferns were a brilliant green. The area was relatively quiet and I saw no one around.

Happy trails and stay safe out there! Enjoy some photos.

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