#hike22 - Border Route Trail
Date: Monday, August 21, 2019
Location: Border Route Trail, Cook County, Minnesota
Distance: 5.76
Trails: Border Route Trail
Miles from Home: 1282
Weather: Sunny to partly cloudy, cool, windy
I try to get up to Minnesota at least once a year, but this year I got to visit twice! The first time was in February, which is one of my favorite times of year up there, and a recap of that adventure can be found HERE. This time, I took a week off in late August, hopped in my buddy’s truck, and hauled ass north. My friend Kevin has family and a cabin up there and since I’ve known him forever I claim the family and am welcomed to visit the cabin as often as possible. We had tasks to accomplish, as we always do when visiting the cabin, but I also suggested a little hike on the Border Route Trail.
We had cool weather with sporadic rain, but did not worry too much about this little hike. Our plan was to keep it simple, hike for a few miles and turn back. We took lunch, a couple of trail beers, and our hammocks to enjoy at the halfway point.
The trail started with a little climb, through some trees and then continued to climb for a couple of miles. We eventually found ourselves on a ridge and peeking through the trees to Canada. The trail was overgrown in spots, flanked by huge pines in others, and a little muddy in the low spots. I’d like to get on the BRT again and hike the other direction a little bit or even further along beyond our turnaround point.