2019 #hike1 - Shoreline Trail at Lake Lewisville
It is outside and it is dirt, so it counts.
Quick Stats
Date: January 5, 2019
Location: Shoreline Trail (starting at Stewart Park in The Colony, TX)
Distance: 3.7 Miles
Trails: Shoreline Trail is only one trail
Miles from Home: 26
Weather: Sunny and mid-40s
Equipment: Apple Watch, iPhone, Olympus TG-5 camera
Only a few people out and about meant I had the place mostly to myself
Nice gravel path with very little clay
Nice bridges over the really swampy drains
Dogs are allowed and there were plenty of dogs along the way in yards
Low Points
Very populated areas, would be more suited for daily walks than a “hike”
Noisy - road noise, people doing yard work, etc.
Very muddy and flooded in parts due to neighborhood drainage
This is a great trail for neighborhood locals needing a good run or to walk their dogs. This was not a hiking trial, by my standards. I enjoyed the stroll, regardless of what this trail was, but did miss the seclusion other urban parks in the area offer. I saw several birds including mallards, cardinals, and blue jays. I’d recommend this to any local inhabitant within a few miles, but I will not likely be driving 26 miles for this one again. The point in which I turned around due to flooding was the point where the trail was furthest from neighborhoods, so there is some potential for a more secluded walk that I just didn’t get to experience today.
The actual walking/hiking revealed that I’ve been way too lazy for way too long. I noticed it back in Alaska too, and I’m glad to be getting outside again. This trail technically the “hike with a body of water” in the 52 Hike Challenge Adventure Series, but I intend to aim higher for this one. Until the next one, happy trails!